Growing up, I earned my best marks for
playing well with others. For my husband, I lived in three different countries
in five years, and while abroad, 1 easily sparked friendships by starting book
clubs and hosting girls’ nights. When it came to making friends, I had never
failed until the birth of my first child. My husband and I relocated from Moscow to Alexandria in 2006. I gave birth to our daughter, Eloise, that December. Soon after her arrival, I sought friendships in places where I thought I could meet cool new moms. In mommy-and-me yoga class, Eloise and I lunched with the yoga ladies and their babies with regularity, and true to form, I hosted my first yoga-moms playgroup. Months passed, and Eloise and I became a fixture on the playgroup circuit. The moms and I talked and shared nursing nightmares and milestone moment A. traveling different countries B. starting book clubs C. hosting girls’ nights D. making friends [单选题][单选题]关于神经细胞钠通道的叙述,错误的是
A.属于电压门控通道 B.去极化达到阈电位时被大量激活 C.是引起去极相中钠内流的通道 D.具有开放和关闭两种功能状态 E.主要分布在有髓纤维的郎飞结处 [单选题]待用间隔(已接上母线的备用间隔)应有( ),并纳入调度控制中心管辖范围。其隔离开关(刀闸)操作手柄、网门应能加锁。
A.A.名称 B.B.编号 C.C.名称、编号 D.D.名称、编号、电压等级 [简答题]课堂纪律的含义是什么?
[单选题]依据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院493号令)第二十五条规定:事故调查组履行以下职责:查明事故发生的经过、原因、人员伤亡情况及直接经济损失;( );提出对事故责任者的处理建议;总结事故教训,提出防范和整改措施;提交事故调查报告。
A. 认定事故的性质和事故责任; B. 处罚相关违章人员 C. 组织制定相应的事故事件培训计划 D. 分析事故事件原因 [单选题]对抢修用料具,接触网工区工长每( )检查一次(1分)
A.周 B.旬 C.月 D.季 [单选题]根据沟通所借用的媒介的不同,可划分为语言沟通与非语言沟通。语言沟通是指以语词符号为载体实现的沟通,主要包括口头沟通、书面沟通和电子沟通等。非语言沟通是指通过身体动作、体态、语气语调、空间距离等方式交流信息、进行沟通的过程。根据上述定义,下列选项属于语言沟通的是:( )
A.近百名聋哑人在公园门口聚会,三三两两聚在一起用手语交流得很热闹 B.一位顾客在排队时很着急,他不停地把口袋里的硬币弄得叮当响 C.某省下发通知要求各高校做好新生入学资格审查 D.小王是个干净利落、讲效率的人,他总把办公物品摆放得很整齐 [简答题]某10KV大工业客户,按容量计算基本电费,原容量S=1260KVA,2014年5月23日申请减容630KVA变压器1台,求该户5月份基本电费。(该用户月末零点结算电费,容量基本电价30元/千伏安²月)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )1216、按行车时刻表列车迟到三分钟以上二十分钟以内为。
A.延误 B.延时 C.晚点 D.停运 [单项选择]血中直接调节胰岛素分泌而且经常起调节作用的重要因素是()
A. 肾上腺素 B. 血糖浓度 C. 游离脂肪酸 D. 胃肠道激素 E. 血酮体浓度 [单选题]列车制动机进行简略试验时,自阀( ),检查制动主管贯通状态,司机检查制动主管漏泄量,1min不得超过20kPa。
A.最大减压量并保压1min B.减压100kPa C.减压100kPa并保压1min [单项选择]无线宽带闲时时间定义为()。
A. 21:00—8:00 B. 24:00—07:00 C. 21:00—07:00 D. 24:00—08:00 [判断题]供电企业为保证供电质量或者未事先通知用户中断供电,给用户造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]隧道超挖部分应采用( )混凝土回填。
A.低一等级 B.同级 C.高一等级 D.高两等级 [判断题] 安全绳不一定用原纤维制成。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]民警某甲执行任务时,将一醉酒人某乙带回派出所。行至一建筑工地混凝土搅拌机处时,某乙抓住一女工的手说:“大姐,救救我。”某甲认为某乙要耍流氓,即喝令某乙放开手,某乙放开手后踉跄几步,靠在墙上喘息。某甲上前用右手抓住其肩猛拉一把说:“快跟我走!”某乙由于醉酒,自控能力减弱,又踉跄几步,摔倒后趴在搅拌机旁一摊水中(水是搅拌机流出的混凝土浆泥沙混合物,水深15厘米,面积约10平方米)。某甲赶上前去拉住某乙衣领喊他起来,这时有人喊水中有电,某甲只好将手缩回。当关电闸后将某乙从水中拉出时,某乙已经停止了呼吸。经鉴定:某乙是由于水进入呼吸道窒息死亡。民警某甲的行为应当如何定性?( )
A.属于疏忽大意的过失 B.过失伤害致死 C.属意外事件,不负刑事责任 D.间接故意伤害致死 [单项选择]It is common knowledge that ability to do a particular job and performance on the job do not always go hand in hand. Persons with great potential abilities sometimes fall down on the job because of laziness or lack of interest in the job, while persons with mediocre talents have often achieved excellent results through their industry and their loyally to the interests of their employers. It is clear, therefore, that the final test of any employee is his performance on the job.
A. employees who lack ability are usually not industrious B. an employee’s attitudes are not so important as his abilities C. mediocre employees are preferable to employees who possess great ability D. superior capacity for performance should be supplemented with proper attitudes [多项选择]建筑项目设计前期工作内容有______。
A. 提出项目建议书 B. 批准可行性研究报告 C. 编制可行性研究报告 D. 组织进行投料试车 E. 编制项目评估报告 我来回答: 提交