Hardly a week goes by without some
advance in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago. And we can
expect the rate of change to accelerate rather than slow down within our
lifetime. The developments in technology are bound to have a dramatic effect on
the future of work. By 2010, new technology will have revolutionized
communications. People will be transmitting messages down telephone lines that
previously would have been sent by post. Not only postmen but also clerks and
secretaries will vanish in a paperfree society. All the routine tasks they
perform will be carried on a tiny silicon chip so that they will be as obsolete
as the horse and cart after the invention of the motor car. One change will make
thousands, if not millions, redundant. Even people in traditional professions, where expert knowledge has A. children will not be taught in schools B. no teachers will be needed C. teachers will be less knowledgeable D. children will learn life skills at school [判断题]A、B运动员进行比赛,运动员A挑边获胜,选择接发球,B运动员就获得发球权和选择场地的机会。
[单选题] 电流互感器渗油及漏油速度每滴不快于( ),且油位正常的,应加强监视,按缺陷处理流程上报。
A. 5秒 B. 6秒 C. 7秒 D. 8秒 [单项选择]灰石库大概到多少米时就断料了()
A. 20 B. 15 C. 10 D. 12 [单项选择]孔子在敬业上提出了“执事敬”的要求,其意为( )。
A. 恭敬地对待工作 B. 开展工作时保持静心 C. 尊敬领导 D. 坚持人格平等 [单选题]某日,多人在F市中心广场非法集会,现场执勤民警命令集会人员解散,集会人员拒不执行且起哄,现场秩序十分混乱,经警告无效且命令在场无关人员躲避后,民警遂使用高压水枪强行驱散集会人员,控制了事态的发展,但还是造成无辜群众王某受伤住院。下列说法正确的是()。
A.王某虽未参加非法集会,但在现场围观造成秩序混乱,并未按命令躲避,受伤属于咎由自取 B.王某系无辜群众,受到民警执行职务行为的伤害,应得到国家的补偿 C.王某系无辜群众,受到民警执行职务行为的伤害,应由造成伤害的民警赔偿 D.王某系无辜群众,受到民警执行职务行为的伤害,应由造成伤害的民警所属公安机关赔偿 [判断题]在塔里木修井作业现场公称通径大、压力级别高的手动锁紧装置能手动开井。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在施工企业的计划管理程序中,除中长期、年度经营计划外,还要编制施工作业计划,施工作业计划一般包括三部分内容,就是( ),完成这些内容都需用施工定额提供的数据作依据。
A. 完成计划任务的时间 B. 资金的统筹安排 C. 本月(旬)应完成的施工任务 D. 完成计划任务的资源需要量 E. 提高劳动生产率和节约措施计划 [单项选择]蓝牙(Bluetooth)是一种短距离无线通信技术的代称,蓝牙的基带协议结合了电路交换和分组交换机制,适用于语音和数据传输。在蓝牙技术的应用中,最小的工作单位叫Piconet(微微网),一个Piconet最多有()台设备。
A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 32 [简答题]
Last year we visited a large modem factory where they make window glass. We first saw workmen mixing sand and other materials together in the right amounts. Then they added some broken glass to the mixture as this helps it to melt. They then fed the mixture into a big hot oven. At the far end of the oven, a stream of liquid glass came out. Here some men lowered a metal frame into the liquid. As the frame came up, it pulled away a hot sheet of glass. Special rollers took hold of the sheet at either side and carried it upwards. Our guide told us that at this stage it was necessary for the glass to cool slowly as this would make it very strong. At a height of 30 feet, the sheet of glass became cool and another machine cut it into big pieces which workmen stored away together. The glass was now ready for use. What does this passage mainly discuss [填空题]Historians are detectives searching out the evidence of the past in their pursuit of history. This is a challenging and frequently engaging quest 1 its own, but evidence must be turned to 2 . Primary sources that are uncovered 3 many forms that vary 4 the questions asked and the period studied, but written records are 5 historians use more than any other. The historian does not 6 evidence in the manner of courts of law, where questions of admissibility and truth versus falsehood are 7 . The historian’’s use of evidence is much more 8 Determining how and with what end 9 mind any piece of evidence came into existence are the first tasks 10 the historian in the internal criticism of historical sources. It is important to know, for instance, who 11 a particular census and with what instructions, or 12 a correspondent was addressing a friend or foe, colleague or opponent.
For many years historians divided evidence into the two 13 of primary and secondary sources. The former were conside
A. A.into B.from C.with D.about [单选题]施工现场必须采用封闭围挡,距离交通路口( )m范围内占据道路施工设置的围挡,其0.8m以上部分应采用通透性围挡,并应采取交通疏导和警示措施。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单项选择]慢性汞中毒时最早出现
A. 肾功能障碍 B. 发热、乏力 C. 贫血 D. 神经衰弱综合征 E. 腕下垂 [判断题]施工分包前,施工承包单位应与分包单位签订合同和安全协议,且劳务分包单位已与其被派遣劳务人员签订劳动合同。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高压试验不得少于两人,试验负责人应由( )担任。
A.有试验资质人员 B.工作负责人 C.班长 D.有经验的人员 我来回答: 提交