The willingness of doctors at several major medical centers to apologize .to patients for harmful errors is a promising step toward improving the rather disappointing quality of a medical system that kills tens of thousands of innocent patients a year inadvertently.
For years, experts have lamented that medical malpractice litigation is an inefficient way to deter lethal or damaging medical errors. What they noticed, simply put it, is that most victims of malpractice never sue, and there is some evidence that many patients who do sue were not harmed by a physician’s error but instead suffered an adverse medical outcome that could not have been prevented. The details of what went wrong are often kept secret as part of a settlement agreement.
What is needed, many specialists agree, is a system that quickly brings an error to light so that further errors can be headed off and that compensates victims promptly and fairly. Many doctors, unfortunately, have been a
A. skeptical
B. indifferent
C. supportive
D. intolerable
/r/n | Last Week | /r/n This Week | /r/n Next Week | /r/n
Pencils | /r/n 10 cents | /r/n 5 cents | /r/n 15cents | /r/n
Ball Pens | /r/n 79 cents | /r/n 50 cents A. 36. 00 dollars.B. 45. 00 dollars. C. 50. 00 dollars. [多项选择]以下哪些药物含量测定所用的溶剂为冰醋酸()
A. 硝酸士的宁 B. 黄连素 C. 奋乃静 D. 苯巴比妥 E. 阿司匹林 [单项选择]下面对基因型与表现型关系叙述中,错误的是()
A. 自律性高 B. 传导速度快 C. 收缩速度慢 D. 0期去极化速度快 E. 复极化快 [判断题]L16、L33磁选机电源开关在71DPS配电室。
[单项选择]供汽车行驶的双车道公路是( )公路。
A. 四级 B. 三级 C. 二级 D. 一级 [单选题]第三人不参加行政复议,()行政复议案件的审理。
A.中止 B.终结 C.终止 D.不影响 [判断题]( )带电作业使用的绝缘工具一般选用具有优良的绝缘、机械性能和吸水性好的材料。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]熄灯巡视电流互感器引线、接头应无(____)迹象。
A. 变色 B. 放电 C. 发红 D. 严重电晕 [单选题]国家标准《安全色》中规定,对比色使安全色更加醒目的反衬色,包括()两种颜色。
A.黑、白 B.红、绿 C.红、蓝 [填空题]扫地、拖地的程序是:(),由左到右,最后清理外角。
A. 20% B. 30% C. 40% D. 50% [单项选择]在《人间词话》中以“境界”概念总结中国诗歌文化特征的著名学者是()。
A. 钟山嵘 B. 严羽 C. 王国维 D. 朱光潜 [单项选择]有三个子网172.16.12.0/24,,。将它们聚合为()。
A. B. C. D. [简答题]画出锅炉空气预热器润滑油站系统图。
A. 典型的小细胞低色素性贫血 B. 血清总铁结合力增高 C. 血清铁减低 D. 骨髓贮存铁减少或缺乏 E. 血清转铁蛋白饱和度下降 [填空题]日内瓦学派研究的是(),创始人是()。
[不定项选择题]用军团菌、支原体肺炎的首先药 查看材料
A.万古霉素 B.克林霉素 C.克拉霉素 D.红霉素 E.拉氧头孢 [单项选择]下列关于继发性肺结核病的叙述,哪项是正确的( )
A. 病变在肺内无一定好发部位 B. 经血道播散 C. 伴肺门淋巴结肿大 D. 不经治疗绝大多数能自然痊愈 E. 咯血是常见的死亡原因 [单选题]留党察看的期限最长不超过( )。
A.半年 B.一年 C.一年半 D.两年 [简答题]A-B-B-002 2 5 2
某段P60无缝线路长轨全长为1760m,原锁定轨温为17.5℃,现计划长轨拉伸为32℃锁定轨温,求长轨的拉伸量是多少?需要使用多少KN拉力拉伸? [单选题]受限空间作业期间气体监测应当优先选择()方式,若采用间断性监测,间隔不应超过2小时。
A.间断监测 B.不定期监测 C.连续监测 [单项选择] What is a Species
A species of plants or animals, as the term has been generally used by naturalists, comprises all such individuals as are so similar to each other that we may suppose them all to have proceeded from one common parentage, and so dissimilar from all others that they could not have been reproduced from the others, nor the others produced from them.
All we know is, that the plants and animals throughout the world exist in species, each one of which stands at present distinct and isolated wholly apart from all the rest, and one cannot be transformed into another by ordinary generation, through changes of soil and climate, or any other causes whatever known to man, within so short a period as six thousand years.
The apple, for instance, is one species, and the pear is another. In many respects they are similar to each other, and each may be changed by cultivation and by the operation of other causes a great deal, but by no po
A. Y B. N C. NG [判断题]>钢坯的缩孔在轧制时易造成产品的内部缺陷。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]八会穴中的筋会穴是( )。
A.足三里 B.阳陵泉 C.悬钟 D.足临泣 E.公孙 [单项选择]在配合所属保险公估机构或有关单位对投诉进行调查和处理时,保险公估从业人员应当坚持( )原则。
A. 公平、公正 B. 客观、真实 C. 客观、公正 D. 诚实、守信 [多选题]下列对我国政协会议的描述,正确的说法有()。
A.A政协会议是具有广泛代表性的爱国统一战线的组织形式 B.B政协会议的主要职能是政治协商、民主监督和参政议政 C.C不同于一般的人民团体 D.D属于重要 [单项选择] Ah, the good old days— like last year, when mortgage rates were so low you couldn’’t get a broker to take your calls— they were all too busy processing piles of refis. Now rates on 30-year loans are at 6.5 percent, the highest they’’ve been since the middle of 2002, according to the latest survey by mortgage-finance company Freddie Mac. And many economists, like Freddie’’s Frank Nothaft, expect that upward drift to continue, albeit modestly. Here are tips for dealing with those higher rates in the market now:
If you’’re buying a home and looking for a new loan, shop for a fixed-rate deal. The spreads between adjustable-and fixed-rate loans right now are not worth the risk of letting your rates float at a time when the cost of money is on the rise. The rates on new adjustable mortgages are all over 6 percent, too.
If you took out one of those scary "option" mortgages that change rates monthly and allow you to defer paying off the principal part of your loan, you could be g
A. You can pay off the principal part of your loan ahead of schedule. B. You will not need to make payments if the rates is adjusted higher and higher. C. In order to make up, you can shop for a better loan. D. The option mortgage is a kind of fixed rate loan. [判断题] ( )平垫片、齿形垫片、椭圆垫片、透镜垫片都是用比法兰软的金属制成。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交