The most damning thing that can be said
about the world’s hest-endowed and richest country is that it is not only not
the leader in health status, but that it is so low in the ranks of the nations.
The United States ranks 18th among nations of the world in male life expectancy
at birth, 9th in female life expectancy at birth, and 12th in infant mortality.
More importantly, huge variations are evident in health status in the United
States from one place to the next and from one group to the next. The forces that affect health can be aggregated into four groupings that lends to analysis of all health problems. Clearly the largest aggregate of forces resides in the person’s environment. His own behavior, in part derived from his experiences with his environment, is the next greatest force affecting his health. Medical care services, treated as separate from A. show that some health problems cannot be attacked by better medical care B. demonstrate that use of tobacco and intoxicants is detrimental care C. cite examples of individual behavior which have adverse consequences for health status D. illustrate ways in which affluence may contribute to poor health status [简答题]
(71) A corporation is a legal entity that exists as distinct from the individuals who control and invest in it. (72)As a result, a corporation can continue indefinitely through complete changes of ownership leadership, and staffing. Current owners can sell their holdings to other individuals or, if they die, have their assets transferred to heirs. This is possible because a corporation creates shares of stock that are sold to investors. One strength of the corporate business structure is that stockholders have limited liability, as opposed to the unlimited liability of general partners, so they cannot lose more than their initial investment. (73)Investors may also easily buy and sell stocks of public corporations through stock exchange. (74) By offering stock publicly, a corporation enables anyone with some money to buy the stock and become a part-owner of the company. (75) As a result, corporations can more easily raise capital for business expansi [单选题]震颤麻痹(帕金森病)的产生是由于下列哪一个递质系统受损所致?
A.黑质-纹状体多巴胺能系统 B.脑干网状结构胆碱能系统 C.纹状体-黑质γ-氨基丁酸能系统 D.中缝核5-羟色胺能系统 E.蓝斑上部去甲肾上腺素能系统 [单项选择](1)准备材料 (2)搬进新居(3)装修 (4)设计图纸(5)施工
A. 5-2-1-4-3 B. 5-1-2-3-4 C. 4-1-5-3-2 D. 1-2-4-3-5 [单项选择]甲采取暴力重伤的方法拒不执行人民法院已经生效的民事判决,造成法院执行人员乙重伤。甲的行为构成______。
A. 妨害公务罪 B. 拒不执行判决、裁定罪 C. 故意伤害罪 D. 过失致人重伤罪 [单项选择]信息要当真进行()才能合用。
A. 同化 B. 筛选 C. 搅拌 D. 组合 [判断题]变压器跳闸时,若主保护全部动作,未查明原因和消除故障前不得送电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“集中决策,分散经营”是()型组织结构的最大特点。
A. 矩阵 B. 事业部 C. 直线职能 D. 网络 [单项选择]古希腊悲剧家索福克勒斯的代表作是()。
A. 《被绑的普罗米修斯》 B. 《美狄亚》 C. 《俄狄浦斯王》 D. 《阿卡奈人》 [单选题]ZK3-A型电空转辙机(活塞杆行程为200mm±2mm)的解锁风压为不大于()。
A.0.22 MPa B.0.32 MPa C.0.42 MPa D.0.52 MPa [单选题]电力电缆沟(槽)开挖深度达到( )m及以上时,应采取措施防止土层塌方。
A.A.1.0 B.B.1.2 C.C.1.5 D.D.1.8 [单项选择]抗甲状腺药停药的关键指征是
A. T3,T4正常 B. T3,T4正常,TRAb明显下降或转阴 C. TSH正常 D. RT3正常 E. 临床甲亢表现消失 [单项选择]下列金融市场中不属于场内交易市场的是( )。
A. 上海证券交易所 B. 大连商品交易所 C. 全国银行间债券市场 D. 中国金融期货交易所 [单项选择]Where is the man going to He is going to______.
A. second B. first C. third [简答题]墩台表面补强,可用挂网喷射水泥砂浆方法 ,水泥砂浆用32.5级及以上水泥,灰砂配合比为1:1.2~1.5,用水量为水泥重量的。
A. 塞因塞用 B. 通因通用 C. 寒者热之 D. 热者寒之 E. 标本兼治 我来回答: 提交