On a four-day trip to Ethiopia,I had a
dream. In my dream, I saw two men, one older and one younger, facing one another
against a background of temples and pyramids. The father was speaking as he
performed the oil ceremony for his son. I became excited in the possibility of
performing a visiting ceremony (31) my son in Africa. For
the next six days I privately wondered what (32) to use in
such a ceremony. Gradually the words (33) me. By the time we
arrived in Cairo, I was ready. I told my son that there was a ceremony I wanted
to (34) him in the tombs in Egypt. His eyes shone with
(35) . But I wondered if he would still be receptive after
my next statement. In the dream I remembered that the son was oiled, as it
(36) , with a dry substance. I took this to mean that powder
(37) oil was used. Bu A. lie B. imply C. lay D. contains [单项选择]与强直性脊柱炎有关的HLA基因型主要是()
A. DR3、B8 B. DR4 C. DR2 D. B27 E. DR3、DR5 [单选题]对无偿献血者国家要发给无偿献血证书,负责制作无偿献血证书的部门是( )
A.各省、自治区、直辖市卫计委 B.血液中心 C.国务院卫生行政部门 D.各省输血协会 E.行业机关单位 [单项选择]城市供水工作实行开发水源、()和节约用水相结合的原则。
A. 防治水害 B. 水资源利用 C. 计划投资 D. 计划用水 [判断题] 空气呼吸器使用前气瓶压力不能低于15 Mpa。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()报告应简明扼要,并包括下列内容:工作负责人姓名,某线路(设备)上某处(说明起止杆塔号、分支线名称、位置称号、设备双重名称等)工作已经完工等。
A.工作间断 B.工作许可 C.工作终结 D.工作转移 E.略 F.略 [单选题]立管明装,每层每趟立管从上至下统一吊线安装卡件,高度一致;竖井内立管安装时其卡件宜设置【】卡架。
A.角钢 B.工字钢 C.型钢 [单项选择]我们对于“西瓜”的追求实际上追求的是()。
A. 效益 B. 效率 C. 执行力 D. 以上说法都不对 [单项选择]HTTP是()。
A. 统一资源定位器 B. 远程登录协议 C. 文件传输协议 D. 超文本传输协议 [单选题]人员密集场所的硫散通道.安全出口必须技规定配置( )
A.防火门和闭门器 B.应急照明和疏散指示标志 C.阻燃地毯和防滑地砖 D.报警按钮和消防广播 [单选题]用干粉灭火器扑救固体物质火灾时,应使灭火器嘴对准(),左右扫射,并应尽量使干粉灭火剂均匀地喷洒在燃烧物的外表,直至把火全部扑灭。
A.A.火焰根部 B.B.火焰顶部 C.C.燃烧最弱处 D.D.燃烧最猛烈处 [单项选择]资本价格的下降将引起对非熟练工人的需求左移,如果资本和非熟练工人是()
A. 总互补 B. 总替代 C. 总替代或总互补 D. 生产替代 [单选题]()是运用工程技术手段消除物的不安全因素,实现生产工艺和机械设备等生产条件本质安全的措施。
A.安全技术措施 B.安全管理方案 C.安全保障方案 我来回答: 提交