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[判断题]ZXUN xAGCF系统割接时,需要首先进行系统运用状态检查,进行巡检检查后方可进行。 During cutover of the ZXUN xAGCF, you need to first check the system available status. You can carry out system cutover after routine inspection.

更多"[判断题]ZXUN xAGCF系统割接时,需要首先进行系统运用状态检查"的相关试题:

[判断题]ZXUN xAGCF系统割接时,需要首先进行系统运用状态检查,进行巡检检查后方可进行。 During cutover of the ZXUN xAGCF, we need to first check the running status of the system. We can make cutover after routine inspection checks.
[多选题]ZXUN xAGCF的的网元工作正常,但是ZXUN xAGCF网元没有代替终端向ZXUN CSCF发起注册,可能的原因包括( )。 If the ZXUN xAGCF works properly, but it does not initiate registration to the ZXUN CSCF as a replacement of the terminal, what are the possible reasons? ( )
A.用户没有配置PUI The user is not configured with the PUI.
B.启用了暂停注册功能 The registration pausing function is enabled.
C.ZXUN xAGCF到ICSCF网元节点/链路异常 The node/link on the ZXUN xAGCF to the ICSCF is abnormal.
D.ZXUN xAGCF到SCSCF网元节点/链路异常 The node/link on the ZXUN xAGCF to the SCSCF is abnormal.
[单选题]ZXUN xAGCF进行版本升级时,需要使用网管命令备份配置数据,告警数据等,备份时需要输入配置对象集,备份对象集中1400000代表( )。 During version upgrade of the ZXUN xAGCF, we need to run OMM commands to back up configurations and alarm data. When we specify the configuration object set during backup, the value “1400000” in the backup object set indicates ( ).
A.告警数据 Alarm data
B.性能数据 Performance data
C.安全数据 Security data
D.基本配置数据 Basic configuration data
[多选题]ZXUN xAGCF组网中属于对外部网络的是( )。 In the ZXUN xAGCF networking structure, the following networks are external networks: ( ).
A.网管网 OMM network
B.信令网 Signaling network
C.计费网 Billing network
D.营帐网 Accounting network
[单选题]ZXUN xAGCF版本升级前,需要检查CGSL操作系统的版本,如果不符合要求,需要进行升级,检查操作系统版本的命令( )。 Before version upgrade of the ZXUN xAGCF, we need to check the version of the CGSL operating system, and we need to upgrade it if it does not comply with requirements. To check the OS version, run the ( ) command.
A.cat /etc/klinux-release
B.cat /etc/linux-release
C.cat /pro/klinux-release
D.cat /pro/linux-release
[多选题]ZXUN xAGCF系统升级时,如果采用非容灾方式升级,则ZXUN xAGCF周边网元包含( )。 If the upgrade of the ZXUN xAGCF is made in non-disaster tolerance node, surrounding NEs of the ZXUN xAGCF include ( ).
[判断题]ZXUN xAGCF割接H248用户,需要获取的信息包括,终端节点信息,终端TIDNAME,终端号码等信息。 During cutover of H248 users in the ZXUN xAGCF system, we need to get the following information: terminal node, terminal TIDNAME, and terminal number.
[单选题]ZXUN xAGCF升级时可能需要进行LICNESE相关操作,下列说法错误的是( )。 During version upgrade of the ZXUN xAGCF, we might need to perform operations related to the license. Which of the following statements is wrong? ( )
A.升级前需要检查当前license情况,检查命令check license Before upgrade, we need to run the “check license” command to check the current license setting.
B.升级前需要准备好license文件 Before upgrade, we need to prepare the license file.
C.升级后license需要上传到网管 After upgrade, we need to upload the license to the OMM.
D.升级后需要进行license加载,加载命令load license After upgrade, we need to run the “load license” command to load the license.
[多选题]ZXUN xAGCF升级前需要进行操作系统上网管涉及到的目录备份,可以通过cp -rf命令实现,主要备份的目录如下( )。 Before upgrading the ZXUN xAGCF, we need to check the backup of OMM-related directories on the operating system by running the “cp –rf” command. Mainly the following directories need to be backed up: ( ).
[多选题]ZXUN xAGCF系统升级前需要进行网元工作状态检查,检查的内容以及方法正确的是( )。 Before upgrading the ZXUN xAGCF, we need to check the working status of NEs. The following statements are correct about the checking contents and methods: ( ).
A.使用CHECK BOARD MEM检查前台单板内存使用情况 Run the “CHECK BOARD MEM” command to check the memory usage of foreground boards.
B.使用SHOW BRDDSK检查前台单板硬盘使用率 Run the “SHOW BRDDSK” command to check the hard disk usage of foreground boards.
C.使用SHOW DIMLNKSTAT检查diameter链路状态 Run the “SHOW DIMLNKSTAT” command to check the status of Diameter links.
D.检查性能统计中CPU,接通率等 Check the CPU usage and connection rate in performance statistics.
[单选题]ZXUN xAGCF容灾功能异常,需要检查节点相关信息,本端配置的容灾节点不包括()。 If the disaster-tolerance function on the ZXUN xAGCF does not work normally, we need to check node-related information. The disaster-tolerance nodes configured on the local end do not include: ( ).
C.对端xAGCF节点 xAGCF node on the opposite end
D.本端自环AGCF节点 Self-loop AGCF node on the local end
[判断题]ZXUN xAGCF网元进行前台版本升级,如果版本上传失败,则需要检查FTP相关账号有效期、密码、安全加固等信息。 During foreground version upgrade of the ZXUN xAGCF, if version uploading fails, we need to check the validity period, password, and security enforcement information of related FTP accounts.
[多选题]ZXUN xAGCF升级前需要准备的工具软件包括( )。 Before upgrading the ZXUN xAGCF, we need to prepare the following software tools: ( ).
B.SSH Secure File Transfer
C.DTF Tool
D.解压缩工具如7-zip Uncompressing tool such as 7-zip
[判断题]ZXUN xAGCF前台如果系统工作异常,首先要登录到前台,使用sh 1切换到平台进程下,使用SCSShowMcmInfo(1),查看前台进程状态。 If the ZXUN xAGCF foreground works abnormally, we need to first log in to the foreground, then run “sh 1” to switch to the platform process, and then run “SCSShowMcmInfo(1)” to view the status of foreground statuses.
[单选题]ZXUN xAGCF已经向CSCF发起注册,CSCF返回200 ok,但是在ZXUN xAGCF上查看用户状态依然是待注册状态。可能的原因包括( )。 The ZXUN xAGCF has already initiated registration to the CSCF, and the CSCF returns “200 ok”. However, the user status on the ZXUN xAGCF is still “to be registered”. Under this situation, what is the possible reason? ( )
A.用户未放号 The user number is not allocated.
B.ZXUN xAGCF上终端所属节点状态异常 On the ZXUN xAGCF, the node that the terminal belongs to is in abnormal status.
C.SCSCF主机名配置错误 The hostname of the SCSCF is not configured correctly.
D.用户密码错误 The user password is wrong.
[单选题]ZXUN xAGCF版本升级后,需要检查业务受理是否正常,可以通过建链情况检查链路营帐和AGCF是否建链成功,可以使用如下( )操作系统命令进行。 After version upgrade of the ZXUN xAGCF, we need to check whether service handling is normal. To do so, we can run the ( ) command on the operating system to check whether the link between the accounting system and the AGCF is set up successfully.
A.netstat -an| grep 7700
B.netstat -an| grep 7711
C.netstat -an| grep 7722
D.netstat -an| grep 7733


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