Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers{{/B}} Young female chimps are faster and better learners than young male chimps, suggests a new study, echoing learning differences seen in human girls and boys While young male chimps pass their time playing, young female chimps carefully study their mothers. AS a result, they learn how to fish for tasty termite snacks over two years before the boys. Elizabeth Lonsdorf, now at Lincoln Park Zoo in .Chicago, US, and colleagues at the University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, spent four years watching how young ’chimpanzees in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania learned "cultural behavior". The sex differences in learning behavior were "consistent and strikingly apparen A. Adult chimps hunt monkeys while young chimps fish for termites. B. The main source of animal protein for male chimps is colobus monkeys. C. The main source of animal protein for female chimps is termites. D. Female chimps fish for termites while watching their children. [单项选择]眼区(眼眶中)腧穴针刺要掌握好角度与方向等。以下注意事项中错误的是()
A. 睁目 B. 将眼球推向针刺侧相反的方向 C. 选用细直的毫针 D. 用压入进针法 E. 出针时按压针孔时间要长些,以防止出血 [单选题]因工作需要( )须在一定区段内连续往返乘车或一次出差到几个地点又不顺路,可使用一定区段内的临时定期乘车证。
A.经常 B.短期内 C.一次性 D.常年 [单选题]拱桥的受力特点为()。
A.受弯为主 B.受拉为主 C.受压为主 D.受扭为主 [单选题]根据《电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范》GB50147-2010第6.2.1条,真空断路器的安装与调整,应按产品技术文件的要求进行,具有慢分、慢合功能的,应先进行手动缓慢分、合闸操作,手动操作正常,方可进行()。
A.机械分、合闸操作 B.电动缓慢分、合闸操作 C.手动快速分、合闸操作 D.电动分、合闸操作 [单项选择]鼓轮打磨是依靠()完成。
A. 刀具切削 B. 砂带面与鼓轮表面摩擦 C. 挤压 D. 铣掉 [填空题]Passage Twelve
Just like children, deer often cross British roads to get to the other side. But the cost is the deer’s life. At night, (1) cars hit and kill the animals. Now foresters are using natural animal (2) to prevent dangerous crossings. In England, the British Forestry Commission has (3) thousands of glowing red "wolf eyes" along woodland roads. The eyes are actually reflectors (反射镜), (4) bars like the red reflectors on your bike. The ten-centimeter long bars are fixed on top of posts, with only these signs directed towards the woods rather than the roads. When cars speed by, light rays from car headlights reflect offthe reflectors’ shining surface and (5) into the woods. Deer are instantly (6) by the wolf eyes-even though wolves haven’t (7) deer in Britain or even lived there for a hundred years! Scientists think the glowing light (8) the "eye sh [单选题]寒冷地区为防止涵洞内发生冻结,在冬季应采用挡雪板挡住小孔径涵洞的洞口,或采取在涵洞口培土培草、装门防风等临时( )措施。
A.防暑 B.防冻 C.防胀 D.防护 [判断题]线盘架设应选用与线盘相匹配的放线架,且架设平稳。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于慢性支气管炎的发病因素,以下哪一项是错误的
A. 呼吸道黏液分泌功能亢进 B. 植物神经功能失调 C. 呼吸道黏液分泌功能减退 D. 呼吸道局部防御功能和免疫功能低下 E. 遗传易感性 [单选题] 起钻时,螺纹卸开后,( )摘开吊钳,并使其不得摆动过大,用钻杆钩拉立柱至钻杆盒排位上。
A.A、内钳工 B. B、外钳工 C. C、井架工 D.D、副司钻 我来回答: 提交