Men are happier with money, while women
find greater joy in friendships and relationships with their children,
co-workers and bosses, a new global survey reveals. The online survey of 28,153
people in more than 51 countries by global marketing and information firm
Nielsen found that as the world grapples(努力解决) with a recession and financial
markets remain volatile(反复无常), many people are reminding themselves that money
can’t buy happiness. The Nielsen Happiness Study found that globally, women are happier than men in 48 of the 51 countries surveyed in April 2008, and only in Brazil, South Africa and Vietnam were men found to be happier than women. "Because they are happier with non-economic factors, women’s happiness is more recession-proof which might explain why women around the world are happier in general than men A. women are happier than men in all over the world B. women in Brazil and Vietnam feel no happiness C. world recession has less influence on women’s happiness D. women’s happiness mainly depend on economic factors [单项选择]It is (great) decision for the young boy to have to make.
A. weighty B. chief C. prominent D. remarkable [多选题]代履行是行政机关强制执行的方式之一。有关代履行,下列哪些说法是错误的?
A.行政机关只能委托没有利害关系的第三人代履行 B.代履行的费用均应当由负有义务的当事人承担 C.代履行不得采用暴力、胁迫以及其他非法方式 D.代履行3日前应送达决定书 [单选题]气相色谱仪对油中烃类组分最小检测浓度(20℃)的要求是:
A.烃类≤2L/L B.烃类≤0.1L/L C.烃类≤5L/L D.烃类≤1L/L [判断题]我国第一家全国性股份制商业银行是中国银行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]力可以沿其作用线移到刚体的任意一点,而不改变力对刚体的作用效果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于组织取材说法错误的是()
A. 取材部位必须是主要病变区 B. 活检钳的刃口必须锋利,以免组织受挤压 C. 可选病灶区与正常组织交界区以外的区域 D. 必要时取远距病灶区的正常组织做对照 E. 组织标本可取活组织检查标本 [判断题]膨胀制冷冷却法脱水在一些低压凝析气井井口经常使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]小李的企业缴纳的下列税款中,应作为城市维护建设税计税依据的是( )
A. 消费税税额 B.房产税税额 C.城镇土地使用税税额 D.关税税额 [单选题]在二氧化碳灭火系统的防护区中,对气体、液体、电气火灾和固体表面火灾,在喷放二氧化碳前不能自动关闭的开口,其面积不应大于防护区总内表面积的( ),且开口不应设置在底面。(中)
A.2% B.3% C.8% D.10% [多选题]生产经营单位应当关注从业人员的( ),加强对从
A.心理状况 B.行为习惯 C.身体 D.家庭 [判断题]驻站联络员、现场防护人员每次出工前应检查通讯工具状态良好,行车防护用品携带齐全、有效。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对航空邮件生成的图像,货邮快件安检设备操作员应当对照航空邮件品名、数量清单上的品名、内容,进行技术判读和核查。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]现场防护员、驻站联络员作业时必须穿着( )。
A.橙色反光马甲 B.黄色反光马甲 C.反光马甲一体的作业服 D.工作服 [单选题]生半夏的成人一日常用量是
A.3~9g B.6~10g C.1~3g D.3~6g E.0.1~0.5g [单选题]在总承包服务费计价表中,应由投标人自主报价的是( )。
A.项目名称 B.费率 C.项目价值 D.服务内容 [多选题]根据《关于新形势下党内政治生活的若干准则》,全党必须牢固树立( ),自觉在思想上政治上行动上同党中央保持高度一致。
A.政治意识 B.大局意识 C.看齐意识 D.核心意识 [单项选择]促进红细胞缗钱状形成最强有力的物质为().
A. 纤维蛋白原 B. γ-球蛋白 C. α-球蛋白 D. β-球蛋白 E. 清蛋白 [单项选择]下列关于所得来源的确定,说法错误的是( )。
A. 生产、经营所得,以生产、经营活动实现地作为所得来源地 B. 不动产转让所得、以实现转让的地点为所得来源地 C. 财产租赁所得,以被租赁财产的使用地作为所得来源地 D. 股息、红利所得,以支付股息、红利的企业所在地为所得来源地 [判断题]脚手架的安装、拆除和使用,应执行《国家电网公司电力安全工作规定[火(水)电厂(动力部分)]》中的有关规定及国家相关规程规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]It was a beautiful summer day and I was taking a walk in the downtown area of Madrid.
When I turned a street (56) I heard the voice of a lovely Spanish singer (57) from a nearby cafe. The music (58) me, so I went to the cafe to hear it (59) I sat down at a table near the door. The waiter came over, and I (60) a glass of wine. While (61) my wine, I listened to the soft music.The (62) was a young lady, a little too fat, but (63) pretty. A black young man was playing the piano. The waiter returned (64) the glass of wine and put it on the (65) . I started drinking the wine slowly and (66) the other people in the cafe. They were ail men (67) women seldom go into the cafes in Spain. There were three men (68) at a table near mine. I could (69) by their accents that one of them was an American, one an Englishman and the third man a (70) . Th A. waiter B. miss C. singer D. boss [填空题]轮轨润滑系统是一种为减少( )与钢轨的磨耗而向机车轮缘自动喷射润滑剂的装置。
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