In politics, in the courts, even on the
ubiquitous TV talkshow, it is good form to pick an intellectual fight. People
attack each other- hurl insults, even- and it counts as logical argument. I
cannot understand it. It seems that our society favours a kind of ritualized aggression. Everywhere you look, in newspapers and on television, issues are presented using the terminology of war and conflict. We hear of battles, duels and disputes. We see things in terms of winners and losers, victors and victims. The problem is society’s unquestioning belief in the advantages of the debate as a way of solving disagreements, even proving right from wrong. Our brainwashing begins early at school, when the brightest pupils are co-opted onto the debating system. They get there because they can think up a good argument to support their case. Once on the debate A. (A) attacking or abusing stealthily B. (B) mocking or scoffing with tongs C. (C) compromising or consulting with a hammer D. (D) quarrelling or fighting noisily [判断题]公私联动营销的客户范围为集团性公司客户的中层以上管理人员、优势行业白领、优势行业专业人员、优势行业在编员工
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]()市场经营类项目为二次采购的,若该类需求通过ERP申报并在ECP创建批次采购的,不纳入二级筛核范围。
A.全资子公司 B.省公司 C.控股子公司 D.直属单位 [单选题]信贷管理部门每年按照信贷管理重点拟订次年现场检查计划的时间和报送的部门分别是( )。
A. 第一季度,同级行内控合规部门 B. 第一季度,上级行内控合规部门 C. 第四季度,同级行内控合规部门 D. 第四季度,上级行内控合规部门 [多项选择]扶持中小企业的一般政策中,包括( )。
A. 劳动政策 B. 金融政策 C. 交易公开化政策 D. 诊断,指导政策 E. 衰退产业的产业结构调整政策 [判断题]( )进行桥梁灌筑混凝土作业或其他起重作业时,可以用手拨动钢丝绳或起重索。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]两个物体的质量不同,比热相同,则热容量相等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于“四统一”内容的是( )。
A. 统一考录制度 B. 统一训练标准 C. 统一外观标识 D. 统一机构编制 我来回答: 提交