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发布时间:2024-09-08 01:45:36

[单选题]Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that. The author's attitude towards the conclusion of the experiment is——.

更多"[单选题]Text 1'The love of money',St P"的相关试题:

[单选题]Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that. What can we infer from the tests?
A.The subjects have been told their assignment
B.Volunteers who had been primed with money ideas were more likely to cheat others.
C.12%volunteers had been primed with time-related words.
D.33%subjects had been primed with money-related words.
[单选题]Love for Love is a comedy written by__
A.William Shakespeare
B.Ben Jonson
C.William Congreve
D.Christopher Marlowe
[单选题]Paul is taller than in his class.
A.all the students
B.any students
C.any other student
D.any one student
[填空题]Paul strongly denied that he was guilty( )cheating innocent customers. for
[单选题]Text 2 A study published in the International Journal of Business Administration found that what students read in college directly effects the level of writing they achieve.In fact,researchers found that reading content and frequency may exert more significant impacts on students'writing ability than writing instruction and writing frequency.Students who read academic journals,literary fiction,or general nonfiction wrote with greater svntactic SODhistication(more comDlex sentences)than those who read genre fiction(mysteries,fantasy,or science fiction)or exclusively web-based aggregators.The highest scores went to those who read academic journals;the lowest scores went to those who relied sotely on web-based content.Recent research also revealed that"deep reading"-defined as reading that is slow,immersive,rich in sensory detail and emotional and moral complexity-is distinctive from light reading-little more than the decoding of words.Deep reading occurs when the language is rich in detail,allusion,and metaphor,and taps into the same brain regions that would activate if the reader were experiencing the event.Deep reading is great exercise for the brain and has been shown to increase empathy,as the reader dives deeper and adds reflection,analysis,and personal subtext to what is being read.It also offers writers a way to appreciate all the qualities that make novels fascinating and meaningful-and to tap into his abllity to write on a deeper level.Light reading is equated to what one might read in online blogs,or"headline news"or"entertainment news"websites,particularly those that breezily rely on lists or punchy headlines,and even occasionally use emojis to communicate.These types of light reading lack a genuine voice,a viewpoint,or the sort of analyses that might stimulate thought.It's light and breezy reading that you can skim through and will likely forget within minutes.Deep reading activates our brain's centers for speech,vision,and hearing,all of which work together to help us speak,read,and write.Reading and writing engages Broca's area,which enables us to perceive rhythm and syntax;Wernicke's area,which impacts our perception of words and meaning;and the angular gyrus,which is central to perception and use oflanguage.These areas are wired together by a band of fibres,and this interconnectivity likely helps writers mimic and synchronize language and rhythms they encounter while reading.Your reading brain senses a cadence that accompanies more complex writing,which your brain then seeks to emulate when writing. The word"emojis"(Para.3)probably means_____
A.network language
B.characters of emotion
C.voice mail
D.specific Intemet signs
[单选题]Text 3 At first glance the patriarchy appears to be thriving.More than 90%of presidents and prime ministers are male,as are nearly all big corporate bosses.Men dominate finance,technology,films,sports,music and even stand-up comedy.In much of the world they still enjoy social and legal privileges simply because they have a Y chromosome.So it might seem odd to worry about the plight of men.Yet there is plenty of cause for concern.Men cluster at the bottom as well as the top.They are far more likely than women to be jailed,estranged from their children,or to kill themselves.They eam fewer university degrees than women.Boys in the developed world are 50%more likely to flunk basic maths,reading and science entirely.What can be done?Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes.Over the past generation,middte-class men have leamed that they need to help with child care,and have changed their behaviour.Working-class men need to catch up.Women have learned that they can be SUfgeons and physicists without losing their femininity.Men need to understand that traditional manual jobs arc not coming back,and that they can be nurses or hairdressers without losing their masculinity.Policymakers also need to lend a hand,because foolish laws are making the problem worse.America reduces the supply of marriageable men by locking up millions of young males for non-violent offences and then making it hard for them to find work when they get out(in Georgia,for example,felons are barred from feeding pigs,fighting fires or working in funeral homes).A number of rich countries discourage poor people from marrying or cohabiting by cutting their benefits ifthey do.More generally,schools need to become more boy-friendly.They should recognise that boys like to rush around more than girls do:it's better to give them lots of organised sports and energy-eating games than to dose them with Ritalin or tell them off for fidgeting.They need to provide more male role models:employing more male teachers in primary schools will both supply boys with a male to whom they can relate and demonstrate that men can be teachers as well as firefighters.The growing equality of the sexes is one of the biggest achievements of the post-war era:people have greater opportunities than ever before to achieve their ambitions regardless of their gender.But some men have failed to cope with this new world.It is time to give them a hand. Men are doing worse than women at——.
A.criminal offense
B.suicide rate
D.human science
[单选题]Text 4 A US drug company has increased the price of an acne cream by more than 3,900%to$9,561 in less than 18 months in the latest example of drug"price cheating",which has enraged the American public and become a central topic of debate in the presidential election campaign.Novum Pharma,a recently formed privately held Chicago-based company,bought the rights to drug Aloquin in May 2015.The 60g cream,which contains two cheap ingredients,was sold by its previous owner,Primus Pharmaceuticals,for$241.50.Nowm almost immediately increased the price by l,100%,and hiked the price higher still in January 2016.Figures seen by the Financial 77mes show the company increased the price a third time last week to take the cost to$9,561.So-called"price cheating",in which companies buy the rights to older drugs and then vastly increase their cost,has provoked outrage across the country and led to calls for reform of the US healthcare system.Earlier this month,Hillary Clinton claimed"It's time to move beyond talking about these price hikes and start acting to address them.AlI Americans deserve full access to the medications they need-without being burdened by excessive,unjustified costs."Clinton said she would change the law to allow the"emergency importation"of safe altemative treatments from abroad.Aloquin contains two cheap active ingredients:a decades-old antibiotic,iodoquinol,and an extract from the aloe vera plant.Iodoquinol can be bought for as little as$30 a tube and aloe vera cream costs a few dollars.The drug is labelled as"possibly effective",as the US Food and Drug Administration has stated that there is only limited evidence that the drug is effective.Novum has also drastically increased the price of its other two skin creams,Alcortin A and Novacort.The drugs are prescription only,with the cost being mostly covered by health insurance or government assistance.In instances when the full cost of the treatment isn't covered by insurance,Novum provides coupons to reduce the proportion that patients have to pay,while collecting the rest from the health plan.The company,which is privately held and does not publish figures on sales or profits,did not reply to requests for comment.A spokesman told the public that the firm was founded by"a group oflike-minded investors who believe in the firm's focus ofproviding therapeutic innovations that are affordable for patients". The price of the Aloquin is considered as cheating for____.
A.the price has been raised for many times
B.patients cannot get access to medicines they need
C.the increase ofthe price has been dramatic
D.the drug is not effective at all


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