One of the basic characteristics of
capitalism is the private ownership of the major means of production-capital.
The ownership of large amounts of capital can bring (61)
profits, as well as economic and political power. Some recent theorists,
(62) have argued that our society has moved to a new stage
of (63) that they call "postindustrial" society. One
important change in such society is that the ownership of (64)
amounts of capital is no longer the only or even the most important
(65) of profits and influence; knowledge as well as
(66) capital brings profits and influence. There are many (67) with the thesis above, not the least of (68) is that wealthy capitalists can buy the experts and knowledge they need to keep their profits and influence. But this does not (69) the A. advantages B. consequences C. problems D. potentials [判断题]交流高压试验电压测量装置(系统)的测量误差不应大于1%。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列化合物来自于甲戊二羟酸途径的是( )
A. 木脂素 B. 植物甾醇 C. 强心苷 D. 单萜 E. 三萜皂苷元 [单选题] 使用测力计对防火门的开启力进行测试时,防火门门扇开启力不得大于( )N。
A.80 B.120 C.150 D.180 [单选题]《铁路劳动安全》中规定,我国现行的安全电压额定值的等级为42V、36V、24V、12V和()V。
A.6.0 B.7.0 C.8.0 D.9.0 [单选题]对于监控系统计算机单硬盘配置,C区容量占硬盘总容量的比例为( )%。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]
实行议会主导型反腐体制的国家有()。 A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ②③④ D. ①②③④ [单选题]《居民用户家用电器损坏处理办法》规定,因电力运行事故损坏后不可修复的家用电器,其购买时间在()个月以内的,若损害责任属供用企业的,则应由供电企业按原购货发票全额赔偿。()
A.3 B.5 C.6 D.12 [单项选择]电力线路的分裂导线一般每相由()。
A. 2~4根导线组成; B. 5~7根导线组成; C. 7~9根导线组成; D. 9~11根导线组成。 [单项选择] To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. It was first used as a shade against the sun.
Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the eleventh century B.C.
We know that the umbrella was also used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use; it became a symbol of honor and authority. In the Far East In ancient times, the umbrella was allowed-to be used only by royal people or by those in high office.
In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrellas as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.
During the Middle Ages, the use of the umbrella pract
A. Romans B. Greeks C. Chinese D. Europeans [单项选择]从资产评估的角度,递延资产属于一种()
A. 待摊费用 B. 预付费用 C. 无形资产 D. 固定资产 [单选题](2013)患者,男,27 岁。既往体健,体检时肝功能正常,抗-HBs阳性,HBV (乙肝)其他血清病毒标记物均为阴性。其很担心自己患上乙型肝炎,护士应告知患者其此时的状况是( )
A.乙型肝炎且有传染性 B.乙型肝炎病毒携带状态 C.乙型肝炎但病情稳定 D.处于乙型肝炎恢复期 E.对乙型肝炎病毒具有免疫力 [单选题]利用各类报纸和杂志开辟固定消防专版、专栏或发表各类新闻稿件来普及消防法律法规和安全知识,宣传消防工作的方针和政策,属于( )消防宣传。
A.报刊 B.广播 C.电视 [单项选择]急性轻型胰腺炎,治疗上最恰当的方法是()。
A. 禁食补液 B. Oddi括约肌切开 C. 应用抗生素 D. 手术 E. 生长抑素 [多项选择]真空蒸发的目的()。
A. 能给设备造成真空 B. 降低溶液沸点 C. 增加总温差 D. 增加有效温差 [单项选择]儿童理想的血铅水平为()
A. 1.2μmol/L B. 1.1μmol/L C. 0.6μmol/L D. 0.48μmol/L E. 0μmol/L [简答题]根据给定资料,归纳概括北京在新城建设中存在的问题。
[要求] 概括准确、语言简练,字数不超过200字。
[单选题]鼻烟窝内通过的主要结构为 ( )
A.尺动脉 B.桡动脉 C.正中神经 D.尺神经 E.拇收肌 [填空题]乘客服务区是指车站站厅、站台、车控室、列车内等所有会发生 () 和 () 的区域
A. 发出工程移交证书 B. 工程竣工结算 C. 发出缺陷责任证书 D. 最终结算 [单项选择]不属于印摸材料的是
A. 藻酸钾印摸粉 B. 藻酸钠印模糊剂 C. 琼脂印模材料 D. 硅橡胶印模材料 E. 聚盐橡胶印模材料 [单项选择]线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作(MELAS)综合征的临床特点中不包括()
A. 卒中样发作伴偏瘫、偏盲或皮质盲 B. 偏头痛 C. 神经性耳聋 D. 脑脊液蛋白水平增高 E. 头颅CT和MRI显示主要为枕叶脑软化,病灶范围与主要脑血管分布不一致,可见基底节钙化 [多选题]急性肾盂肾炎的常见并发症是( )。
A.急性肾功能衰竭 B.肾小球肾炎 C.肾周围脓肿 D.肾坏死性乳头炎 [单选题]染色棉丝法测量泪液分泌量时( )以下属于异常。
A.10 mm B.12 mm C.14 mm D.16 mm [简答题]个别化教学
A.桥电流 B.载气性质 C.池体温度 D.热敏元件材料及性质 [判断题]财政部门实施会计监督检查的对象是企业的经济活动。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]煤中含水份有()两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]美国的第三方物流业者分为有资产族和无资产族。前者以货代业者、策划公司为中心。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于EPC C/U分离解决方案描述正确的是哪一项?
A.SGW拆分成SGW-C和SGW-U,PGW拆分成PGW-C和PGW-U;MME和SGW-C融合。 B.CU分离后网关(GW-C+GW-U)的网元功能和外部业务接口无变化。 C.GW-U统一出信令接口连接周边设备,简化网络部署; D.GW-C分布部署: GW-C可贴近用户,部署到城域甚至更低,缩短业务访问路径,提升用户业务体验。 [单选题]合格的消防水带,其实际长度不得小于水带标称长度( )。
A.1M B.2M C.3M D.0.5M 我来回答: 提交