The last decade has seen a tremendous expansion of
scientific knowledge in human genetics. Our understanding of human genes and of
the genetic basis of disease has grown dramatically. Currently, more than 4, 000
diseases are known to be genetic and are passed on in families. Moreover, it is
now known that alterations in our genes play a role in such common conditions as
heart disease, diabetes, and many types of cancer. The identification of disease-related genes has led to an increase in the number of available genetic tests that detect disease or an individual’s risk of disease. New tests are being developed to detect colon cancer, breast cancer, and other conditions. Scientists are concerned not only that gene tests offered are reliable, but also that patients and health care professionals understand the limitations of such te A. make readers have a better understanding of gene testing B. show that scientists are worrying about the negative side of gene testing C. tell readers that as more gene tests appeared, more disease genes can be discovered D. reveal the rapid development of new scientific knowledge [单选题]下列电磁污染形式不属于自然的电磁污染的是()。
A.火山爆发 B.地震 C.雷电 D.射频电磁污染 [简答题]学校事故
[判断题]在运营期间,区间隧道只开启事故照明,并闭工作照明( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]GIS柜气室的( )是GIS柜品质高低的重要指标。
A.可靠性 B.密封性 C.安全性 D.稳定性 [判断题]职业道德修养就是按照职业道德基本原则和规范,进行自我教育和自我完善,从而使自己形成良好的职业道德品质和达到一定的职业道德境界。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]福勒和布朗根据教师的需要和不同时期所关注的焦点问题,把教师的成长划分为关注生存、关注情境和( )等三个阶段。
[单选题]车站设置扣车时HMI中站台旁扣车指示灯显示( )。
A.A、稳定红色 B.B、稳定白色 C.C、稳定黄色 D.D、稳定绿色 [单项选择]
In 1971 a team of experts prepared a report entitled "The Limits of Growth," based (1) a computer analysis of future economic trends. (2) , presented in moderate language, the conclusions reached . (3) ,this inquiry are shocking.. (4) , that world production growth is very great and persists unchecked, the experts demonstrate that only one outcome is possible -- a rather sudden, uncontrollable decline in population and industrial capacity (5) before the year 2100. [单选题]2.141.
Q/W1373—2013《电力用户用电信息采集系统功能规范》要求,实现费控控制方式也有()三种形式。 A.主站实施费控、终端实施费控、开关实施费控 B.系统实施费控、终端实施费控、电能表实施费控 C.主站实施费控、系统实施费控、电能表实施费控 D.主站实施费控、终端实施费控、电能表实施费控 [多选题][多选]模板支撑系统的()应能满足方案设计要求。
A.附墙支座 B.地基承载力 C.沉降 D.安全装置 E.斜拉杆 [判断题]在与客人并排行进时,一般让客人走在中央或者走在内侧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]十进制数211转换成二进制数为()。
A.11010011 B.11010010 C.1101011 D.11011011 [单项选择]一个国家的生产可能性曲线以外的一点表示()
A. 物价上涨 B. 失业或者说资源没有被充分利用 C. 可实现的生产增长 D. 无法实现的生产 [判断题]《安全生产法》对事故的报告作出了具体的规定,生产经营单位发生生产安全事故后,事故现场有关人员应当立即报告本单位安全管理部门。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]本线封锁施工时,邻线(线间距小于6.5m)来车速度Vmax≤120km/h时,本线( )。
A.必须下道避车 B.可不下道 C.来车可不下道,但本线必须停止作业 D.必须下道,下道距离不小于1800m [多选题]甲国国有公司凯斯公司与乙国国有公司大丰公司在甲国首都签署合同,约定凯斯公司向大丰公司提供优质水果2000吨,由丙国速航公司“追风”号承运,目的地为乙国某港口,采用FOB贸易术语,约定适用《海牙规则》。
若本案中部分水果的腐烂由下列原因引起的,需要速航公司承担责任的是?( )
A.水果在装货港装船之前有部分腐烂的迹象 B.“追风”号在运输途中未能及时通风 C.水果腐烂系承运人航行失误导致船舱进水所致 D.水果腐烂系进入乙国目的港时,乙国海关对货舱进行高温消毒所致 [单选题]( )m范围内GYK已进行人工校正时绝缘节校正被禁止。
A.200 B.300 C.500 D.800 [判断题]营销现场近电作业可以使用金属梯,运行的变电站内作业应使用绝缘梯,其他各类营销现场作业宣使用绝缘梯。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国经济进入高速增长阶段,处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻坚期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一个40dBm的功率信号,经过一个衰减器(其损耗为6dB)之后功率为()
A. 10W B. 5W C. 2.5W D. 1W [单项选择]Speaker A: Do you mind if I sit here
Speaker B: ______. [单项选择]对人类基本需要各层次间的关系理解不正确的是( )
A. 通常先满足低层次的需要,然后再考虑较高层次的需要 B. 不同层次需要不会重叠出现 C. 各需要层次间可相互影响 D. 个体的基本需要满足的程度和健康状况成正比 E. 个体满足生理需要的方式类似 [多选题]评定柴油低温流动性的指标主要有柴油的( ) 。
A.A、凝点 B.B、馏程 C.C、浊点 D.D、冷滤点 [填空题]汽轮机高压缸排汽经过()和()两级受热面后进入汽轮机中压缸。
[单选题]在打胶过程中,应使用( )在打胶处两边做防护,防止胶在抹平时溢散到风道、法兰等处。
A.纸胶带 B.绝缘胶带 C.塑料胶带 [判断题]变更工作负责人或增加工作任务,若工作票签发人和工作负责人无法当面办理,应通过电话联系,并在工作票登记簿和工作票上注明。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1885年,法国历史学家郎格鲁在巴黎出版的《国际档案馆、图书馆和博物馆》杂志上发表了《关于档案馆的科学》一文,才首次提出了档案学应当是一门独立科学的见解。
[单项选择]Managers spend a great deal of their time communicating orally, whether (1) person or on the phone. Some businesspeople prefer to (2) this way, feeling that oral channels allow them (3) convey their true messages most accurately. (4) vital component of oral communication is (5) , the skill of receiving a message (6) interpreting its genuine meaning by accurately grasping (7) facts and feelings it conveys. While listening is the first communication (8) that people learn in life and the one (9) use the most often, it is also the one in which they receive the (10) formal training.
It is tempting to think that listening is easy—after all, it seems to require (11) effort. This appearance is deceptive, however. (12) the average person talks at a rate of roughly 150 words per minute, the brain can (13) up to 400 words per minute. This discrepancy can lead (14) A. or B. for C. and D. so [判断题]税务机关依照规定作出特别纳税调整,需要补征税款的,应当补征税款,并按照国务院规定加收利息。加收利息应当按照税款所属纳税年度中国人民银行公布的与补税期间同期的人民币存款基准利率加5个百分点计算。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交