Evolutionary theories. The Belgian
George Lemaitre proposed the idea that about 20000 million years ago all the
matter in the universe—enough, he estimated, to make up a hundred thousand
million galaxies—was all concentrated in one small mass, which he called the
"primeval atom". This primeval atom exploded for some reasons, sending its
matter out in all directions, and as the expansion slowed down, a steady state
resulted, at which time the galaxies formed. Something then upset the balance
and the universe started expanding again, and this is the state in which the
universe is now. There are variations on this theory: it may be that there was
no steady state. However, basically, evolutionary theories take it that the
universe was formed in one place at one point in time and has been expanding
ever since. Will the universe co A. they were closer together then. B. the universe has always looked as the some. C. their light takes so long to reach us. D. they have travelled such a long way. [单项选择]对于同个遍地产投资方案,某动态投资回收期(Pb)与静态投资回收期(Pb')之间的关系是()。
A. Pb B. Pb≤Pb' C. Pb=Pb' D. Pb>Pb' [判断题]“五位一体”是经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]题干92、健康动物的肠音变化受饲料的类型、植物神经的状态、肠壁的紧张度及运动与使役的影响。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Why don’t birds get lost on their long migratory flight Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now they’re beginning to fill in the blanks. [单项选择]当桥墩较高、桥跨较长或桥下净空受到约束时,可以采用非落地支承的移动模架逐孔现浇施工,称为( )。
A. 浇铸法 B. 移动模架法 C. 逐孔施工法 D. 支撑法 [多项选择]下列工程中,应当编制专项施工方案,并附安全验算结果的是( )。
A. 沥青路面工程 B. 水下工程中的水下焊接 C. 滑坡和高边坡处理 D. 爆破工程 E. 路基处理工程 [单选题]有淬硬倾向的合金钢管焊接临时支撑,用砂轮打磨去掉后,焊接部位进行( )检查。
A.超探 B.射线 C.着色 D.外观 [单项选择]据《素问•标本病传论》,下列情况当“治其本”的是()
A. 先病而后逆者 B. 先热而后生中满者 C. 先病而后生中满者 D. 先病而后小大不利 E. 急者 [单选题]木脚手架的剪刀撑至少要覆盖( )根立杆。
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 [单项选择]绝经前后诸证,除了哪一项是常涉及脏腑
A. 心 B. 胆 C. 肺 D. 脾 E. 肾 [单选题]《山东省生产安全事故应急办法》,未将应急救援预案进行备案的;由县级以上人民政府负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,对生产经营单位处( )的罚款,对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处1万元以上2万元以下的罚款:
A.1万元以上2万元以下 B.1万元以上3万元以下 C.1万元以上5万元以下 D.3万元以上5万元以下 [判断题]在控制中心,广播系统与时钟系统有1个数字接口,用于接收时钟系统发来的时钟信息,以便自动调整广播系统的时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](中)( )企业党组织工作经费纳入企业管理费用的部分,一般按照上年度员工工资总额( )的比例安排。
A.1% B.2% C.3% D.5% [单项选择]已知一植株的基因型为AABB,周围虽生长有其他基因的玉米植株,但其子代不可能出现的基因型是()
A. AABB B. AABb C. aaBb D. AaBb [填空题]
{{B}} Jeffrey:{{/B}}
In all of the colleges, friends are made easily. Students may go to pubs where they can talk and rest over a mug of beer or a glass of gin. Students may also join various societies and clubs such as tennis clubs, photographic clubs. If a student is interested in history, he may join a Historical Society and sometimes go there to discuss his work with other members. {{B}} Ellis:{{/B}} At the University of Oxford, students are provided with many courses which covers mainstream subjects like History, Law, Mathematics and Chemistry to subjects such. as Human Sciences, Archaeology and Anthropology. All courses have a core element offering each student plenty of scope to follow his or her specific areas of interest. All Oxford programs strive to encourage students to think logically, laterally and independently. {{B}} Andrew:{{/B}} Each student is responsible for personal-time planning to ensure that all [单选题]若盘形凸轮的质心与回转中心不重合,当盘形凸轮作等速运转时,其惯性力______为零,惯性力矩______为零。 ( )
A.等于;不等于 B.不等于;等于 C.等于;等于 D.不等于;不等于 [判断题] 高压电动机的供电网络一般是中性点非直接接地系统
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]S4
A.航线规划 B.作业申请 C.巡检设备准备 D.人员准备 E.车辆准备 [单选题]党的二十大报告指出,我们坚持以最大诚意、尽最大努力争取和平统一的前景,( ),保留采取一切必要措施的选项,这针对的是外部势力干涉和极少数“台独”分裂分子及其分裂活动,绝非针对广大台湾同胞。
A.通过谈判解决问题,积极促谈 B.但决不承诺放弃使用武力 C.坚决反对“台湾独立”的言行 D.坚决反对外国势力插手和干涉台湾问题 [多选题]磁悬液更换周期最长不应超过一个月,但磁悬液有()等情况时须及时更换。
A.发臭 B.变色 C.污染 D.以上都不对 [单选题]关于个人客户授信,( )是基础授信的补充,是指个人客户在基础授信期限内,因特定用途,需增加授信额度,并提供超出基础授信额度的有效担保,授予其可循环使用的信用额度。
A.基础授信 B.特别授信 C.限额授信 D.随时授信 [单选题]客户通兑业务申请获批后,开户行经办人员应于( )内在柜面操作系统及电子验印系统中进行相应维护。
A.1个工作日 B.3个工作日 C.5个工作日 D.10个工作日 [判断题]微机保护系统是由软件和硬件两部分组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]历代回民中有声望者以附葬普哈丁墓园为荣。有一位清末抗日名将在朝鲜殉国后,建衣冠塚于此,他是谁()
A. 耿凤鸣 B. 左宝贵 C. 方振武 [单项选择]