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[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 下面是某初中教师在教学一篇有关职业的课文前的活动片段。 (上课铃响,教师先让学生听一首英文歌曲,然后进行下列活动) T: How do you like this song Do you know the name of this song S1: Sorry, I don′ t know. T: It′s OK. Does anybody know the name of this singer S2: His name is Robbie Williams. T: Exactly, Do you know the name of the song S2: A Better Man. T: Excellent! It′ s A Better Man. Hum, we don′ t know much about him, but he is a singer. Well, Lily, would you like to be a singer in the future S3: No. T: What would you like to be S3: I want to be a doctor. T: (To $4) What would you like to be S4: I want to be a teacher. …(该活动持续10分钟) 根据上面的信息.从下面三个方面作答: (1)指出该教学活动的环节、目的和注意事项。 (2)简析教师的设计意图与方法。 (3)指出该教学活动片段存在的问题。

更多"[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 下面是某初中教师在"的相关试题:

[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 下面是某初中课堂教学片段。 T: (referring to a picture) where is John, Li Lei S 1: He has gone to Shanghai. T: How many times has he been to Shanghai S 1: He has been to Shanghai for only once. T: (referring to another picture) where is Mary, Wang Wei S2: She has gone to the library. T: How many times has she been to the library a week S2: She has been to the librarytwice a week. 根据上面所提供的信息,从下面四个方面作答: (1)此教学片段的教学目标是什么 (2)教师采用了何种教学方法 (3)该教学方法有何优缺点 (4)提出两条主要建议,解决该教学方法可能带来的问题。
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 以下是某初中英语教师教授短文的教学片段: (1) The teacher wrote the new vocabulary down and asked students to look them up in the dictiona. (2) The teacher explained the usage of those words in Chinese. (3) After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher began to focus on passage reading. 根据所给材料回答下列三个问题: (1)该教师采用了什么教学方法?用这种方法进行词汇教学有何缺点?(10分) (2)针对该教学方法的缺点,对该教师的词汇教学提出建议。(12分) (3)列举两种常见的词汇教学模式,并简要说明。(8分)
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 下面片段选自某初中英语课堂教学实录。 T: Good morning, boys and girls. We talked about “The presentperfect tense” yesterday, and I hope you have got some idea about it. Do youstill remember the forms of the tense? S1: Have/Has done. T: You are right, good boy. And who can say a sentence with theform? S2: Let me try. We have learnt English for a few years. T: Very good, thank you. S3: My father have gone to Hangzhou and often tells us about itsbeautiful scenery there. T: Oh, you also remember the form, but then, where is your father?Is he still in Hangzhou or back home now? S3: Back home. T: Oh, I see, you mean your father went to Hangzhou sometime inthe past, and he has come back home from there. And since your father is notyou yourself, not I, next time you should say “My father has been to Hangzhouand often tells us about its beautiful scenery there”. OK? 请根据该教学片段回答下面三个问题: (1)该教师的教学有哪些优点?写出2个即可。(8分) (2)该教师发现学生表达错误时,采取了哪四种具体的纠错方式?(8分) (3)再列出其他两种纠错方式,并各举一例说明。(14分)
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 下列教学片段选自某初中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题:? T: Ok!Next, let's read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Read the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph. (5 minutes later) T: Now, who can show us the answer? S1: B, A, C, F, E. T: You are clever, but, do you have any other ideas for Paragraph 3? S1: Ohsorry, It's D. T: Excellent!Now we have known the main meaning of each paragraph. This time let'sread each paragraph carefully. Then, make a group discussion and try to fill in the form.10minutes please. (1O minutes later.) T: Time is up. Which group wants to show your form to us? Ok, Group 1. $2: ... T: Well done. Do you agree with them? Ss: Yes! T: Ok, very good. (1)分析该教师的教学目标。(10分) (2)该教学片段属于教学中的哪个环节?请评析教师在该片段中是如何实现其教学目标的。(10分) (3)请评析该教师的反馈方式。(10分)
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 下列两个教学片段选自某初中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题。 片段一 S1:Have you ever been to Paris? $2: No, I haven't. Have you? S1: Yes. It' s wonderful. $2: How long did you stayed? S1: One week. $2: The buildings are beautiful, yes? S1: Yes, and the streets ... the river ... $2: Ah. Have you ever been in Rome? S1: Is the Neon bigger than the Chevy? $2: Yes, it is. Is the Lexus cheap than ... T: Cheap ... $2: Is the Lexus cheaper than the Chevy? $3: No, it isn't. Is the Lexus faster than the Neon? S: Yes, it is. Is prettier the Neon ... T: Is the ... (1)哪一个片段属于准确性训练,哪一个片段属于流利性训练?(6分) (2)你的判断依据是什么?(12分) (3)准确性训练和流利性训练对语言学习而言各有何利弊?(12分)
[简答题]根据题目要求完成任务,用中文作答。 请简述语流层次的语音教学内容与方法。
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 根据以下所给语言素材和教学目标,完成下面问题。 【语言素材】 A: What would you like for lunch? B: I'd like some green beans, please. A : Sure. B : Thank you. A: What would you like for lunch? C: I'd like some eggplant, please. A: Sorry, no eggplant. Knowledge objectives: Students could ask someone and express own love for food, such as"What would you like?I'd like ... I like ..." Ability objectives: Train students'speaking ability through dialogue practice. Emotional objectives: Develop students'good eating habits. (1)分析明确教学目标的作用。(10分) (2)案例中的课时教学目标存在什么问题?请简要分析。(10分) (3)根据以上问题,修改该教学目标。(10分)
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 在教授Where did you go on vacation?--课时,某教师做出如下教学设计: 2.Presentation(呈现新知识) T:(从复习中引出)Where did you go last weekend? S:1 went to… T:Where did you go on vacation last summer?Do you remember? S:1 went to…通过图片呈现单词on vacation last summer. T:Do you like to leave home and do something fun with lots of friends for a few days on vacation? S:Yes,I d0. T:Then you can go to the summer camp. 5.Listen and repeat(听音跟读) T:Now let’s listen to the tape and repeat.Please try to read like the tape. 6.Follow up(进一步扩展) T:Now it’s your turn to make up your own dialogues.Please work with your group(four students in one group)and ask each other questions about where you and your friend went on?vacation last summer. E.g.A:Hi/Hey…Where did you go on vacation? B:I?went to… A:Cool/Fantastic/…And where did…? B:He/she went to… … 根据上面的信息,从下列两个方面作答: (1)在此教学过程中,该教师是如何创设情境的?(15分) (2)除了该教师所用的创设情境的方法,创设情境还有哪些手段?(至少三种)(15分)
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 请根据以下教学片段。回答问题。 (1)教师播放录音,学生听录音选取图片,听完后教师立即提取反馈,学生能够给出正确的选择。 (2)教师再次播放录音,要求学生听录音补全对话。教师播放了一遍录音,没有留出学生填空的时间,而是开始提问学生两人一组朗读填写好的对话。 Salesgirl: Good morning. What can I do for you? Tang Hua: I'd like to buy some bananas and oranges. Salesgirl: Sorry, no more bananas. But we have oranges. Sara: How much are the oranges? Salesgirl: 2 yuan for a kilo. They're on sale now. 请对以上现象作出评析。
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 下面是某英语教师在教授The Olympic Games一课后布置的作业:? Now you have two tasks. One is to finish the listening part in workbook. The other is to find an interesting mythology about the Olympic Games and share with us tomorrow. 根据作业内容回答以下问题:? (1)该作业布置的合理吗? (2)布置作业应注意哪些事项? (3)常见的作业有哪些形式?请结合实例为本课设置新的作业形式(至少一种)。
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 任务型教学法是新课标所倡导的教学方法之一。请解释“任务”的基本内涵,并简述英语教学中任务的设计应遵循的原则。
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 任务型教学是新课标所倡导的一种教学模式。你认为这种教学模式与传统的英语教学方法在哪些方面有着明显的不同?(20分)
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 教师课堂中纠错的意义及策略有哪些?
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 简述scanning的含义并举一例说明其基本用途。写出训练该项技能时的三条注意事项,? 并用英语写出两句相关的教师指令语。
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 简述教师在组织小组活动(group work)时需注意的两个注意事项。列举教师在开展小组活动时的两个主要角色,并概括有效开展小组活动时教师应具备的两个主要能力。
[简答题]根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 简述进行短文听写(dictation)的目的(6分)与三个基本步骤(6分)。写出短文听写的一个优点(4分)和一个缺点(4 分)。


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