The empty house, in a middle-class
corner of southern California, is two storeys high and boasts a three-car
garage. Roses bloom around a kidney-shaped swimming pool, which is green with
algae. Bill Bobbitt, a county inspector, dips a ladle into the water and brings
up half a dozen wriggling larvae. Mosquitoes, and the West Nile virus that some
of them carry, are thriving in California’s plunging property market.
West Nile virus arrived in America in 1999 and made it to California three years later. Since then it is known to have infected 2,300 people in the state, of whom 76 have died. In Orange County this is the worst summer yet. By this point last year officials there had discovered nine birds that had been killed by West Nile virus and not one infected mosquito. So far this year they have found 219 infected birds and 75 infecte A. Mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus was spotted last year. B. Death caused by West Nile virus has exceeded 1000. C. West Nile virus has circulated in US for about 10 years. D. More than 200 birds are reported to die of West Nile virus. [单选题]根据《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》的规定,集中报警系统应由火灾探测器、手动火灾报警按钮、火灾声光警报器、消防应急广播、消防专用电话、消防控制室图形显示装置、火灾报警控制器、( )等组成。
A. 消防控制室 B. 消防联动控制器 C. 区域显示器 D. 消防模块 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第19条规定,成人旅客携带的免费儿童超过规定人数时,超过的人数应买全价票。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于消防通用安全绳维护保养的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.消防通用安全绳存放在消防车内时要包裹严实,防止与其他器材摩擦影响安全性能。 B.避免与水接触潮湿,发生霉变。与水接触后应及时存放在通风干燥处阴干或者晾干,切忌暴晒。 C.排水管道绳索要绕大圈收绳保管,在库内存放时要放入通风阴凉处,以防霉变。 D.要远离油脂、发泡剂、蓄电池液等,应立即冲洗干净并晾干。 E.槽车泄漏用后若有污物要用清水清洗,放置阴凉处晾干。 [判断题]PPPOE拨号与传统拨号过程几乎一样,但速度更快。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]光时域分析仪进行光缆性能测试距离应设置为大概距离的( )倍设置。
A.1.5 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单选题]预防脑膜或中枢神经系统白血病的主要措施是( ) (1分.)
A.放射治疗 B.联合治疗 C.骨髓移植 D.缓解巩固期鞘内注射化疗药物 E.激素治疗 [名词解释]布朗克现象
A. 主要原因为术中失血较多 B. 症状多不能自行缓解,需要再次手术治疗 C. 常发生在术后病人第一次抬头或起床活动时 D. 疼痛在侧卧时减轻,再次平卧时加重 E. 一般持续时间在一周以上 [单选题]PTC半导体热敏电阻率随着温度上升,电阻率( )
A..上升 B.迅速下降 C.保持不变 D.归零 [单选题]普速线路曲线地段,实设最大超高,在双线上不得大于( )。
A.150mm B.75mm C.50mm D.125mm [单项选择]下列海绵状淋巴管瘤的临床特点,不正确的是()。
A. 面部、颈部、唇舌口腔黏膜、躯干、四肢及外阴等均可发生 B. 主要生长于皮肤、皮下组织、肌肉和肌间结缔组织间隙中 C. 呈多房囊腔,囊壁较厚,充满淋巴液,压之有伸缩性 D. 表面皮肤色素沉着明显 E. 可在局部产生各种巨舌、巨唇或巨肢等畸形 [单项选择]电动捣固机电动机使用()后应将轴承拆下来清洗干净,晾干后涂上润滑脂重新装好,润滑脂以充满轴承型腔的三分之一为宜。电机轴前端的防逆装置须经常上油,以保持推键摆动自如,工作可靠。
A. 500h B. 800h C. 1000h D. 1200h [单选题]依据线路电压等级和用户对象,电力线路可分为配电线路和( )线路。
A.照明 B.动力 C.送电 [单选题]发生火灾时,应___
A.跳楼逃生 B.按指挥人员要求逃离 C.听天由命 D.抢救物资 [单选题]调整钩位,处理钩销时,必须等列车车列停妥,并得到调车长回示,昼间由( )防护
A.调车长 B.连结员 C.制动员 D.制动长 [单项选择]It is difficult to say exactly how the music we call "rock" or "rock and roll" began. Its roots go back to many different countries and many different kinds of music and musicians.
Rock music developed mainly from the interaction of black African and white European music. The Europeans and the African slaves who came to America during the seventeenth century each had their own different kinds of music. Black Africans used heavy drumbeats, a rough singing voice, and the calling of a melody and answer of a chorus. The white Europeans, mostly English and Scots, used a stronger melody, a less heavy beat, and instruments such as guitars, horns, and fiddles. The history of rock and roll is the history of how rock evolved from these two traditions. From the seventeenth to the twentieth century, musicians in the southern United States developed two new forms of music: the blues, usually played by blacks, and country music, played by whites. Black musicians sang the blues accompan A. the life of Elvis Presley B. the history of American music C. the development of rock and roll D. the development of black African and the white European music [多选题]下列说法符合实际情况的是( )。: ( )
A.缝纫机处于死点位置时,可以借助大带轮的惯性顺利通过死点 B.缝纫机处于死点位置时,可以加大踩踏力以通过死点 C.内燃机中曲柄滑块机构,且活塞为原动件,存在死点 D.内燃机中曲柄滑块机构,采用多个曲柄滑块机构错位排列的方式通过死点 [单选题]换流阀冷却系统中保护包括温度保护、液位保护、流量压力保护等,那么其中第温度保护指的(____)。
A.出阀温度 B.进阀温度 C.阀厅温度 D.环境温度 [单项选择]在证券交易所的证券投资基金是()。
A. 开放式基金 B. 封闭式基金 C. 私募基金 D. 以上均可 [单项选择]通过售手撕定额发票产生的通行费收入由()录入系统。
A. 收费部 B. 收费站 C. 收费员 D. 收费班长 [单选题]关于天翼云3.0 关系型数据库的能力特性,哪个不正确( )。
A.最早是基于开源社区 MySQL 5.6 版本 B.主备实例支持AZ内或者跨AZ部署 C.支持创建最多10个只读实例 D.支持自动备份和可恢复到保留期内任意时间点 [简答题]什么是马力和扭力?
A. 早期诊断 B. 与良性前列腺增生肥大鉴别 C. 确定晚期病变范围 D. 确定肿瘤是否穿破包膜 E. 判断有无骨转移 [判断题]无人机数据链跳屏组合越高,抗干扰能力越强。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《岗位作业指导书》中要求列车办公席配备的资料有:三乘检查记录、客运乘务工作日志、客运记录、作业过程、交接簿、备品损坏记录、电报、特殊重点旅客服务交接本等八项资料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]观众是戏剧艺术的重要一极,先锋戏剧创造浓烈的剧场性,注重()
A. 情节的发展 B. 舞台幻觉 C. 与观众的交流 [判断题]禁止作业人员擅自移动或拆除遮栏(围栏)、标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交