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发布时间:2024-09-02 00:28:18

[单选题]材料题 B In the fall of 1924 Thomas Wolfe,fresh from his courses in play writing at Harvard joined the eight or ten of us who were teaching English composition in New York University.I had never before seen a man so tall as he,and so ugly.I pitied him and went out of my way to help him with his work and make him feel at home. His students soon let me know that he had no need of my protectiveness.They spoke of his ability to explain a poem in such a manner as to have them shouting with laughter or struggling to keep back their tears,of his readiness to quote in detail from any poet they could name. Indeed,his students made so much of his power of observation that I decided to make a little test and see for myself.My chance came one morning when the students were slowly gathering for nine o‘clock classes. Upon arriving at the university that day,I found Wolfe alone in the large room which served all the English composition teachers as an office.He did not say anything when I asked him to come with me out into the hall,and he only smiled when we reached a classroom door and I told him to enter alone and look around. He stepped in,remained no more than thirty seconds and then came out.“Tell me what you see.”I said as I took his place in the room,leaving him in the hall with his back to the door.Without the least hesitation and without a single error,he gave the number of seats in the room,pointed out those which were taken by boys and those occupied by girls,named the colors each student was wearing,pointed out the Latin verb written on the blackboard,spoke of the chalk marks which the cleaner had failed to wash from the floor,and pictured in detail the view of Washington Square from the window. As I rejoined Wolfe,I was speechless with surprise.He,on the contrary,was wholly calm as he said,“The worst thing about it is that I‘ll remember it all.” What can be inferred from the passage
A.The author was happy to see the test resul
B.What the students said was hardly tru
C.Wolfe would remember forever what the author had don
D.Wolfe felt joyful after he had been teste

更多"[单选题]材料题 B In the fall of 1924 Th"的相关试题:

[单选题]材料题 B In the fall of 1924 Thomas Wolfe,fresh from his courses in play writing at Harvard joined the eight or ten of us who were teaching English composition in New York University.I had never before seen a man so tall as he,and so ugly.I pitied him and went out of my way to help him with his work and make him feel at home. His students soon let me know that he had no need of my protectiveness.They spoke of his ability to explain a poem in such a manner as to have them shouting with laughter or struggling to keep back their tears,of his readiness to quote in detail from any poet they could name. Indeed,his students made so much of his power of observation that I decided to make a little test and see for myself.My chance came one morning when the students were slowly gathering for nine o‘clock classes. Upon arriving at the university that day,I found Wolfe alone in the large room which served all the English composition teachers as an office.He did not say anything when I asked him to come with me out into the hall,and he only smiled when we reached a classroom door and I told him to enter alone and look around. He stepped in,remained no more than thirty seconds and then came out.“Tell me what you see.”I said as I took his place in the room,leaving him in the hall with his back to the door.Without the least hesitation and without a single error,he gave the number of seats in the room,pointed out those which were taken by boys and those occupied by girls,named the colors each student was wearing,pointed out the Latin verb written on the blackboard,spoke of the chalk marks which the cleaner had failed to wash from the floor,and pictured in detail the view of Washington Square from the window. As I rejoined Wolfe,I was speechless with surprise.He,on the contrary,was wholly calm as he said,“The worst thing about it is that I‘ll remember it all.” ()What is the passage mainly discussing
A.Thomas Wolfe‘s teaching wor
B.Thomas Wolfe‘s course in playwritin
C.Thomas Wolfe‘s ability of explainin
D.Thomas Wolfe‘s geniu
[单选题]In the fall of 1924 Thomas Wolfe,fresh from his courses in play writing at Harvard joined the eight or ten of us who were teaching English composition in New York University.I had never before seen a man so tall as he,and so ugly.I pitied him and went out of my way to help him with his work and make him feel at home. His students soon let me know that he had no need of my protectiveness.They spoke of his ability to explain a poem in such a manner as to have them shouting with laughter or struggling to keep back their tears,of his readiness to quote in detail from any poet they could name. Indeed,his students made so much of his power of observation that I decided to make a little test and see for myself.My chance came one morning when the students were slowly gathering for nine o‘clock classes. Upon arriving at the university that day,I found Wolfe alone in the large room which served all the English composition teachers as an office.He did not say anything when I asked him to come with me out into the hall,and he only smiled when we reached a classroom door and I told him to enter alone and look around. He stepped in,remained no more than thirty seconds and then came out.“Tell me what you see.”I said as I took his place in the room,leaving him in the hall with his back to the door.Without the least hesitation and without a single error,he gave the number of seats in the room,pointed out those which were taken by boys and those occupied by girls,named the colors each student was wearing,pointed out the Latin verb written on the blackboard,spoke of the chalk marks which the cleaner had failed to wash from the floor,and pictured in detail the view of Washington Square from the window. As I rejoined Wolfe,I was speechless with surprise.He,on the contrary,was wholly calm as he said,“The worst thing about it is that I‘ll remember it all.” What is the passage mainly discussing
A.Thomas Wolfe‘s teaching work.
B.Thomas Wolfe‘s course in playwriting.
C.Thomas Wolfe‘s ability of explaining.
D.Thomas Wolfe‘s genius.
[单选题]下列建筑材料属于B1级材料的是( )
[单选题]BJ02GG011381 Y系列异步电动机常采用B级绝缘材料,B级绝缘材料的耐热极限温度是( )℃。
A. 95
B. 105
C. 120
D. 130
[单选题]下列建筑材料不属于B2级材料的是( )
[单选题]某建筑的墙面采用复合装修材料装修,该装修材料由燃烧性能等级为B2级、B1级、A级的材料组成,则该复合装修材料的燃烧性能等级应( )。
[单选题]装修材料燃烧性能中的B3级是指( )装修材料。
[单选题]’年1月15日,甲公司(小规模纳税人)委托外单位加工B材料(属于应税消费品),发出的B材料成本为100000元,支付加工费20000元,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的增值税税额为3400元,由受托方代收代缴的消费税为10000元,材料加工完毕验收入库,款项均已支付,收回材料后直接销售。假定不考虑其他相关税费,甲公司收回该批材料后的入账价值是(  )元。
[单选题]除采用保温材料与两侧墙体构成无空腔复合保温结构体外,当采用燃烧性能为B1,B2 级保温材料时,防护层厚度首层不小于( )。
[单选题]开关、插座、配电箱不得直接安装在低于B1级的装修材料上,安装在B1级以下的材料基座上时,必须采用具有良好隔热性能的( )隔绝。
[单选题]装修材料的燃烧性能中的B2级是指( )装修材料。
[单选题]当建筑的屋面外保温系统采用燃烧性能为B1、B2级的保温材料时,按要求设置不燃材料制作的防护层,其厚度不小于( )。
[单选题]材料题 B The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean,so that the audience could see his hero and heroine(男女英雄)in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever.He sent his camera crew(摄制组)out one evening to film the sunset for him. The next morning he said to the men,“Have you provided me with that sunset ” “No,sir,”the man answered. The director was angry.“Why not ”he asked. “Well,sir,”one of the men answered,“we’re on the east coast here,and the sun sets in the west.We can get you a sunrise over the sea,if necessary,but not a sunset.” “But I want a sunset!”the director shouted.“Go to the airport,take the next flight to the west coast,and get one.” But then a young secretary had an idea.“Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,”she suggested,“and then play it backwards Then it’ll look like a sunset.” “That’s a good idea!”the director said.Then he turned to the camera crew and said,“Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.” The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay(海湾).Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director.“Here it is,sir,”they said,and gave it to him.He was very pleased. They all went into the studio.“All right,”the director explained,“now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye.Run the film backwards so that we can see the‘sunset’behind them.” The“sunset”began,but after a quarter of minute,the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera to stop. The birds in the film were flying backwards,and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach. One evening,the director sent his camera crew out.
A.to watch a beautiful sunset
B.to find an actor and an actress
C.to film a scene on the sea
D.to meet the audience


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