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发布时间:2024-09-01 05:39:18

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

A Phone That Knows You're Busy

It's a modern problem : you're too busy to be disturbed by incessant(连续不断的)
phone calls so you turn your cellphone off.But if you don't remember to turn it back on
when you're less busy,you could miss some important calls.If only the phone knew when
it was wise to interrupt you,you wouldn't have to turn it off at all.Instead,it could let calls
through when you are not too busy.
A bunch of behavior sensors(传感器)and a clever piece of software could do just
that,by analyzing your behavior to determine if it's a good time to interrupt you.If built into
a phone,the system may decide you're too busy and ask the caller to leave a message or
ring back later.
James Fogarty and Scott Hudson at Camegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania based
their system on tiny microphones,cameras and touch sensors that reveal body language
and activity.First they had to study different behaviors to find out which ones strongly
predict whether your mind is interrupted.
The potential"busyness"signals they focused on included whether the office doors
were left open or closed,the time of day,if other people were with the person in question,
how close they were to each other,and whether or not the computer was in use.
The sensors monitored these and many other factors while four subjects were at work.
At random intervals,the subjects rated how interruptible they were on a scale ranging from
"highly interruptible"to"highly not-interruptible".Their ratings were then correlated with
the various behaviors. " It is a shotgun(随意的)approach: we used all the indicators we
could think of and then let statistics find out which were important,"says Hudson.
The model showed that using the keyboard,and talking on a landline or to someone
else in the office correlated most strongly with how interruptible the subjects judged
themselves to be.
Interestingly,the computer was actually better than people at predicting when someone
was too busy to be interrupted.The computer got it right 82 percent of the time,humans 77
percent.Fogarty speculates that this might be because people doing the interrupting are
inevitably biased towards delivering their message,whereas computers don't care.
The first application for Hudson and Fogarty's system is likely to be in an instant
messaging system,followed by office phones and cellphones. "There is no technological
roadblock(障碍)to it being deployed in a couple of years,"says Hudson. The computer performed better than people in the study because
A.the computer worked harder.
B.the computer was not busy.
C.people tended to be biased.
D.people were not good at statistics.

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

Are These Food Safe to Eat?

Traditionally,in plant breeding,there are crossing varieties of the same species in ways they could cross naturally.For example,disease-resistant varieties of wheat have been crossed with highyield wheat to combine these properties.This type of natural gene exchange is safe and fairly predictable.
Genetic engineering(G E)makes it possible to exchange genes between unrelated species that cannot exchange genes with each other in a natural way.GE can involve the exchange of genes be-tween vastly different species一e.g. putting scorpion toxin genes into maize or fish antifreeze genes into tomatoes.It is possible that a scorpion toxin gene,even when it is in maize DNA,will still get the organism to produce scorpion toxin一but what other effects may it have in this alien environment? We have already realized this problem一adding human growth hormone genes to pigs certainly makes them grow一but it also gives them arthritis and makes them cross-eyed,which was entirely out of expectation.
It won't be difficult to find out,for example,that the gene for human intelligence will not have the same effect if it is inserted into cabbage DNA as it had in human DNA一but what side-effect would it have?In other words,is genetically modified(GM)food safe to eat?The answer is that no-body knows because long-term tests have not been carried out.
Those companies who want a GM product approved in the UK or USA are required to provide regulatory bodies with results of their own safety tests.Monsanto's soya beans were apparently fed to fish for 10 weeks before being approved.There was no requirement for independent testing,for longterm testing,for testing on humans or testing for specific dangers to children or allergic people.
The present opinion of the British Government is that"There is no evidence of long-term dangers from GM foods."In the US,the American Food and Drug Administration is now being prosecuted for covering up research that suggested possible risks from GM foods. Which statement is true based on the passages? A:If a company can provide regulatory bodies with results of their own safety tests,it can get GM product approvals from the UK or US
B.The present opinion of the British Government is right.
C.Monsanto's soya beans were apparently fed to fish for 10 weeks after being approved.
D.Adding human growth hormone genes to pigs certainly makes them allergic.


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