The early retirement of experienced
workers is seriously harming the U. S. economy, according to a new report from
the Hudson Institute, a public policy research organization. Currently, many
older experienced workers retire at an early age. According to the recently
issued statistics, 79 percent of qualified workers begin collecting retirement
benefits at age 62; if that trend continues, there will be a labor shortage that
will hinder the economic growth in the twenty-first century. Older Americans constitute an increasing proportion of the population, according to the U. S. Census Bureau, and the population of those over age 65 will grow by 60% between 2001 and 2020. During the same period, the group aged 18 to 44 will increase by only 4%. Keeping older skilled workers employed, even part time, would increase U. S. economic outp A. to advocate radically reforming government policies B. to take into account the benefits upon retirement C. to put in practice what Hudson researchers believe in D. to prolong the practicability of older experienced employees [单选题]进入容器、槽箱内部进行检查、清洗和检修工作,应加强()。严禁向内部输送氧气。
A.监视 B.通风 C.检测 [单选题]在潜油电泵保护器型号中,连通式保护器用符号()表示。
A.H B.L C.M D.B [判断题]( )向企业员工灌输的职业道德太多了,容易使员工产生谨小慎微的观念。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]膝关节疾病患者的功能体位评估:患侧膝屈曲( ),膝下垫软枕。( )
A..15。~20。 B..30。 C..45。 D..60。 E..90。 [单项选择]通常称胰头增大,其前后径测值应()
A. >2.0cm B. >2.5cm C. >3.0cm D. >3.5cm E. >4.0cm [单项选择]萌牙延迟的判断()
A. >4个月 B. >6个月 C. >10个月 D. >12个月 E. 均不是 [判断题]青岛农商银行第三方存管业务,可以满足投资者参与证券市场资金第三方存管的需求。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于使用Directory和DirectoryInfo类获取子目录的正确描述()。
A. Directory.GetDirectories返回一个目录数组 B. DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories返回一个目录数组 C. Directory.GetDirectories返回一个字符串数组 D. DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories返回一个字符串数组 [单项选择]应计收利息的计提分录()。
A. 借:应计收XX利息—应计收XX利息收入户 B. 借:XX利息支出—XX利息支出户 C. 借:应付XX利息—应付XX利息户 D. 借:XX利息收入—XX利息收入户 [单项选择]当达到K+平衡电位时 ( )
A. 膜两侧K+浓度梯度为零 B. 膜外K+浓度大于膜内 C. 膜两侧电位梯度为零 D. 膜内电位较膜外电位相对较正 E. 膜内外K+的净外流为零 [简答题]第三部门崛起的背景是什么?
A. 食欲不振,腹胀、腹泻或便秘 B. 口角炎、口腔黏膜可见小溃疡 C. 四肢麻木、共济失调、行走不稳 D. 舌痛、舌面光、舌乳头萎缩 E. 心悸、气急 [判断题]年度节假日安排,依据国家年节及纪念日放假有关规定和通知执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] BK28030XZ011 关于肾综合征出血热病毒的叙述,下列哪项是正确的 ( )
A. 主要作用于毛细血管内皮细胞并可导致免疫病理损伤 B. 是无包膜的RNA病毒 C. 主要以蜱为传播媒介 D. 传染源主要是食草动物 E. 病后不能获得牢固免疫力,二次发病多见 [判断题]选择液压油时,除按泵、阀样本的规定外,一般高压时用低粘度油,中、低压时用较低粘度的油。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]某食品厂申请500千伏安新装用电,作为客户经理,你确定供电电源点的原则是什么?
[单选题]截断塞门安装在车辆制动( )上。P131T536
A.主管两端 B.主管中部 C.支管 我来回答: 提交