{{B}}What Should I Say to the Person Who Has
Cancer {{/B}} It is normal to feel that you don’t know what to say to someone who has cancer. You might only know the person casually, or you may have worked______(51) or lived near each other for many years and have a closer relationship. The most important ______(52) you can do is to acknowledge the situation in some way — whatever is most comfortable for you. You can show interest and concern, you can express encouragement, or you______(53) offer support. Sometimes the simplest expressions of concern are the______(54) meaningful. While it is good to be encouraging, it is also important______(55) to show false optimism or to tell the person with cancer to always have a positive attitude. Doing ______(56) things ma A. into B. to C. of D. on [单项选择]入院记录应在入院后多长时间内完成()。
A. 24小时 B. 30分钟 C. 12小时 D. 8小时 E. 6小时 [简答题](3)谈谈你对“坚持以人为本,树立全面的、协调的、可持续的科学发展观”的理解和认识。
A.A型车 B.B型车 C.C型车 D.D型车 [单项选择]手术前常规禁食、禁水的目的是()
A. 让胃肠道适当休息 B. 防止在麻醉或手术过程中呕吐 C. 防止术后腹胀 D. 减少胃肠道手术时的污染 E. 防止胃肠痉挛 [多选题]下列有关工艺冷却作用的叙述正确的有:( )。
A.轧辊冷却是防止轧辊损坏 B.层流冷却是为了实现产品的组织性能 C.工艺冷却的目的是为了达到不同的工艺要求 D.对不同的设备和轧件进行冷却,从而满足生产工艺的要求 [简答题]若乘客反映TVM找零出现非标准币
A. 500; B. 800; C. 1000以上。 [单选题]在空气不流通的狭小地方使用二氧化碳灭火器可能造成的危险是()。
A.中毒 B.缺氧 C.爆炸 D.污染 我来回答: 提交