Inflation Business and government leaders also consider the inflation rate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased spending that causes rapid rises in prices. {{U}} (51) {{/U}} your money buys fewer goods so that you get {{U}} (52) {{/U}} for the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem. There is a general rise {{U}} (53) {{/U}} the price of goods and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when "a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore". Inflation is a problem for all consumers. People who live on a fixed income are hurt the {{U}} (54) {{/U}}. Retired people, for instance, cannot count on an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not work face serio A. to buy B. buying C. having bought D. from buying [判断题]㘥 电气设备灭火时,可以使用泡沫灭火器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]A. Airplane designers expand the space of the first-class seats.
B. A "spacious lounge" with fully equipped bar is installed in the first-class sections of the planes. C. The air-conditioning system in the first-class section is better than that of the coach. D. Some humidifiers are installed in the first-class cabins. [名词解释]无菌状态检验
A. 单级悬臂式离心水泵 B. 分段式多级离心水泵 C. 中开式多级离心泵 D. 自吸离心泵 [简答题]请叙述CR400BF动车组自动解编操作程序中解编准备的内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电力系统发生大扰动时的第一级安全稳定标准是( )
A.保持稳定运行和电网的正常供电 B.保持稳定运行,但允许损失部分负荷 C.当系统不能保持稳定运行时,必须防止系统崩溃,并尽量减少负荷损失 D.在满足规定的条件下,允许局部系统作短时间的非同步运行 [判断题]HXD3型电力机车主变流器输出的是恒压恒频三相交流电。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列情形中,应当数罪并罚的有( )。
A.甲因盗窃罪被起诉,在判决宣告前,查明甲分别实施了未指控的3次盗窃行为,数额分别为2万元、3万元、5万元 B.乙因受贿被判处有期徒刑2年,缓刑3年,在缓刑考验期内,又查明其另外一起受贿2万元的罪行 C.丙因故意伤害罪被判处有期徒刑3年,在服刑期间又犯故意伤害罪 D.丁因盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑2年,执行完毕后,又发现其在该次盗窃以前还有一起重大盗窃犯罪 [单项选择]高血压患者,伴左室肥厚,最佳的降压药物是()
A. 钙拮抗剂 B. ACEI C. β受体阻滞剂 D. 利尿剂 E. α1受体阻滞剂 [填空题]Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)
I shall mention two or three matters in which the need for cooperation between philosophy and science is especially intimate. 46 )Since scientific method depends upon first-hand experimentally controlled experiences, any philosophic application of the scientific point of view will emphasize the need of such experiences in the school, as over against mere acquisition of ready-made information that is supplied in isolation from the students’’ own experience. So far, it will be in line with what is called the "progressive" movement in education. But it will be an influence in counteracting any tendencies that may exist in progressive education to slight the importance of continuity in the experiences that are had and the importance of organization. 47 ) Unless the science of education on its own ground and behalf emphasizes su
[单选题]驾驶机动车违反道路交通信号灯通行的。属( )。
A.特大违章 B.重大违章 C.严重违章 D.一般违章 [填空题]车辆修程,客车和特种用途车按()进行检修,最高运行速度不超过120km/h的客车分为厂修、段修、辅修;最高运行速度超过120km/h的客车,修程为A1、A2、A3、A4。
[单选题]油库的汽油油样处置周期为( )。
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.6个月 [填空题]在《父与子》中,屠格涅夫塑造了“新人”形象()和贵族自由主义者形象(),通过他们之间的斗争,表达了“民主主义对贵族阶级的胜利”。
A.客户签署解除号码所有关系承诺书 B.身份证件 C.人像照片 D.服务密码 [多项选择]马克思主义认识论所讲的主体是
A. 人的主观意识 B. 从事实践和认识活动的人 C. 一定的社会集团和社会 D. 处于一定社会关系中的现实的人 [多选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,下列说法正确的是()。
A.在城市的建设工程,施工单位可以对施工现场不实行封闭围挡 B.在城市市区内的建设工程,施工单位应当对施工现场实行封闭围挡 C.施工单位不得在尚未竣工的建筑物内设置员工集体宿舍 D.施工单位可以在尚未竣工但已经监理工程师检验合格的建筑物内设置员工集体宿舍 E.施工现场暂时停止施工的,应当由建设单位做好现场防护,所需费用由责任方承担,或按照合同约定执行 [简答题]简述教师专业发展的内涵及内容。
[单项选择]A nation needs a well-educated workforce. That should (67) Britain, whose young people are struggling to keep up with their counterparts (同龄人) abroad. An inter-national study published on December 7th found that the reading skills of British secondary school pupils have (68) those of children (69) in France and Germany. (70) three years the OECD(经济合作与发展组织) tests the (71) abilities of 15-year-old children in its member states and some other countries. The aim is to discover not what pupils know (72) how well they can (73) what they have learned in reading, mathematics and science. British pupils (74) relatively well in science, performing better than the OECD (75) , but in reading and mathematics they are mediocre(平庸). Around a fifth of British students cannot read (76) . In the highest-achieving OECD countries, just 7% of pupils fail to (77) the basics.
Though ever greater (78) [单选题]B-A-A-017 4 2 1
入冬前,停用的蒸汽线,水线和闪点在()以上的油品管线要用压缩空气彻底吹扫。 A. 50"C B. 60C C. 70C D. 80C [判断题]根据《东京公约》规定,航空器被非法劫持,在缔约国降落后,缔约国应采取一切适当措施,恢复或维护合法机长对航空器的控制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发动机工作容积用( )表示。
A.VL B.Vc C.Va D.Vb [判断题]距掘进工作面30-50m范围内,应安设电话;距采煤工作面两端10-20m范围内,应分别安设电话;采掘工作面的巷道长度大于1000m时,在巷道中部应安设电话
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前我国铁路线路曲线缩短轨长度有比12.5m标准轨短( )三种。
A.10mM.20mM.30mm B.20mM.45mM.60mm C.40mM.80mM.120mm D.60mM.90mM.120mm [单选题]( )起重机通常执行预防性,计划性、预见性的检修保养工作制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]蒙古族被称为“马背上的民族”。 ( )
[单选题]19. 19.按道岔分类,渡线两端的道岔一般属于()道岔。(C、4、X)[04-00-01-03][010103]
A.普通单开 B.交分 C.三开 D.对称 我来回答: 提交