患者男性,50岁,农民。畏寒、发热、全身酸痛、腰痛3天。大便稀,5~6次/日,伴呕吐6次。查体:T39.8℃,P108次/分,R26次 /分,BP90/60mmHg,神志清楚,烦躁,急性重病容,眼结膜明显充血水肿,上腭、双腋下及胸背均可见小的出血点,颈软,双肺呼吸音清,脐周压痛,移动性浊音可疑。
病程第7天,患者仍频繁呕吐,腹胀,不能进食,感异常乏力,头昏,头痛,嗜睡,烦躁,谵妄,尿量减少,小于50ml/24h。查体:反应迟钝,四肢软。BP160/96mmHg,心律不齐,肠鸣音减低,腱反射减低,四肢重度水肿。此时可能出现的并发症是() The most noticeable trend among today’s
media companies is vertical integration—an attempt to control several related
aspects of the media business at once, each part helping the other. Besides
publishing magazines and books, Time Warner, for example, owns Home Box Office
(HBO), Warner movie studios, various cable TV systems throughout the United
States and CNN as well. The Japanese company Matsushita owns MCA Records and
Universal Studios, and manufactures broadcast production equipment. To describe the financial status of today’s media is also to talk about acquisitions. The media are buying and selling each other in unprecedented numbers, and forming media groups to position themselves in the marketplace to maintain and increase their profits. In 1986, the first time a broadcast network had been sold, two networks were sold A. They used to sell and buy each other in great numbers. B. They are trading each other in greater numbers today. C. They used to be controlled by two networks—ABC and NBC D. They have stopped the trend of acquisitions in the 1990s. [多选题]贯入法检测砌筑砂浆抗压强度使用的仪器包括( )。
A.千分表 B.贯入式砂浆强度检测仪 C.数字式贯入深度测量表 D.力值显示器 [多选题]在生产力和生产关系的相互关系中( )
A.生产力决定生产关系 B.生产关系决定生产力 C.生产关系决定生产力,生产力也决定生产关系 D.适合生产力状况的生产关系推动生产力的发展 [判断题]《铁运旅客运输办理细则》中规定,支付逾期违约金时,填写“退款证明书”。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]混凝土碳化主要危害是导致钢筋锈蚀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]马克思主义揭示了社会发展的客观规律,为无产阶级的革命斗争指明了方向。这说明实践是认识发展的动力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]行政机关中初次从事行政复议的人员,应当通过( )取得法律职业资格。
A.国家统一法律职业资格考试 B.当地统一法律职业资格考试 C.省统一法律职业资格考试 [单选题] 在编辑Word文档时,常希望在每页的底部显示页码及一些其他信息,这些信息若打印在每页的底部就称( )。
A.页码 B.分页符 C.页眉 D.页脚 [判断题]职业纪律中包括群众纪律。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 若飞行器已变形、人员被困时,组织人员直接对机体进行破拆,疏散和救助被困人员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生事故事件后,事故单位应当立即启动相应的( )应急预案,控制( ),组织抢救,防止事故扩大,减少人员伤亡和财产损失,避免造成次生事故及伤害。
A. 事故事件 B. 危险源 C.环境污染 D.供电系统 [单项选择]在对有爆炸性危险场所进行导线或电缆的连接时,不可采用的连接方式为()。
A. 压接 B. 螺栓固定 C. 钎焊 D. 绕接 [多选题]“三不离”内容是( )。
A.人员设备未出清不离 B.影响设备正常使用的缺点未修好不离 C.发现设备异状时,为查清楚原因不离 D.工作完了,不彻底试验良好不离 E.作业完毕,未得到上级许可不离 [单选题]在开展借款人财务生存能力分析时,应编制借款人( ),在贷款期内借款人的各年累计盈余资金不出现负值。
A.还本付息计划表 B.利润与利润分配表 C.财务计划现金流量表 D.投资各方现金流量表 [名词解释]有梁板
A. 全向吸顶天线 B. 定向吸顶天线 C. 定向壁挂天线 D. 对数周期天线 [判断题]超声波的入射角恒等于反射角。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防毒工作可以采取隔离的方法,也可以采取敞开通风的方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]承发包工程作业应由项目主管部门、单位组织,设备运维管理单位和( )单位共同参与。
A.业主 B.施工 C.监理 D.作业 [多选题]经鉴定为假币的,由鉴定单位予以没收,并向收缴单位和持有人开具( ) 。
A. 《货币真伪鉴定书》 B. 《假币没收收据》 [多选题]火灾报警的要点是( )。
A.报警人姓名及电话号码 B.火势情况 C.火灾地点 D.燃烧物和大约数量 E.现场消防器材使用情况 [单项选择]属于促进行为改变的促成因素是()
A. 使干预对象懂得健康知识 B. 提高干预对象的保健技术能力 C. 改变干预对象的信念 D. 在社区设立"自动售套机" E. 表彰戒烟成功者 [判断题]构建新发展格局明确了我国经济现代化的路径选择。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]胸膜增厚
The most exciting question of all is "Does life exist beyond the earth" In recent years the trend has been toward the hypothesis (假设) that life is probably a normal phenomenon wherever the conditions are fight, with the added qualification that proper conditions are not necessarily only those of the earth. It was long held, for example, that life on the planet Jupiter (木星) is impossible because of its extreme cold, crushing gravity (重力) and poisonous atmosphere. But there is evidence that the giant planet is warmer below the outer, cold layers than was first thought. The combination of gases in its atmosphere could produce organic (有机的) or preorganic (有机生物的) molecules. Since no one really knows all combinations of conditions under which life can evoke (产生), it is best to be conservative (保守的) about denying the existence of life on any planet. Life on other planets is possible ( ).A. when life-evoking conditions exist B. only when their conditions match those of the earth C. when the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold D. when the atmosphere is not too dry 我来回答: 提交