_x000D_ As the new economy has cooled, there has Been a
steady drumbeat of layoff announcements. More than 36,000 dotcom employees were
cut in the second half of last year, including some 10,000 last month. But th6
firings went well beyond dotcomland. There were more than 480,000 layoffs
through November. General Motors is laying off 15,000 workers with the closing
of Oldsmobile. Whirlpool is trimming 6,300 workers; Aetna is letting go
5,000. The remarkable thing is that US unemployment has so far stayed strikingly low. While the NASDAQ plunged and growth trailed off last year, the unemployment rate fluctuated between 3.9% and 4.1%. That pales compared with the unemployment rates during Old Economy dark years like 1992 (7.5%) and 1982 (9.7%). And it gives the lie to an Old Economy article of faith--that there was a "natural r A. It can guide the workers to where they are most useful. B. It can make working more efficient. C. It can improve the profit of the management by reducing the number of the workers. D. It can promote the workers’ social position. [单项选择]
A. predictable B. available C. impossible D. potential [单选题]当移动台穿越工作于不同小区频率时则发生()切换,即移动台先中断与原基站的联系再与新基站取得联系
A.硬切换 B.软切换 C.软硬切换 D.强制切换 [多选题]在电力系统正常状况下,10kV及以下三相供电的客户,受电端供电电压允许偏差为额定值的( )
A.A.3% B.B.5% C.C.7% D.D.10% [单选题]从1840年鸦片战争到1919年五四运动的80年间,中国人民面对外来侵略进行了英勇顽强的反抗,但历次的反侵略战争中,都以中国失败、中国政府被迫签订丧权辱国的条约而告终。从外部因素看,当然是敌人力量强大,而从中国内部因素来分析,其根本原因是( )。
A.军事战略错误 B.社会制度腐败 C.经济技术落后 D.思想观念保守 [单选题]()网络具备高带宽和低延迟两大特性,具备传输4K视频的能力,从而确保出色游戏体验。
A.1G B.3G C.4G D.5G [单选题]对闭锁式高频保护,关于线路两侧收发信机的工作频率,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.线路两侧收发信机的收信频率.发信频率为同一频率 B.线路两侧收发信机的收信频率为同一频率,而两侧收发信机的发信频率同为另一频率 C.线路一侧收发信机的收信频率与对侧收发信机的发信频率为同一频率,而该侧收发信机的发信频率与对侧收发信机的收信频率同为另一频率 D.线路每侧收发信机的收信频率.发信频率均不同,且与对侧收发信机的收信频率-发信频率也不相同 [单项选择]天然气管道当设计压力大于4MPa时,焊缝无损检测的合格级别为()。
A. Ⅰ级 B. Ⅱ级 C. Ⅲ级 [单选题]训练工作按照“一专多能、多能一体”要求,要坚持( ),从任务需要出发从难从严训练,确保人员、内容、时间、质量落实。
A.实战实训、按纲施训、依法治训、科学组训 B.实战实训、按纲施训、依法治训 C.按纲施训、依法治训、科学组训 D.实战实训、依法治训、科学组训 [填空题]The best sunglasses aren’t always the most expensive. No one with normal eyes needs sunglasses to{{U}} (36) {{/U}} damage to their eyesight. But sunglasses do make life more{{U}} (37) {{/U}}. Tile eye itself can deal with a wide range of light intensity from bright sunlight to a dimly-lit room. It{{U}} (38) {{/U}}closes down in bright sunlight so that less light can enter it. Actually bright light won’t harm your eyes. However, glare can lead to headaches as you{{U}} (39) {{/U}}the muscles around your eyes and then the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}in your neck. Reducing that glare with a good pair of sunglasses makes bright sun more{{U}} (41) {{/U}}whether the glare comes from the printed page of a newspaper or from the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}in front of you. But don’t use them to stare at the sun or a welder’s flame. No sunglasses will{{U}} (43) {{/U}}you from such intense light.
While you buy your sunglasses,{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. You shouldn’t buy sunglasses without trying them on. Th
A. 28周 B. 32周 C. 34周 D. 35周 E. 36周 [单选题]工程部现有航空器/集体维修资格不包括?
A.B737-300F机型 8A(含)以下定检维修 B.A320机型6000FH/4500FC/605CA以下定检维修(含) C.B737-300F机型 1C(含)以下 D.B737-300F、A320航线维修 [单项选择]500总吨以上的船舶至少配备()台双向VHF无线电话通信设备。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [判断题]车站铁路公安部门办理的临时身份证明一式两联,载明持有人姓名、性别、年龄、身份证件号码.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]消化性溃疡发生的基本原理是
A. 幽门螺杆菌感染 B. 胃酸分泌过多 C. 胃黏膜保护作用减弱 D. 胃酸和胃蛋白酶的消化作用 E. 黏膜损害因素和保护因素之间失去平衡 [判断题]反接制动就是改变输入电动机的电源相序,是电动机反向旋转。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]民警小李、小张到达现场后,对违法犯罪行为人甲及时进行了有效处置,小李、小张认为案情简单,可以不向其所属的派出所报告。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]青春期高血压的特点是()
A. 收缩压和舒张压都有一定程度升高 B. 收缩压升高,舒张压升高不明显 C. 舒张压升高,收缩压不升高 D. 收缩期升高一段时期后继之以舒张压明显升高 E. 舒张压升高一段时期后继之以收缩压明显升高 [简答题]
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