"Much of the sickness and death
attributed to the major communicable diseases is in fact caused by malnutrition
which makes the body less able to withstand infections when they strike," said
Dr Hiroshi Nakajima, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO).
"At the same time," he added, "in developing countries today, malnutrition
is the cause of 174 million children under five years of age being{{U}}
(51) {{/U}}, and 230 million being stunted(阻碍)in their growth. Such{{U}}
(52) {{/U}}represent deprivation, suffering and wasted human
potential{{U}} (53) {{/U}}a scale that is unacceptable from every point
of view. Whether we think in{{U}} (54) {{/U}}of humanitarian concern,
common justice or development needs, they demand a{{U}} (55) {{/U}},
both from national governmen A. zones B. regions C. districts D. territories [单项选择]上海本地DDN网络现有拓扑为()
A. 核心层、汇聚层 B. 核心层、接入层 C. 汇聚层、接入层 D. 以上都不对 [单选题]使用钳型电流表在高压回路上测量时,应用导线从钳型电流表另接表计测量。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [不定项选择题]以黑龙江大豆种植成本为例,大豆种植每公顷投入总成本8000元,每公顷产量1.8吨,按照4600元/吨销售。黑龙江大豆的理论收益为( )元/吨。
A.145.6 B.155.6 C.160.6 D.165.6 [单选题]发车站在办理发车进路前,须确认( )、接车站未办理同一区间的发车进路,并向接车站预告。发车站已向接车站预告,但列车不能出发时,在取消发车进路后,须通知接车站。《技规》第317条
A.进路正确 B.道岔开通位置 C.区间空闲 D.出站信号 [单项选择]外用为治湿疮湿疹及痱毒之要药的是()。
A. 滑石 B. 茯苓 C. 瞿麦 D. 萆薢 E. 海金沙 [判断题]哲学很抽象,因为他是自然知识、社会知识和思维知识的总和。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一种能够迅速地从候选人那里获得关于他们可证实信息的良好手段的是()
A. 利用工作申请表 B. 笔试 C. 面试 D. 心理测试 [单项选择]轴承实现预紧的方法有()两种。
A. 径向预紧和轴向预紧 B. 内圈预紧和外圈预紧 C. 侧向预紧和轴向预紧 D. 局部预紧和整体预紧 [简答题]感觉阈限
A.A书证 B.B物证 C.C证人证言 D.D当事人陈述 [单项选择]一侧开胸后,开胸侧肺表现为与非开胸时呈相反的回缩和动作称( )
A. 反常呼吸 B. 摆动呼吸 C. 正负呼吸 D. 间歇加压呼吸 E. 正负压呼吸 我来回答: 提交