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发布时间:2023-11-24 02:12:00

[单选题] When a vessel is entering or leaving a port,a record of engine speeds is kept in the ______.
A. Bell book
B. Deck rough log
C. Official Logbook
D. Engine rough log

更多"[单选题] When a vessel is entering or "的相关试题:

[单选题] When a vessel is entering or leaving a port,a record of engine speeds is kept in the ______.
A.Bell book
B.Deck rough log
C.Official Logbook
D.Engine rough log
[单选题] Entrance Light Vessel beamed port,stopped eng. & Tug Ever took pilot off. From this remark,the ship is likely ______.
A. making inward operation
B. making outward operation
C. making cargo operation
D. at anchor
[单选题] You are entering an east coast port and see a buoy with a yellow triangle painted on it.This indicates ______.
A.you are in the vicinity of the ICW
B.the buoy is a special mark
C.the buoy is off station
D.the buoy designates a sharp turn in the channel
[单选题]? A vessel is in sight of another vessel when _______.
A. she can be observed by radar
B. she can be observed visually from the other vessel
C. she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her heading
[单选题] You are fueling your vessel when you notice oil in the water around your vessel.You should immediately stop fueling and ______.
A.Begin cleanup operations
B.Notify the U.S.Coast Guard
C.Leave the area
D.Notify the Corps of Engineers
[单选题] THE VESSEL CLEARED THE PORT means __________.
A. the vessel left the port properly
B. the vessel was clear of the port shortly
C. the vessel departed from the port slowly
D. the vessel was clear out the port suddenly
[单选题] When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed are rigidly connected in a composite unit, they shall be regarded as ______ .
A. a tugboat
B. a sailing vessel
C. a power-driven vessel
D. a vessel propelled by machinery and under sail
[单选题] A vessel entering the eye of a hurricane should expect ______.
A.Moderating winds and heavy confused seas to strike his vessel from all directions
B.The winds to increase to hurricane force and strike from a different direction as the eye passes
C.The barometer to reach the lowest point
D.All of the above
[单选题] You are entering port and have been instructed to anchor,as your berth is not yet available.You are on a SW'ly heading,preparing to drop anchor,when you observe the range lights as shown on your starboard beam.You should ______.
A.not drop the anchor until the lights are in line
B.ensure your ship will NOT block the channel or obstruct the range while at anchor
C.drop the anchor immediately as the range lights mark an area free of obstructions
D.drop the anchor immediately as a change in the position of the range lights will be an indication of dragging anchor
[单选题] While you are on watch entering port,the Master gives the helmsman a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the Pilot.You should make sure the helmsman ______.
A.Obeys the Pilot
B.Obeys the Master
C.Asks you for instructions
D.Brings the rudder to a point midway between the two conflicting positions
[单选题] Large vessel leaving.Keep clear ______ approach channel.
[单选题] When anchoring a vessel under normal conditions,which scope of chain is recommended ________.
A.Four times the depth of water
B.Two and one-half times the depth of water
C.Five to seven times the depth of water
D.Fifteen times the depth of water
[单选题] When your vessel is proceeding to the area of traffic density,______ is used to determine the exact ranges of other ships or objects in the vicinity.
D.Satellite Navigator
[单选题] When a vessel violates an oil pollution act,who may be held responsible ________.
A.Master only
B.Owners only
C.Licensed officer on watch
D.Any individual connected with the vessel
[单选题] When a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead,by night she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line or both side lights,______ shall be deemed to exist.
A. head-on situation
B. end-situation
C. crossing situation
D. close-quarters situation
[单选题] When turning a vessel in shallow water,which statement is TRUE ________.
A. The rate of turn is increased
B. The rate of turn is decreased
C. The turning diameter increases
D. The turning diameter remains the same
[单选题] When entering from seaward,a buoy displaying a single-flashing red light would indicate ______.
A.A junction with the preferred channel to the left
B.A sharp turn in the channel to the right
C.The starboard side of the channel
D.A wreck to be left on the vessel's port side
[单选题] If you wear extra clothing when entering the water after abandoning ship it will ______.
A. weigh you down
B. preserve body heat
C. reduce your body heat
D. make it more difficult to breathe
[单选题] When a vessel navigates in an area with a small underkeel clearance but with adequate space to take avoiding action she ______.
A.Should not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
B.Should be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
C.Shall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
D.Should be regarded as a non-displacement vessel


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