One of the advantages of being
serf-employed is that the profit the business {{U}} (62) {{/U}} belongs
to the owner. If the self-employed person is successful, he has the chance to
earn a great deal of money, even become wealthy. The profit earned by a
self-employed person is the {{U}} (63) {{/U}} for his effort, ability and
creativity. {{U}} (64) {{/U}}, a second advantage of being serf-employed
is that a person’s intelligence and abilities have a direct {{U}} (65)
{{/U}} on his earnings. People who have outstanding abilities or
intelligence often find they can earn far more through self-employment than they
can through {{U}} (66) {{/U}} as an employee. A third advantage of being
serf-employed is that a person can control both the {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of
hours worked and the hours of work. {{U}} (68) {{/U}} not all
self-employed people are c A. alter B. vary C. change D. range [单项选择]下列哪项与5-HT的功能无关:
A. 痛觉 B. 神经肽降解 C. 心血管活动 D. 神经内分泌调节 E. 精神情感活动 [单选题]企业为职工缴纳的失业保险率由1.5%降为()
A.1% B. 1.2% C. 0.8% D. 0.1% [单项选择]空压机出风口与止回阀间,设有高压安全阀,其整定值为()。
A. 800kPa B. 850kPa C. 700kPa D. 950kPa [单选题]动车组空调系统 与制冷联锁。
A.制热 B.通风 C.加湿 D.除湿 [填空题]
{{B}}Part A Spot Dictation{{/B}} Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Self-esteem is the combination of {{U}} (1) {{/U}} —the
conviction that you {{U}} (2) {{/U}} cope with life’s challenges and are
worthy of happiness. Self-esteem is the way you talk to yourself about yourself.
Self-esteem has two interrelated aspects; it entails a sense of {{U}} (3)
{{/U}} and a sense of personal worth. It is the {{U}} (4) {{/U}}
self-confidence and self-respect. It is the conviction that one is competent to
live and {{U}} (5) {{/U}}
Our self-esteem and self-image are developed by {{U}} (6) {{/U}} All of us have conscious and unconscious memories of all [单项选择]陕西省电网销售电价中农业排灌电价是()。
A. 不满1千伏0.2994元/千瓦时、1—10千伏0.2974元/千瓦时、35千伏0.2944元/千瓦时 B. 不满1千伏0.2794元/千瓦时、1—10千伏0.2694元/千瓦时、35千伏0.2594元/千瓦时 C. 不满1千伏0.2708元/千瓦时、1—10千伏0.2668元/千瓦时、35千伏0.2618元/千瓦时 [单选题]磁通量简称磁通,它是垂直穿过某截面的磁力线条数,用符号()表示
A.S B.B C.T D.Φ [多选题]可对辖属受权人进行特别授权的是( )。
A.总行行长 B.一级分行行长 C.二级分行行长 D.一级分行副行长 [多选题]双横承力索的张力应相等,上下部固定绳应水平,允许有平滑的负弛度,5 股道及以下负弛度不得超过( ),5股道以上不得超过( )。
A.、100mm B.、400mm C.、200mm D.、300mm [单项选择]水文地质类型()的矿井建立水文动态观测系统。
A. 复杂、极复杂 B. 简单及以上 C. 复杂 D. 简单 [多选题]198
网络层常见的安全风险有哪些? A. Smurf攻击 B. 地址扫描 C. Web攻击 D. MAC欺骗 [判断题]无缝线路的基本结构形式为温度应力式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项,需与经间期出血相鉴别的病证是( )
A.赤带 B.经期延长 C.胎漏 D.胎动不安 E.漏下 [判断题]听觉信号,长声为3s,短声为2s,音响间隔为1s。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]更换系统的后备电池时,必须在关机断电情况下进行。
[单项选择]项目收尾阶段最后完成的是( )。
A. 客户正式验收 B. 组织过程资产更新 C. 核实范围 D. 重新安置项目团队成员 [单选题]单选题
发生液化气、液氨等泄漏,处置时应佩戴()手套。 A. 防冻 B. 普通 C. 隔热 [单项选择]甲国A公司与乙国B公司签订国际货物运输合同,由B公司负责将一批大米从甲国C港口运送到丙国D港口,货物经由甲国著名保险公司承保,险别为平安险,在运输过程中,由于突遇奇大暴雨,致使部分大米被淋湿,其后,船舶又遭遇了大风浪,致使船舶与某孤岛相撞,从而导致部分大米跌落大海,之后,船舶经过在附近港口维修后顺利到达目的地D港,但此时已过交货期,导致买方C公司损失300万元。保险公司就下列哪项损失负有赔偿责任
A. 大米被雨淋湿所造成的损失 B. 大米跌落大海所造成的损失 C. 船舶维修费用 D. C公司的损失300万元 [单选题]在AUTOCAD软件使用过程中,为查看帮助信息,应按的功能键是( )。
A.F1 B.F2 C.F4 D.F10 [判断题]直流隔离开关单柱垂直伸缩式本体检修导向滚轮无磨损、变形
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]During daylight hours, birds ______.
A. fly aimlessly B. rely on landmarks C. use sun for guidance D. are more likely to get lost [填空题]补强圈焊接后,为检验焊缝的紧密性,再补强圈上,设置有一个M()的螺纹孔。
[单项选择]依《反分裂国家法》规定,当台独”分裂势力以任何名义、任何方式造成台湾从中国分裂出去的事实,或者发生将会导致台湾从中国分裂出去的重大事变,或者和平统一的可能性完全丧失,国家得采取非和平方式及其他必要措施,捍卫国家主权和领土完整。对此,下列表述,不符合我国法律规定的是。( )
A. 采取上述措施的,由国务院、中央军事委员会决定和组织实施 B. 采取上述措施时,国家尽最大可能保护台湾平民和在台湾的外国人的生命财产安全和其他正当权益 C. 采取上述措施时,国家依法保护台湾同胞在中国其他地区的权利和利益 D. 采取上述措施时,将没收台湾居民在中国其他地区的财产,归国家所有 我来回答: 提交