{{B}}Cosmetic Surgery{{/B}} Surgery that can improve the way a person looks is becoming more and more popular in the United States. This kind of surgery is called cosmetic surgery, and both men and women are turning to this treatment as a way of keeping their appearance young as well as keeping competitive (有竞争力的) in their jobs. Men especially are beginning to turn to face-lifts (面部拉皮手术), liposuction (taking fat out of the body), and implants (putting artificial parts into their bodies) to help them look younger. As companies downsize (缩编) and move younger employees into higher positions, older employees in their late forties and early fifties feel the need to look and act younger in order to stay competitive. These operations are not without dangers, however. [单选题]冲洗悬垂、耐张绝缘子串、瓷横担时,应从( )依次冲洗。冲洗支柱绝缘子及绝缘瓷套时,应( )冲洗。
A. A.横担侧向导线侧;从下向上 B.B.导线侧向横担侧;从下向上 C.C.横担侧向导线侧;从上向下 D.D.导线侧向横担侧;从上向下 [单选题]低压电气设备保护接地的接地电阻一般不得超过( )。
A.4Ω B.10Ω C.0.5MΩ D.0.5Ω [多项选择]国际证监会公布证券监管的主要目标为()。
A. 保护投资者 B. 防止市场操纵 C. 降低系统风险 D. 透明和信息公开 [不定项选择题]不属于抢救危重病人时优先考虑的是
A.要有急病人所急的紧迫感 B.要有敢担风险团结协作的使命感 C.要有深厚的同情感 D.抢救前先让患者知情同意 E.要有经济头脑,保证少花钱多办事 [多选题]经济全球化 ( )
A. 使世界生产力的得到了发展 B. 使发展中国家总体上处于更为不利的地位 C. 使发展中国家形成了对别国经济的依赖 D. 使世界经济发展不平衡加剧 [单项选择]恶性程度最高的黑素瘤类型是()。
A. 浅表扩散性黑素瘤 B. 结节性黑素瘤 C. 肢端雀斑痣样黑素瘤 D. 恶性雀斑痣样黑素瘤 [单项选择]患儿,22天。面目皮肤发黄20,色泽鲜明如橘皮,精神疲倦,不欲吮乳,尿黄便秘,舌红苔黄。其证候是()
A. 肝失疏泄 B. 瘀积发黄 C. 寒湿阻滞 D. 湿热熏蒸 E. 胆道不利 [单选题]王某应聘到某施工单位,双方于4月15日签订为期3年的劳动合同,其中约定试用期3个月,次日合同开始履行。7月18日,王某拟解除劳动合同,则( )。
A.必须取得用人单位同意 B.口头通知用人单位即可 C.应提前30日以书面形式通知用人单位 D.应报请劳动行政主管部门同意后以书面形式通知用人单位 [单选题]电缆护套穿入进线嘴长度一般为( )。
A.2-5mm B.5-15mm C.15-20mm [多选题]对( )采用爆破法拆除时,在爆破前应按其结构深度将周围的泥土全部挖除。
A.广场 B.道路 C.地下构筑物 D.地下埋设物 [简答题]架空线路主要施工环节有哪些?立杆时应注意些什么?
Passage Two Well, it could not have got better for young Kavya Shivashankar, a 13-year-old student from Olathe, Kansas as she came out very successfully at the Scripps National Spelling Bee 2009 (2009全美拼写大赛). On Thursday night she defeated the other 11 finalists to win the 82nd Scripps National Spelling Bee, taking home more than $40, 000 cash money along with other prizes. Kavya Shivashankar, whose parents migrated to the United States from India, and who aims to become a doctor, enjoys playing the violin, bicycling, swimming and learning Indian classical dance. Thing came a bit late in Kavya’s life since she could win the championship with her fourth appearance in the competition. The last three times when she had taken part in the same competition she had finished Tenth, Eighth and Fourth. However, this time Kavya proved her courage and determination by winning the title she had been competing for so long. Her last chall A. One of the 11 finalists at the spelling competition. B. A 13-year-old girl planning to become a star dancer. C. Champion of the Scripps National Spelling Bee 2009. D. An Indian girl enjoying playing various musical instruments. 我来回答: 提交