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发布时间:2024-06-22 22:40:07

[单选题]There Pictures from outer space now show us how much land has changed on earth.These images are taken by Landsat 7,a government satellite.The satellites have been used for 27 years.They reveal the clear-cutting of forests in the northwestern part of the United States.Pictures show the loss of rain forests in South America. NASA's Darrel Williams speaks about the Landsat 7 Project.He said that an eruption caused trees to burn up in a large forest.Fifteen years later,pinkish images from space show that the trees and plant life are growing again.Williams says that clear-cut areas easily show up in the pictures.He wants Americans to look at how much land is being cleared of forests in our country. Satellites have provided other information about changes on earth.In the past ten years,more than four miles have shrunk from glaciers in Alaska.Landsat 7 received these computer images of Glacier Bay in Alaska. Hurricanes Floyd and Irene have damaged the coastline in North Carolina.Runoff from farms and silt have gone into the.ocean according to satellite images.Loss of trees and forests have caused hotter summers in southern cities such as Atlanta,Georgia. The Landsat 7 images are like pictures in a photo album.Instead of pictures of the family,the album shows changes around the globe in the past 25 years. A new satellite,Terra,is going to be launched by NASA soon.It will be more advanced than Landsat 7 and will take important global pictures.Ocean temperatures and energy loss will be provided by Terra daily. Terra will be a better satellite because
A.no other country can make one like it
B.it is much cheaper to operate
C.it is more sophisticated than Landsat 7
D.Terra will show energy gains

更多"[单选题]There Pictures from outer spac"的相关试题:

[单选题]There Pictures from outer space now show us how much land has changed on earth.These images are taken by Landsat 7,a government satellite.The satellites have been used for 27 years.They reveal the clear-cutting of forests in the northwestern part of the United States.Pictures show the loss of rain forests in South America. NASA's Darrel Williams speaks about the Landsat 7 Project.He said that an eruption caused trees to burn up in a large forest.Fifteen years later,pinkish images from space show that the trees and plant life are growing again.Williams says that clear-cut areas easily show up in the pictures.He wants Americans to look at how much land is being cleared of forests in our country. Satellites have provided other information about changes on earth.In the past ten years,more than four miles have shrunk from glaciers in Alaska.Landsat 7 received these computer images of Glacier Bay in Alaska. Hurricanes Floyd and Irene have damaged the coastline in North Carolina.Runoff from farms and silt have gone into the.ocean according to satellite images.Loss of trees and forests have caused hotter summers in southern cities such as Atlanta,Georgia. The Landsat 7 images are like pictures in a photo album.Instead of pictures of the family,the album shows changes around the globe in the past 25 years. A new satellite,Terra,is going to be launched by NASA soon.It will be more advanced than Landsat 7 and will take important global pictures.Ocean temperatures and energy loss will be provided by Terra daily. Silt and heavy run-off from farms in North Carolina were caused by__.
A.Hurricanes Irene and Floyd
B.Hurricanes Floyd and Carla
C.an eruption from a volcano
D.deforestation of trees
[单选题]His presentation will show you ____ can be used in other contexts.
A.that you have observed
B.that how you have observed
C.how that you have observed
D.how what you have observed
[单选题]--- -Why not come and join us in the game? ------(). But I must meet Mr Smith at his office now..
A. I'd like to
B. Let's go
C. Yes, please
D. It's a pleasure
[单选题]If the radar receiver detects the retarding time tR=500(S between transmitting pulse and receiving pulse, now the target is _______ km from the radar station.
[单选题]题目 100
--When will Uncle Sam come to see us? --He'll visit us this weekend. He ( )me that by email.
A. told
B. is told
C. will tell
D. was going to tell
[单选题]调试超声波检测仪时,测得t0=5us,已知某测点声距L=40cm,仪器显示声时为105us,则超声波在混凝土中传播的声速为( )。
[单选题]Text 1 Smartphones have by now been implicated in so many crummy outcomes-car fatalities,sleep disturbances,empathy loss,relationship problems,failure to notice a clown on a unicycle-that it almost seems easier to list the things they don't mess up than the things they do.Our society may be reaching peak criticism of digital devices.Even so.emerging research suggests that a kev Droblem remains underaDDreciated.It involves kids'development,but it's probably not what you think.More than screen-obsessed young children,we should be concerned about tuned-out parents.Yes,parents now have more face time with their children than did almost any parents in history.Despite a dramatic increase in the percentage of women in the workforce,mothers today astoundingly spend morc time caring for their children than mothers did in the 1960s.But the engagement between parent and child is increasingly Iow-quality,even ersatz.Parents are constantly present in their children's lives physically,but they are less emotionally attuned.To be clear,I'm not unsympathetic to parents in this predicament.My own adult children like to joke that they wouldn't have survived infancy ifl'd had a smartphone in my clutches 25 years ago.To argue that parents'use of screens is an underappreciated problem isn't to discount the direct risks screens pose to children:Substantial evidence suggests that many types of screen time(especially those involving fast-paced or violent imagery)are damaging to young brains.Today's preschoolers spend more than four hours a day facing a screen.And,since 1970,the average age of onset of"regular"screen use has gone from 4 years to just four months.Some of the newer interactive games kids play on phones or tablets may be more benign than watching TV or YouTube,in that they better mimic children's natural play behaviors.And,of course,many well-functioning adults survived a mind-numbing childhood spent watching a lot of cognitive garbage.(My mother-unusually for her time-prohibited Speed Racer and Gilligan's Island on the grounds of insipidness.That I somehow managed to watch every single episode of each show scores of times has never been explained.)Still,no one really disputes the tremendous opportunity costs to young children who are plugged in to a screen:Time spent on devices is time not spent actively exploring the world and relating to other human beings. Which kind of game may be wholesome for kids?
A.A game with limited episode.
B.A game according with their nature.
C.A game testing cognitive level.
D.A game promoting brain development.
[单选题]Now that members of Generation Z are graduating college this springthe most commonly-accepted definition says this generation was bom after 1995,give or take a year-the attention has been rising steadily in recent weeks.GenZs are about to hit the streets looking for work in a labor market that's tighter than it's been in decades.And employers are planning on hiring about 17 percent more new graduates for jobs in the U.S.this year than last,according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.Everybody wants to know how the people who will soon inhabit those empty office cubicles will differ from those who came before them.If"entitled"is the most common adjective,fairly or not,applied to millennials(those bom between 1981 and 1995),the catchwords for Generation Z are practical and cautious.According to the career counselors and expert who study them,Generation Zs are clear-eyed,economic pragmatists.Despite graduating into the best economy in the past 50 years,Gen Zs know what an economic train wreck looks like.They were impressionable kids during the crash of 2008,when many of their parents lost their jobs or their life savings or both.They aren,'t interested in taking any chances.The booming economy seems to have done little to assuage this underlying generational sense of anxious urgency,especially for those who have college debt.College loan balances in the U.S.now stand at a record$1.5 trillion,according to the Federal Reserve.One survey from Accenture found that 88 percent of graduating seniors this year chose their major with a job in mind.In a 2019 survey of University of Georgia students,meanwhile,the career office found the most desirable trait in a future employer was the ability to offer secure employment(followed by professional development and training,and then inspiring purpose).Job security or stability was the second most important career goal(work-life balance was number one),followed by a sense of being dedicated to a cause or to feel good about serving the great good.Michelsen thinks that compared with millennials,Generation Zs are_____.
A.less realistic
B.less adventurous
C.more diligent
D.more generous
[单选题]More US sinologists have expressed confidence in China’s economic reform and the prospects for modernization.“If the reformers are implemented,”said Doak Barnett,Professor of Johns Hopkins University,“they would( )the trend towards more significant and the broader economic ties between China and the United States.


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