Chess must be one of the oldest games
in the world. An Arab traveler in India in the year 900 wrote that it was played
"long, long ago". Chess was probably invented in India, and it has been played
everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400. The name "chess" is interesting.
When one player is attacking the other’s king, he says, in English, "check".
When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says "check mate".
These words come from Persian. "Shah mat" means ’the king is dead’. That is when
the game is over, and one player has won. Such an old game changes very slowly. The rules have not always been the same as they are now. For example, at one time the queen could only move one square at a time. Now she is the strongest piece on the board. It would be interesting to know why this has happened! Chess takes time and thought, but A. he attacks the other player’s king B. he says some Persian words C. he says "check" to the other player D. the other player’s king can not move anywhere [单项选择]ASD的特征性体征是
A. P2降低 B. P2固定分裂 C. 股动脉枪击音 D. 胸骨左缘第2肋间收缩期杂音 E. P2亢进 [判断题]汽车进行滑行性能检测时,使车辆以3〜5km/h的车速沿台板上的指示线平稳前行,在行进过程中不得转动转向盘。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]夜间检尺时,手电筒应在()打开。
A. 罐下 B. 打开检尺口前 C. 随时 D. 读数时 [填空题]号码百事通是在原有的()业务基础上,挖掘和整合基于号码的信息资源,为客户提供的号码信息增值类服务。
A. 镂空 B. 绣纸 C. 刻纸 D. 刀刻 [多项选择]以下哪些药物通过影响二氢叶酸合成酶产生抗菌作用:
A. 甲氨蝶吟 B. 氨苯砜 C. 磺胺嘧啶 D. 乙胺嘧啶 E. 对氨水杨酸 [单项选择]账户是根据设置的,具有一定的格式和结构,用于分类反映会计要素增减变动情况及其结果的载体()。
A. 会计对象 B. 会计要素 C. 会计科目 D. 会计账簿 [多选题]防误装置的结构应( )维护方便,尽可能不增加正常操作和事故处理的复杂性。
A.简单 B.可靠 C.操作 D.坚固 [简答题]根据给定资料中反映的婚恋交友类节目低俗化的情况,为积极响应国家广电总局规范婚恋交友类节目的号召,请你以某省广电局的名义向媒体工作者发一份倡议书。
要求:(1)1000字以内。 (2)主旨明确,针对性强。 (3)思路清晰,内容贴切。 (4)语言准确流畅,书写工整,格式规范。 [单选题]车体倾斜能导致货物( )变化造成颠覆。
A.重心 B.中心 C.高度 D.宽度 [单项选择]下列哪项不属于急性胰腺炎的中医病机( )
A. 蛔虫上扰 B. 饮食不节 C. 创伤 D. 手术 E. 暴急奔走 [单选题]受限空间涂装作业通风形式首选采用__( )__式
A. 上抽下进; B.上进下抽; C.上进上抽; D. 下进下抽 我来回答: 提交