In the world in which we live today, a
man may be one thing but appear to be another. This was impossible in Indian
society. An Indian’s name told the world what he was--a coward, a liar, a thief,
or a brave. When I was young, every Indian had at least three names during his lifetime. His first name was given to him at birth. It described something that had happened at that time. Each Indian was supposed to keep his birth name until he was old enough to earn money for himself. But his friends would always give him a name of their own. No matter what his parents called him, his childhood friends would use the name they had chosen. The Indian earned his real name when he was old enough for his first fight against the enemy. His life name depended on how he acted during this first battle. When he returned he would A. no one could change his name by himself B. no one could give his name to a son C. no one could give his name away D. no one could give up his name [单选题]标明"100Ω、24W"和"100Ω、25W"的两个电阻并联时,允许通过的最大电流是( )。
A.0.7安 B.1安 C.1.4安 D.0.4安 [单项选择]有的企业不使用品牌,其主要原因是()。
A. 使用品牌太麻烦 B. 以免其他竞争者模仿或冒充自己的品牌 C. 产品是同质产品,没有特点 D. 使用品牌不利于竞争 [判断题]一次性租用的铁路货车,在货物运单上注明,可不必标明或涂打标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在对损益表进行结构分析时,须对损益表进行调整。在毛利润中加上其他业务利润,减去管理费用和财务费用后得出的足( )。
A. 主营业务收入 B. 利润总额 C. 营业利润 D. 净利润 [单项选择]SMHz表示的是声波()。
A. 每秒50万周 B. 每秒5千万周 C. 每秒5千周 D. 每秒5百万周 E. 每秒5万周 [判断题]为降低线路跳闸率,可在大跨越地带杆塔增加绝缘子串数目
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]建筑施工企业的分公司、区域公司等较大的分支机构(以下简称分支机构)应依据实际生产情况配备3人专职安全生产管理人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家安全各个领域都需要科技保障,关于科技保障,不包括( )。
A.国家鼓励企业采取多种措施,加快推进技术创新,为维护国家安全提供技术手段保障 B.政府要根据国家安全领域提出的要求,设立科技专项,组织科研攻关, 提高自主创新能力,不断解决维护国家安全面临的技术难题 C.国家鼓励引导企业重视人才、积极开发研究抢占科技制高点的高新技术、关键技术 D.国家采取必要措施,招录、培养和管理国家安全工作专门人才和特殊人才 [单选题]电气设备着火后,应采如何扑救?( )
A.A-用二氧化碳灭火器灭火 B.B-用泡沫灭火器灭火 C.C-用水灭火 D.D-都可以 [多项选择]《合同法》规定,属于不可抗力的社会因素有()。
A. 地震 B. 战争 C. 洪灾 D. 罢工 [单项选择]第二代语言是用( )来表示机器指令的符号语言
A. 助记符 B. 模块符 C. 二级码 D. 可译符 E. 内码 [单选题] 存货质押率根据存货类型确定,其中原材料、半成品、产成品质押率最高不超过(),流通商品价值按采购价计算的,质押率最高不超过( )。
A.50%,70% B.50%,60% C.70%,50% D.60%,50% 我来回答: 提交