Women, according to Chairman Mao, hold
up half the sky—but in California some are better rewarded for this effort
than others. According to a new study from the Public Policy Institute of
California, Asian women born in the United States outstrip all their sisters in
terms of earning power. The average hourly wage for American-born Asian ladies in 2001 (the latest year with reliable figures) was $19.30, with American-born whites coming next. On the bottom rungs of the ladder came Latinas: if born abroad, they earned a mere $10.40 an hour (though this was comfortably above California’s then $6.25 minimum wage); if born in America, they managed $15.10 an hour. Education is the biggest reason for the ethnic disparities. Some 55% of California’s American-born Asian women have at least a bachelor’s degree, and an impressive 84% A. Some women in California earn more than men. B. Some women in California earn more than women in other places. C. Some women in California earn more than other people. D. Some women in California earn more than ordinary people. [判断题]系统配置参数发生变化时,自身配置数据要备份,在出现意外时,用来恢复系统。()
A. 50 B. 150 C. 100 D. 200 [填空题]Worse, though China took an early decision to ______ (吸引制造业方面的国外直接投资), it has been reluctant to open up services.
[多项选择]新建商品房制定价格的基础包括( )。
A. 需要对市场进行调查 B. 对竞争楼盘详细深入了解 C. 重点记录竞争楼盘 D. 本项目各楼层各单位的共同点 E. 对本体楼盘进行查勘及爬楼打分 [填空题]
What Is a Cyclone Cyclones are huge revolving storms caused by winds blowing around a central area of low atmospheric pressure. In the northern hemisphere, cyclones, called hurricanes or typhoons, blow in an anti-clockwise direction. In the southern hemisphere, these tropical storms are known as cyclones, whose winds blow in a clockwise direction. Cyclones develop over warm seas near the Equator. Air heated by the sun rises very swiftly creating areas of very low pressure. As the warm air rises, its moisture condenses into massive thunderclouds. Cool air rushes in to fill the void that is left, but because of the constant turning of the Earth on its axis, the air is bent inwards and then spirals upwards with great force. The swirling winds rotate faster and faster, forming a huge circle which can be up to 2,000 km across. At the centre of the storm is a calm, cloudless area called the eye, with no rain, and fairly light winds. A [判断题]( )透光率越大,表示它对光的吸收越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]用窗框景时,要选择生长较快的植物。
[单项选择]根据《合同法》的有关规定,下列关于运输合同的表述,正确的是( )。
A. 运输合同属于双务、有偿、实践、不要式合同 B. 若货物在运输中毁损灭失是由于托运人、收货人的过错造成的,承运人不负赔偿责任 C. 对于持优待票的旅客,在运输过程中因承运人的过错造成旅客受伤的不负赔偿责任 D. 在运输过程中旅客自带行李毁损灭失的,无论承运人是否有过错,都应当承担损害赔偿责任 [判断题]大学生退役士兵在规定年限内复学的,对服役期间荣立一次三等功奖励的,复学后按不低于60%的标准减免学费。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在齿轮传动机构中,两个齿轮开始啮合的部位是最危险的部位。不管啮合齿轮处于何种位置都应装设安全防护装置。下列关于齿轮安全防护的做法中,错误的是()。
A. 齿轮传动机构必须装有半封闭的防护装置 B. 齿轮防护罩的材料可利用有金属骨架的钢丝网制作 C. 齿轮防护罩应能方便地打开和关闭 D. 在齿轮防护罩开启的情况下机器不能启动 [判断题]防风拉线长环端回头450mm,防风拉线固定环应位于长环中间位置。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交