Globalization, a process whereby owners
of capital are enabled to move their capital around the globe more quickly and
easily, has resulted in the removal of state controls on trade and investment,
the disappearance of tariff barriers and the spread of new information and
communications technologies. In societies around the world, the effects of
globalization have influenced social development. Not only are the influences of
globalization apparent in markets, their forces are felt in the processes or
working towards equality between men and women. Reda Behars of Egypt, stressing
that the advancement of women would not be achieved by passing legislation, said
that social development on the national scale must be strengthened and a climate
conducive to development most be created if the goals set in Beijing (at
the 1995 Fourth A. It has created new education opportunities. B. It has sped up the process of globalization. C. It has opened the doors for new opportunities and increased the number of young women in the working world. D. It has increased the number of skilled women. [单选题]关于社会主义法治理念的理解,下列选项正确的是( )。
A.社会主义法治理念与中国传统法律文化有本质区别,它与后者之间不存在继承关系 B.社会主义法治理念主要以马克思主义的剩余价值学说为基础 C.社会主义法治理念是建设社会主义法治文化的价值指引 D.社会主义法治理念本身属于社会主义法治的制度体系 [多选题]车站“客服中心”的门钥匙、BOM现金抽屉钥匙在非运营时间由()或()保管。
A.值班站长 B.行车值班员 C.客运值班员 D.站务人员 [单选题]检验发动机曲轴裂纹的最好方法是选用( )。
A.磁力探伤法或渗透法 B.敲击法 C.检视法 D.荧光探伤法 [单项选择]变电站35kV2号站用变SZ11-M-630/35S冷却方式()。
A. 强油风泠 B. 油浸风泠 C. 油浸自泠 D. 油浸水泠 [不定项选择题]钩体的损伤有( )。
A.裂纹 B.裂纹、磨耗、变形 C.变形 D.裂纹、变形 [判断题]杆塔两侧档导线最低点之间的垂直距离称为该杆塔的垂直档距。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]终聚釜搅拌器转速测量值故障不会造成联锁停机。()
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