企业在获证后GB/T19001标准规定应坚持进行() Although there had been an astonishing
variety of small cameras developed in the 1880s, it was not until George Eastman
introduced the Kodak in 1888 that the mass appeal of photography seized America
and Europe and thereafter spread quickly to the far comers of the earth. Eastman
called his now famous camera the Kodak for no particular reason except that he
liked the word. It was easy to remember and could be pronounced in any
language. An immediate consequence of Eastman’s invention was a number of amateur (业余的) photographs that soon became known as snapshots. The word was borrowed from hunters’ jargon. When a hunter fired a gun from the hip, without taking careful aim, it was described as a snapshot. Photographers referred to the process of taking pictures as shooting, and they would take pride in a good day’s shoot th A. It marked the beginning of manufacturing small cameras. B. It met the need of photographers in America and Europe. C. It made picture-taking suddenly popular among ordinary people. D. It made the work of professionals more enjoyable. [单项选择]在秦岭、淮河以北及东北、西北各省区分布的1年生绿肥有箭舌豌豆、草木樨、()、绿豆等。
A. 沙打旺 B. 紫穗槐 C. 毛叶紫花苕 D. 胡枝子 [判断题]
自耦变压器一般除有高、中压自耦绕组外,还带有三角形接线的低压绕组,以减小零序电抗和改善波形。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题][T]AA018525
在国际单位制的辅助单位中,平面角的单位名称是球面度。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下有关明细分类科目的表述中,正确的有()。
A.明细分类科目也称一级会计科目 B.明细分类科目是对总分类科目作进一步分类的科目 C.明细分类科目是对会计要素具体内容进行总括分类的科目 D.明细分类科目是能提供更加详细更加具体会计信息的科目 [多选题]障碍修复规定时限即在障碍抢通规定时限的时间基础上,制定障碍修复的时间规定12芯以下为( )小时;12芯以上为( )小时;48芯及以上为( )小时(不可抗力除外)。
A.6 B.8 C.10 D.12 [简答题]简述有梭织机的经纱保护装置。
[简答题]You should write about 160 -200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.
A.全程 B.发站至中止旅行站 C.中止旅行站至到站 D.发站至到站 [判断题]凡以水作介质的太阳能热水器,在0℃以下地区使用,应采取防冻措施。( )
[判断题]( )用平行投影法沿物体平行于直角坐标平面的方向,投影到轴测投影面上所得到的投影称为轴测投影。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]用电流表测量电流时,应将电流表与被测电路()。
A. 串联 B. 并联 C. 串联或并联 D. 混联 [单项选择]在社区工作的准备阶段,社会工作者的基本任务是对社区进行科学细致的分析。在社区资源分析中,针对存在而没有使用的资源,社会工作者应该( )。
A. 建立档案并编列资源手册 B. 思考和寻找替代资源 C. 想方设法开发这类资源 D. 运用资源检查表,检查资源运用情况 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第27.3.4条规定:10kV绝缘工具电气预防性试验项目包括15次操作冲击试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一婴儿能独坐,并坐得很稳,但不会爬,能无意识地发出复音,认识生、熟人,不能听懂自己的名字。
此小儿的年龄最大可能是( ) A. 5个月 B. 6个月 C. 7个月 D. 8个月 E. 9个月 我来回答: 提交