{{B}}What is
Market {{/B}} The word market is used in a number of ways. There is a stock market and automobile market, a retail market for furniture and a wholesale market for furniture. One person may be going to the market; another may plan to market a product. What, then is a market A market may be defined as a place where buyers and sellers meet, goods or services are offered for sale, and transfers of ownership occur. A market may also be defined as the demand made by a certain group of potential buyers for a good or service. For instance, there is a farm market for petroleum products. The terms market and demand are often used interchangeably; they, may also be used jointly as market demand. These definitions are not sufficiently precise to be useful to us here. For business purposes we define a mar [判断题] 142有功铜损(变损)电量等于按二次侧电能表有功电量乘以铜损系数
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]新饲料、新饲料添加剂处于监测期的,不受理其他就该新饲料、新饲料添加剂的生产申请和进口登记申请,但超过1年不投入生产的除外。
A. A.作业人员应特别小心,不使衣服及擦拭材料被机器挂住,扣紧袖口,发辫应放在帽内 B.B.作业人员工作时站在绝缘垫上(该绝缘垫为常设固定型绝缘垫) C.C.不得同时接触两极或一极与接地部分 D.D.应两人同时进行工作 [单选题]避免泡沫喷溅的方法为( )。
A.提高渣中SiO2含量 B.增加渣量 C.控制渣中TFe含量 D.控制渣中CaO含量 [单选题]()是为满足电力用户能源需求而提供各种形式能源开发和利用服务的主体,是需求响应服务的需求方。
A.A、用电客户 ; B.需求响应聚合商; C.需求晌应服务管理者 ; D.电能供应商 [多选题]办理治安案件时,需要人民警察在笔录中注明的情形有()。
A.对现场发现的违反治安管理行为人,人民警察口头传唤的 B.询问聋哑的违反治安管理行为人,在场有通晓手语的人提供帮助的 C.询问不通晓当地通用的语言文字的证人,在场配备翻译人员的 D.人民警察制作检查笔录,被检查人拒绝签名的 [填空题]>钢锭及钢坯要码放整齐,以保证( )、安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铅中毒症状之一是,出现贫血、( )。
A.大量喝水 B.情绪激动 C.苍白无力 D.双手颤动 [单选题]线路允许速度大于160km/h时,无缝线路铝热焊缝距轨枕边缘不应小于()。
A.30mm B.40mm C.60mm D.100mm [单项选择]