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发布时间:2024-02-03 06:19:20

[单选题]The project schedule is more than a document that lays out the activities over time to represent the time dimension of the project, it is a management tool to be used for decision making. As such , the schedule is used by the project management team to()
A.Measure, delay, record, distribute, analyze, and direct
B.Plan, schedule, monitor, control, report, and forecast
C.Promote, highlight, monitor, control, forecast, and report
D.Emphasize, visualize, analyze, conceptualize, report and record

更多"[单选题]The project schedule is more t"的相关试题:

[单选题]Schedule compression shortens the project schedule without changing the project scope,to meet schedule constraints,imposed dates,or other schedule objectives.Schedule compression techniques include crashing and( ). A.fast tracking
A.what-if scenario analysis
B.resource leveling
C.critical chain metho
[单选题]Because of harsh weather conditions,more than a dozen states in the United States were declared disaster areas in 1977.
[单选题]Only those who worked here for more than five years are eligibie for the special payment.
[单选题]Text l For more than two centuries,many people have tr/ed to shake that peculiar branch of the tree of knowledge called economics.Perhaps no one has done it better than Richard Thaler,a University of Chicago professor who has challenged the traditional idea that free markets reflect the self-interests of rational individuals.On Oct.9 he was awarded the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for recognizing that human behavior is very complex.Economic models cannot be easily simplified and must be"more human"by admitting that theories based on sel{-interest are not always correct.Indeed,the field of economics has long been overdue for a humility check.Mr.Thaler showed his own lack of arrogance in his response to the question of how he would spend the$1.1 million that comes with the Nobel Prize:"I will try to spend it as irrationally as possible."In other fields of knowledge,the fact that people do not always act in their own self-interest is pretty obvious.Yet most economists still rely on Adam Smith's 18th-century notion of markets being guided by"the invisible hand"of forces driven by people seeking their own well-being.What is often overlooked is that Smith himself was more complex.He also took a noble view of human behavior.He wrote:"How selfish soever man may be supposed,there are evidently some principles in his nature,which interest him in the fortune of others,and render their happiness necessary to him,though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it."Thaler's work largely focuses on why humans often do things contrary to their own good,such as not saving money for retirement.His theories have created a whole new field called behavioral economics,which looks for ways that either governments or companies can,by using suggestions and positive reinforcement,"nudge"people to take action in their long-term interests.Even this new field is subject to a similar critique.Can governments and corporate officials operate any more rationally in trying to"nudge"people whom they deem too irrational?Scholars Richard Reeves and Dimitrios Halikias argue that trying to influence people's actions is the wrong approach.They suggest that society and its economy are best developed through sel{-effective attributes of character,not paternalistic nudges to change behavior.A humane society,they write,"is one in which men and women possess the discipline,self-command and personal autonomy needed to live with a sense of purpose and direction."Unlike other Nobel Prizes,the one for economics has been given only since 1969.The field remains fluid in its theories.Perhaps a future prize can go to an economist who can take Thaler's ideas even further and show how prosperity relies on traits of character in a society.Models of economics are best built on models of thought. The word"nudge"(Line 4,Para.4)is closest in meaning to_____.
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

  "Depression" is more than a serious economic downturn. Khat distinguishes a depression from a harsh recession is paralyzing fear—fear of the unknown so great that it causes consumers, businesses, and investors to retreat and panic. They save up cash and desperately cut spending. They sell stocks and other assets . A shattering loss Of confidence inspires behavior that overwhelms the normal self-correcting mechanisms that usually present a recession from becoming deep and prolonged: a depression.

  Comparing 1929 With 2007-09, Christina Romer, the head Of President Obama ' s Council Of Economic Advisers, finds the initial blow to confidence far greater now than then. True, stock prices fell a third from September to December 1929, but fewer Americans then owned stocks. Moreover, home prices barely dropped. From December 1928 to 1929, total household wealth declined only By contrast, the loss household wealth between December 2007 and December 2008 was 17%. Both stocks and homes, more widely held, dropped more. Thus traumatized(收到创伤) , the economy might have gone into a free fall ending in depression. Indeed, it did go into free fall. Shoppers refrained from buying cars, appliances, and other big-ticket items. Spending on such "durables" dropped at a annual rate in 2008's third quarter, a rate in the fourth. And businesses shelved investment projects.

  That these huge declines didn't lead to depression mainly reflects, as Romer argues, countermeasures taken by the government. Private markets for goads, services, labor, and securities do mostly self-correct, but panic feeds on itself and disarms these stabilizing tendencies. In this situation, only government can protect the economy as a whole, because most individuals and companies are involved in the self-defeating behavior Of self-protection.

  Government 's failure to perform this role in the early 1930s transformed recession into depression. Scholars Will debate Which interventions this time--the Federal Reserve's support Of a failing credit system, guarantees Of bank debt, Obama's "stimulus" plan and bank "stress test '—counted most in preventing a recurrence. Regardless, all these complex measures had the same psychological purpose; to reassure people that the free fall would stop and, thereby, curb the fear that would perpetuate(持久) a free fall.

  All this improved confidence. But the consumer sentiment index remains weak, and all the rebound has occurred in Americans' evaluation of future economic conditions, not the present. Unemployment (9.8%) is abysmal (糟糕的) , the recovery's strength unclear. Here, too, there is an echo from the 1930s. Despite bottoming out in 1933, the Depression didn't end until World War II. Some government policies aided recovery; some hindered it. The good news today is that the bad news is not worse. 

What is the chief purpose of all the countermeasures taken?

A.To create job opportunities free tall.
B.To curb the fear of a lasting
C.To stimulate domestic consumption.
D.To rebuild the credit system.
[不定项选择题]He works ten hours a day, makes more than US $ 98000 a year, doesn′t 16 to take holidays, dresses 17 he pleases. He′s 18 been happier and is looking for another job. This 33-year-old white, university-educated person is the typical Internet worker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-based news magazine. There is also a reasonable chance that his employer will arrange his dry cleaning,19 him to 20 his dog to work, offer him flee massages and give him stock options. And he still thinks people in other 21 are doing 22 . The typical worker, it appears, not only enjoys an income about 23 the national average but also enjoys himself. At present 2.5 million people 24 by Internet firms in the US. The 25 of the study give plenty of reasons 26 so many people think the grass is greener in Silicon Valley. 27 after tech-stocks sharply 28 in April, 29 many start-ups, there is still mood of enthusiasm and special advantage among those still employed. So what 30 52 percent of them "very happy"? "Demanding work" is given as the main reason and "salary" is 31 close 32 . Those questioned in the study also listed working weekends and 33 holidays as signs of the pleasure of the workplaces. Only 13 percent were paid for 34 hours work while 14 percent put more than 12 hours work on an average day. "It wasn′t all about 35 ." wrote Mary Ann Thompson in the introduction to the study, "It was fun." 第(35)题选


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