Deflation is an economic theory
relating changes in the price levels to changes in the quantity of money. In its
developed (1) , it constitutes an analysis of the
(2) underlying inflation and deflation. As (3)
by the English philosopher John Locke in the 17th century, the
Scottish (4) David Hume in the 18th century, and
(5) , it was a weapon (6) the
mercantilists, who were thought to equate wealth with money. If the (7)
of money by a nation merely raised (8) , argued
the quantity theorists, then a "favourable" balance of trade, (9)
desired by mercantilists, would increase the supply of money but
would not in-crease (10) . In the 19th century the A. others B. the other C. another D. other [判断题]地震、台风、洪水、泥石流等灾害发生时,可以巡视灾害现场。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]施工电线架设时,架空线路宜避开( )等区域。
A.施工作业面 B.作业棚 C.生活设施 D.器材堆放场地 E.施工便道 [单选题]输电设备应在设备投运后( )日内录入生产管理信息系统。
A.5 B.7 C.10 D.15 [单选题]工商行政管理主要是对()进行监督管理。
A.商场结构 B.市场价格 C.市场进入和退出秩序 D.市场经营主体及其市场行为 [判断题]使用绝缘电阻表测量绝缘的工作,测量用的导线,应使用相应的绝缘导线,其端部应有标记。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]灭火方法有冷却法、窒息法、隔离法、物理抑制法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实脾散组成中含有的药物是
A.茯苓皮、槟榔 B.炮附子、炙甘草 C.大腹皮、木瓜 D.炮干姜、茴香 E.草豆蔻、白术 [单选题]He has been granted asylum in France.
A.power B.relief D.license [单项选择]
This is the weather Scobie loves. Lying in bed he touches his telescope lovingly, turning a wistful eye on the blank wall of rotting mud-bricks which shuts off his view of the sea. Scobie is getting on for seventy and still afraid to die; his one fear is that he will awake one morning and find himself dead- Lieutenant-Commander Scobie, O. B. E. Consequently it gives him a severe shock every morning when the water-carriers shriek under his window before dawn, waking him up. For a moment, he says, he dares not open his eyes. Keeping them fast shut for fear they might open on the heavenly host he gropes along the cake-stand beside his bed and grabs his pipe. It is always loaded from the night before and an open matchbox stands beside it. The first whiff of tobacco restores both his composure and his eyesight. He breathes deeply, grateful for reassurance. He smiles. He gloats. Then, drawing the heavy sheepskin which serves him as a bed-cover up to his ears, he sings a little triumpha [单项选择]1岁患儿,母乳喂养未加辅食。查体:皮肤黏膜苍白,肝肋下2cm,脾肋下1cm,化验血象Hb78g/L,RBC3.6×1012/L,血小板121×109/L。最可能的诊断是()
A. 营养性缺铁性贫血 B. 营养性巨幼细胞性贫血 C. 营养性混合性贫血 D. 生理性贫血 E. ABO溶血病 [单项选择]单一银行制下的商业银行只有一个单独的银行机构,不设分支机构。比较典型的采用单一银行制模式的国家是()。
A. 英国 B. 日本 C. 中国 D. 美国 [单选题]对小车变幅的塔式起重机,起重力矩限制器应分别由( )进行控制。
A.起重量和起升速度 B.起升速度和幅度 C.起重量和起升高度 D.起重量和幅度 [多项选择]《人民警察法》规定担任人民警察应当具备的条件有()。
A. 年满18岁的公民 B. 拥护中华人民共和国宪法 C. 有良好的政治、业务素质和良好的品行 D. 身体健康 [不定项选择题]护士应首先采取的措施是
A.立即气管插管 B.清除呼吸道积血 C.给予高流量氧气吸入 D.应用呼吸兴奋剂 E.立即通知医师 [单项选择]
2009年,我国西部地区的年人均收入为18090元,东部地区则为38587元,差距达2万余元。2011年,城乡居民公共卫生资源占有量,每千人口拥有医疗卫生机构床位,城市为6.2,农村为2.8。我国地区、城乡之间差距的事实从一个侧面表明() A. ①② B. ①④ C. ①③ D. ③④ [单项选择]《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》规定,造成30人以上死亡,为()事故。
A. 特别重大 B. 重大 C. 较大 D. 一般 [填空题]Scientists have developed a new cancer drug. So far, they have tested it only on (36) animals. The drug is designed to (37) and kill cancer cells but not healthy cells.
First, the drug enters the cancer and destroys the supply of blood. Then it releases (38) to destroy the cancer cells. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge carried out the study. The (39) appeared in Nature (40) . A school news release called the drug an "anti-cancer smart bomb". Ram Sasisekharan is a professor at M.I.T. He says his team had to (41) three problems. They had to find a way to destroy the blood vessels, then to (42) the growth of new ones. But they also needed the blood vessels to supply chemicals to destroy the cancer. So, the researchers designed a two-part "nanocell". The cell is (43) in nanometers, or one thousand millionth of a meter. (44) . T [单选题]ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路补偿电容参数在2300Hz区段的指标及范围是()。 ( )
A.40±2.0uf B.46±2.3uf C.50±2.5uf D.55±2.75uf [单选题]行政强制执行由()设定。
A.法律 B.行政法规 C.地方性法规 D.行政规章 [多选题]供电段督促维管段做好接触网6C检测数据的分析及缺陷的日常管理工作(含________),督促缺陷整改。
A.数据检测 B.台帐管理 C.现场复测 D.缺陷整治 [多项选择]园林工程项目质量对机械的控制主要包括()等。
A. 生活环境 B. 工程技术环境 C. 工程管理环境 D. 劳动环境 [单项选择]超声最早能显示胎心的周数为()。
A. 5周 B. 6周 C. 7周 D. 7周以后 E. 5周以前 [单项选择]Who was Miss Fanny Jackson
A.5906/6300 B.5796/6000 C.5886/6000 D.5906/6000 [判断题]金刚石的色散度为0.56。
[多选题]遇仪器显示螺孔裂纹回波,拆检未见裂纹,有可能是螺孔( )引起,若排除上述因素,可作成记录,以便探伤人员观察波形变化。
A.周边的毛刺 B.黄油 C.钢轨生产标记 D.钢轨外侧标记 [多项选择]行政复议是一种( )。
A. 依申请的行政行为 B. 依职权的行政行为 C. 内部行政行为 D. 外部行政行为 [单项选择]拼音输入法属于汉字编码中的( )。
A. “内码” B. “外码” C. “字形码” D. “ASCⅡ码” [单选题]配电《安规》要求,装设、拆除接地线均应使用()并戴绝缘手套,人体不得碰触接地线或未接地的导线。
A.绝缘绳 B.专用的绝缘绳 C.绝缘棒 D.软铜线 [多选题]河床断面测量每( )测量一次(对季节性河流上的桥梁,洪水冲刷河床断面发生变化时,汛后测量( ))。
A.一年 B.两年 C.一次 D.两次 [单选题]淮扬菜的调味工艺中特别重视咸鲜味和( )的调配。
A.咸甜味 B.鲜香味 C.甜香味 D.糟香味 [多选题]林木折断损害责任的免责事由包括( )
A.林木的所有人或者管理人无过错 B.不可抗力 C.第三人的过错 D.受害人的过错 [判断题]空气压缩机的实际排气量总是小于理论排气量 。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在拆除作业前,施工单位应检查建筑内各类管线情况,不需确认全部切断后方可施工。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交