The telecity is a city whose life,
direction, and functioning are largely shaped by telecommunications. In the
twenty-first century; cities will be based more and more on an economy that is
dependent on services and intellectual property. Telecommunications and
information networks will define a city’s architecture, shape, and character.
Proximity in the telecity will be defined by the speed and bandwidth of networks
as much as by geographical propinquity. In the, age of the telecity, New York
and Singapore may be closer than, say, New York and Arkadelphia,
Arkansas. Telecities will supersede megacities for several reasons, including the drive toward clean air, reducing pollution, energy conservation, more jobs based on services, and coping with the high cost of urban property. Now we must add the need to cope with terrorist threats A. leaders and planners B. urban architects C. some corporations D. government administrators [单项选择]婴儿“认生”一般是在( )。
A. 1~2个月 B. 2~4个月 C. 6~12月 D. 10~12个月 [单选题]关于阴道及宫颈细胞学检查,错误的是
A.阴道涂片用于了解卵巢或胎盘功能 B.阴道涂片一般在阴道后穹隆处取分泌物 C.宫颈刮片是筛查早期宫颈癌的重要方法 D.宫颈管吸片用于了解官颈管内情况 E.官腔吸片适用于怀疑宫腔内有恶性病变 [单项选择] Heart Attack
In the United States, and especially in big cities and rural areas, tens of thousands of people with hearts that should be good 【51】 to keep them alive die each year for lack of adequate first aid. In New York City, for example, a new study has shown that only one person in 100 outside of hospitals 【52】 after the heart suddenly stops pumping. In contrast, in Seattle, the survival 【53】 after such heart attacks is one in five.
"The difference can be traced 【54】 the effectiveness of the chain of survival", Dr. Joseph P. Ornato said. " Each link in the 【55】 must be strong enough for many lives to be 【56】 ".
The chain begins with an immediate telephone 【57】 for emergency help and the start within four minutes of the process needed for restarting the 【58】 working, by a family member or bystander (旁观者).
It continues with the prompt arrival-------within eight 【59】 ten minutes of a rescuer equipped with a special instrument that
A. survival B. luck C. help D. death [简答题]试述杂志传播的优点和弱点。
[单选题]学习动机的两个基本成分是( )。
A.学习目标与学习内容 B.学习方法与学习过程 C.学习需要与学习期待 D.学习结果与学习反思 [判断题]抽气器作用是维持凝汽器的真空。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]相对空气的密度为0.07,难溶于水,具有燃烧爆炸性的气体是()。
A.A、二氧化碳 B.B、氢气 C.C、二氧化氮 D.D、二氧化硫 [单项选择]支气管哮喘的病人呼气比吸气更为困难,其原因是
A. 吸气是被动的,呼气是主动的 B. 吸气时肺弹性阻力减小,呼气时肺弹性阻力增大 C. 吸气时胸廓弹性阻力减小,呼气时胸廓弹性阻力增大 D. 吸气时气道阻力减小,呼气时气道阻力增大 E. 吸气时胸内负压减小,呼气时胸内负压增大 [判断题]对于长期或临时停止使用的压力容器,应加强维护,时刻保持干燥和防止防腐蚀层的破坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]工作负责人不宜单独进入高压配电室、开闭所等带电设备区域内。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电绝缘装具以每20s升压2000V的速度施加电压,在16000V时不被击穿。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]第二篇
Shopping at Second-hand Clothing Stores
When 33-year-old Pete Barth was in college, shopping at second-hand clothing stores was just something he did - "like changing the tires on his car." He looked at his budget, and decided he could save a lot of money by shopping for clothes at thrift shops.
"Even new clothes are fairly disposable (用后即丢掉的) and wear out after a couple of years," Barth said. "In thrift shops, you can find some great stuff whose quality is better than new clothes."
Since then, Barth, who works at a Goodwill thrift shop in the US state of Florida, has found that there are all kinds of reasons for shopping for second-hand clothing. Some people like him, shop to save money. Some shop for a crazy-looking shirt. And some hop as a means of conserving energy and helping the environment.
Pat Akins, an accountant at a Florida Salvation Army (SA) (救世军) thrift shop, said hat, for her, shopping at thrift shops is a way to h
A. She is a soldier. B. She is an accountant. C. She is a saleswoman D. She is a road sweeper. [多项选择]某普通合伙企业经营期间,吸收甲入伙。甲入伙前合伙企业已负债20万元。甲入伙1年后退伙,在此期间合伙企业新增债务10万元,甲退伙后半年,合伙企业解散,以企业全部财产清偿债务后,尚有80万元债务不能清偿。根据合伙企业法律制度的规定,下列关于甲承担清偿责任的表述中,正确的有()。
A. 甲对担任合伙人期间合伙企业新增加的10万元债务承担无限连带责任 B. 甲对合伙企业解散后尚未清偿的全部80万元债务承担无限连带责任 C. 甲对入伙前合伙企业的20万元债务承担无限连带责任 D. 甲对入伙后至合伙企业解散时新增的60万元债务承担无限连带责任 [单选题]行政机关在调查或者进行检查时,执法人员不得少于( ),并应当向当事人或者有关人员出示证件。
A.一人 B.两人 C.三人 D.四人 [单选题]在《规范》的人为关键点中,描述错误的是()
A.实验动物保护 B.数据收集、管理、储存、共享和所有权相关问题 C.发表与署名 D.师生关系 E.合作研究 [单选题]下列不属于甲亢的常见典型表现的是
A.黏液性水肿 B.甲状腺弥漫性肿大 C.眼球突出 D.怕热多汗 E.心动过速 [简答题]铁路运输托运人托运货物,不得有哪些行为?
[单项选择]卫星导航系统是以人造地球卫星为参照目标的位置测定系统。目前使用最广泛的是美国从1973年开始研制, ( )年投入使用的全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)。它包括24颗卫星,分布在6个轨道平面,卫星高度为20200km。
A. 1990 B. 1993 C. 1995 D. 1998 我来回答: 提交