In China, minimum wage becomes higher in many places. But people disagree over its benefits and drawbacks. Supporters say it increases the worker’s standard of living, while opponents say it increase unemployment. What do you think
Los Angeles--" Can you believe how cold
it is.’ " giggled Pink at the E!/Environmental Media Association’s post-Golden
Globes fete (庆祝) on Monday night in Beverly Hills. "That’s a good segue(延续),
because we’re here at this party to talk about the environment. I shouldn’t be
freezing, and if we have more parties like this, maybe I won’t be." Pink was shivering in a short-sleeved golden micromini dress, but most female partygoers were more bundled up (穿暖) against the elements. Despite heat lamps that drew crowds, the party, which was held in a tent on the top of a parking lot next to the Beverly Hilton ( where the Golden Globes show had played out earlier), was so chilly you could actually see your breath. In fact, the temperature was in the thirties by the time KT Tunstall took the stage and rocked out with a set incl A. attracted a lot of ecologically minded celebs B. drive a lot of ecological minded celebs C. drew a host of ecnomists D. drew many citizens [单选题]69. 长期固定资产贷款指贷款期限在( ) 年以上的固定资产贷款。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [判断题]如救生艇与救助艇的降落下水演习是在船舶航行中进行,则该项演习应在遮蔽水域。()
[单选题]电客车在进入隧道前鸣笛,并严格控制速度,有人在线路附近或侵入限界时需鸣笛警示,遇紧急情况时立即采取( )措施。
A.停车 B.紧急停车 C.鸣笛 D.报行调 [多项选择]建立职业资格证书制度的相关法律有()等。
A. 劳动法 B. 职业教育法 C. 宪法 D. 公司法 [单选题]虚拟地址是( )。
A.不存在的地址 B.用户编程可使用的地址 C.主存地址 D.磁盘地址 [单选题]施行口对口人工呼吸时,操作者深吸气后用力吹气时,吹出气中氧浓度是
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.16% E.18% [单项选择]参与机体过敏反应的细胞是()
A. 浆细胞 B. 成纤维细胞 C. 巨噬细胞 D. 纤维细胞 E. 肥大细胞 [多项选择]恶性肿瘤的保肢重建技术有()
A. 关节融合术 B. 人工假体置换术 C. 肿瘤灭活再植术 D. 带血管自体骨移植术 E. 骨延长术 [多项选择]心肺复苏过程中,脑保护的措施包括
A. 头部低温 B. 脱水利尿 C. 应用肾上腺皮质激素 D. 肌肉松驰 E. 过度通气 我来回答: 提交