In The Birth Order Book Why You Are the
Way You Are (2004), Dr. Kevin Leman notes that 21 of the first 23 Americans in
space were first-born males or only children. More than half of United States
presidents have been first-borns or first-born boys. It’s a pretty significant
finding historically, because families used to be bigger than they are
today. In addition to being high achievers, older children also generally have higher IQs (智商) than younger ones. Researchers have noted that the more kids a family has, the lower each child’s individual IQ tends to be. They give a few reasons for this. Parents only have so much time, attention, and money. The more kids they have, the more these things are divided. First-borns initially get the entire parental-time pie. What’s more, the ratio of grown-ups to kids decreases with eac A. Younger children need parental rather than siblings’ attention. B. Younger children need siblings’ rather than parental attention. C. Younger children feel uncomfortable with more siblings. D. Younger children have less chance to talk with their parents. [判断题]大模板可以直接墩放在脚手架上。()
A. 心血管系统不良反应 B. 血液系统不良反应 C. 神经精神方面不良反应 D. 抗胆碱能系统不良反应 E. 变态反应 [单选题]采空区顶板处理最常用的方法是()。
A.缓慢下沉法 B.全部垮落法 C.充填法 [单选题]依法治国的核心是( )。
A.党依法执政 B.依宪治国 C.司法独立 D.全社会树立法治观念 [单选题]摘除马蜂窝时,应穿着防蜂服,并在服装内部佩戴( ),袖口和裤管及头罩须扎紧。
A.空气呼吸器 B.全棉头套 C.抢险救援头盔 D.手套 [多选题]气体检测应包括( )浓度、有毒有害气体浓度、氧气浓度等,其可燃介质(包括爆炸性粉尘)含量必须低于该介质与空气混合物的爆炸下限的()(LEL),氧含量18%~21%,有毒有害气体含量应符合国家相关标准的规定。
A.可燃气体 B.有害气体 C.0.1 D.0.2 [判断题]风险分级的目的是实现对风险的有效管控。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]40倍速的CD-ROM光驱的数据传输率为()。
A. 2.4Gbit/s B. 4.5Gbit/s C. 6Gbit/s D. 7.2Gbit/s [单项选择]
The world religion is derived from the Latin noun religion, which denotes both (1) observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage, religion covers a wide spectrum of (2) that reflects the enormous variety of ways the term can be (3) . At one extreme, many committed believers (4) only their own tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship and prayer to refer (5) to the practices of their tradition. They may (6) use vague or idealizing terms in defining religion, (7) , true love of God, or the path of enlightenment. At the other extreme, religion may be equated with (8) , fanaticism, or wishful thinking. [单项选择]
Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星)but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation(辐射) from the sun are screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage. [多项选择]PEST分析是指宏观环境的分析,下列属于“E”分析的因素是:()。
A. 利率水平 B. 通货膨胀 C. 年龄结构 D. 人口分布 [单项选择]成釉细胞瘤肿瘤上皮增殖呈网状连结的上皮条索者为()
A. 滤泡型 B. 丛状型 C. 棘皮瘤型 D. 基底细胞型 E. 颗粒细胞型 [多选题]调度中心应及时、准确向主管领导及上级有关部门汇报公司生产经营情况和动态。主要包括( )内容。
A.编制公司生产调度日报,将原始数据及生产情况输入信息网 B.主要装置和主要设备开、停及升降负荷原因 C.不用提供生产中主要装置和设备检修进度 [单项选择]企业的()是指产品由生产者到消费者之间的转移分配和提供服务的一切活动,是组织和指导企业如何满足消费者和社会的现实及潜在的需求,从而实现企业预期的利润和目标。
A. 促销功能 B. 推销功能 C. 销售功能 D. 营销功能 [简答题]试从晶体结构的角度,说明间隙固溶体、间隙相及间隙化合物之间的区别。
[单选题]消防救援机构办案人员当场作出的行政处罚决定,必须( )。
A.报所属消防救援机构备案 B.报所属消防救援机构批准 C.报上级消防救援机构备案 D.报所属消防救援机构复核 [单选题]飞机平飞遇垂直向上突风作用时
A.阻力将增大 B.升力将增大 C.升力将减小 [单项选择]目前我国的行车基本闭塞方法有()种。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]公众聚集场所,是指宾馆、饭店、商场、集贸市场、客运车站候车室、客运码头、候船厅、民用机场航站楼、体育场馆、会堂以及( )等。
A.公共展览馆 B.公共娱乐场所 C.人员密集场所 D.公共图书馆 [多选题] "乘客信息系统区间设备修程为半年检,检修内容包括( )。
A.检查区间AP电缆、光缆的状态 B.清洁AP箱的卫生 C.检查AP箱及箱内设备状态 D.检查区间AP天线牢固状态" [多选题] 辽宁省农村信用社“公司+农户”保证担保贷款管理办法中,办理“公司+农户”贷款业务的,首先应由公司向所在地农信机构提出申请,经办机构除应要求公司按辽宁省农村信用社担保贷款相关规定提供的资料外,还应要求公司提供 拟担保的农户名单。名单应包含____等信息;拟申请的为农户提供保证担保的最高额度及有效期限等其他资料。
A.农户身份号码 B.居住地址 C.联系方式 D.合作期限 E.经营规模 [多选题]普通硅酸盐水泥使用于()。
A.反复冻融的工程 B.高强度混凝土 C.受海水浸蚀的工程 D.大体积混凝土 E.特种建筑的工程 [单项选择]汽车行驶在高低不平的颠簸山路上,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 车桥和车架接近时,弹性元件不起作用; B. 车桥和车架远离时,减振器起主要作用; C. 若采用电控悬架,车身高度会增高; D. 若采用电控悬架,悬架刚度会增大。 [单项选择]当生长指数()时,表示同生断层停止活动或无断裂活动。
A. 为4~3 B. 为3~2 C. 为2~1 D. ≤1 [单选题]-B-699 4 2 3
阅读给水系统图时,可由进户管开始,( )水流方向,经干管、支管到用水设备。 A.逆 B.沿 C.经 D.向 [T/] 我来回答: 提交