Aristotle was one of those who could
found a civilization, and while he thought of education as both a social value
and an end in itself, he ascribed its chief importance (21)
what might be considered a third basic concept of education: to train
the mind to think, (22) what it is thinking about. The key is
not (23) it knows but how it (24) any new
fact or argument. "An educated man," Aristotle wrote in On the Parts of Animals,
"should be able to (25) a fair offhand judgment as to the
goodness or badness of the method used by a professor in his exposition. To
be (26) is in fact to be able to do this." The Aristotle view of education as a (27) has become the conventionally worthy answer today (28) college presidents and other academic leaders are asked what an education should be. An educa A. for B. to C. by D. with [填空题]按心理描述法潜在客户可以被划分为四个类型:()。
A.进线柜 B.母联柜 C.馈线柜 D.配电箱 E.变压器 [判断题]承运人填写货物运单有更改时,在更改处由车站加盖站名戳记。
[填空题]Computerized Robots
Always on time and always efficient, Epistle reads
the mail each morning, choose the most important letters, and marks (81)
the most important parts long before the boss arrives.
Epistle is not ordinary secretary, but a robot. (82)
IBM developed Epistle a number of years before. Today people (83)
are designing computerized robots what are even more (84)
much sophisticated than Epistle to think and reason like the human brain. (85)
These machines will use artificial intelligence to perform their functions.
Artificial intelligence has already began to affect the lives of (86)
millions. People are building both robots and computers that can do
amazingly humanlike work. For example, in many U.S. hospitals,
computers can diagnose diseases with at least 85 percents accu
[单项选择]下列哪一种情形,尚不能认为是犯罪( )。
A. 甲打电话邀约其朋友李某一起去实施抢劫 B. 乙向其朋友赵某表示要杀掉仇人陈某 C. 丙为了盗窃张某家财产,毒死了张某家的看家犬 D. 丁为方便对刘某实施抢劫,对刘某的活动规律进行跟踪调查 [填空题]绒毡层根据其解体过程的形态变化可分为())和()绒毡层。
[单选题]当油罐气体空间的压力低于设计的允许真空压力时,呼吸阀中的( )。
A.压力阀开启,真空阀关闭 B.压力阀开启,真空阀开启 C.压力阀关闭,真空阀关闭 D.压力阀关闭,真空阀开启 [单选题]当本场主导能见度<1500m,而所有探测点的RVR≥1500m时,只通报( )或( )实际显示数值。
A. RVRP1500,跑道能见度指示器 B. RVR1500,RVR 指示器 C. RVRP1500,RVR 指示器 D. RVR1500,跑道能见度指示器 [多选题]中途新加入的工作班成员,应由()对其进行安全交底并履行确认手续。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.专责监护人 [简答题]隧道施工中防尘措施有哪些?
[多选题]下列豆制品中,含量比原料中维生素 B2 较高的是()。
A.豆豉 B.水豆腐 C.黄酱 D.豆芽 [单选题]集中式多点定位系统的结构的特点是()
A.统一授时,时钟同步精度较高、工程实施困难 B.分布授时,时钟精度低 C.随机授时 D.以上都不对 [单选题]反应温升主要是通过调节加热炉出口温度和催化剂床层间的( )来进行控制。
A. 进料量 B. 冷氢量 C. 原料组成 D. 回流量 [判断题]没有社会价值,人生的自我价值就无法存在。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为严格执行换发证件物理作废处理规定,对无国内户籍和身份证申请换发普通护照的华侨、在换发往来港澳通行证期间确需使用原证件出入境的内地居民,受理民警可根据申请人的请求暂不对其原持证件进行物理作废处理,但要严格把关,要求申请人现场领取新证时提交原证件,再对原证件进行物理作废处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]使用圆心(CEN)捕捉类型可以捕捉到以下哪几种图形的圆心位置( )
A.圆 B.圆弧 C.椭圆 D.椭圆弧 E.线性标注 [单项选择]视网膜色素变性的最早期症状是()
A. 夜盲 B. 视野缩小 C. 眼底骨细胞样色素沉着症 D. 光感受器功能不良 [单选题]当某个方位处于机场内,是空管关注区域时,可以将其设置为()
A.静默区 B.非初始化区 C.反射区 D.发射区 [单选题]集团公司从事哪些业务不适用《采购管理规定》( )。
A.A.劳务派遣业务 B.B.航空主营业务 C.C.参加各专业协会及行业主管部门的培训活动 D.D.以上均包括 [多项选择]假定其它条件不变,一种商品的价格下降会造成( )
A. 对该商品的需求增加 B. 对该商品的需求量增加 C. 对该商品替代品的需求增加 D. 对该商品替代品的需求减少 我来回答: 提交