What exactly is a lie Is it anything
we say which we know is untrue Or is it something more than that For example,
suppose a friend wants to borrow some money from you. You say, "I wish I could
help you but I’m short of money myself." In fact, you are not short of money but
your friend is in the habit of not paying his debts and you don’t want to hurt
his feelings by reminding him of this. Is this really a lie Professor Jerald Jellison of the University of Southern California has made a scientific study of lying. According to him, women are better liars than men are, particularly when telling a "white lie", such as when a woman at a party tells another wom A. he uses his unconscious mind B. he tends to make some small changes in his behavior C. he looks very serious D. his blood pressure increases measurably [单选题]当频率和材料一定时,通常横波对小缺陷的检测灵敏度高于纵波,这是因为( )。
A.横波比纵波的波长短 B.横波对材料不易发散 C.横波的振动方向对缺陷较敏感 D.横波比纵波波长长 [多选题]进入积水区域时应探测积水深度,避开()等低洼区域。
A.坑 B.井 C.沟 D.坡 [判断题]单位和个人保证金账户名称均为存款人客户名称加“保证金”字样。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]金属构架、杆塔和支撑装置的锈蚀面积,小修时不得超过总面积的5%,( )、( )修后应无锈蚀|漆层应完好。
A.检 B.中 C.大 D.小 [多选题]安全工器具使用前的外观检查应包括绝缘部分有无( ),固定连接部分有无松动、锈蚀、断裂等现象。
A. 裂纹 B.老化 C.绝缘层脱落 D.严重伤痕 [多项选择]反对“四风”是群众路线教育实践活动的中心内容,下列各项中,对整顿“四风”的重要成果描述正确的是()。
A. 刹住了“四风”蔓延势头,带动了社会风气整体好转 B. 贯彻群众路线的长效机制和刚性约束初步形成 C. 群众没有感受到变化,效果不明显 D. 党员干部贯彻执行群众路线的意识和能力普遍提高 [单选题]'一户一贷'是以借款人()为单位,以家庭成员的信誉、资产、收入等为基础发放贷款。
A.工作单位 B.所在社区 C.家庭 D.企业 [单选题]正弦交流电的有效值( )。
A. 在正半周不变化,负半周变化 B. 在正半周变化,负半周不变化 C. 不随交流电的变化而变化 D. 不随交流电的变化而不变化 [单项选择]Making exercise a part of your daily life will do good to your heart. (1) , less than one-fifth of all adults get enough to appreciably improve their health. Exercise has specific heart (2) . When you exercise, you are helping to (3) your blood pressure and cholesterol (4) . Exercise can (5) reduce the blood’s tendency to clot—often a (6) of heart attacks. When major arteries are diseased, (7) even improves the blood supply (8) the heart. You don’t have to become a dedicated runner, jogger, or swimmer to (9) the benefits of exercise. The latest word (10) fitness experts is that small bouts of moderate exercise— (11) for a half hour to an hour, three or four times a week—is (12) you need. Brisk walkers had half the amount of heart disease deaths (13) those who did not walk for aerobic exercise, reports Dr. Steven Blair, head of a landmark study at the Institute for Aerob
A. sports B. relaxation C. entertainment D. exercise [不定项选择题]乳母服用红霉素,乳汁中红霉素的量高于总用药量1%的机制是其查看材料
A.解离度大 B.呈弱碱性 C.呈弱酸性 D.在母体血浆中处于结合状态 E.在脂肪与水中都有一定溶解度 [单选题]未按规定办理( )等业务的,造成不良后果的,给予记大过至降级处分。
A.挂失、换折、抹账、错账冲正、密码重置 B.提供虚假回单 C.擅自销毁重空凭证 D.为客户垫付汇款 [单选题]左侧全压的ADM位于( )
A.电子舱 B.前设备舱 C.前货舱 D.后设备舱 [单选题]“真理是时间的女儿,不是权威的女儿”。这句名言指()
A.真理和权威是相互排斥的 B.真理要靠历史和实践的检验 C.真理和权威是相互联系的 D.只有服从真理才具有权威 [单项选择]根据《企业所得税暂行条例》的规定,纳税人发生的下列支出中,在计算应纳税所得额时准予扣除的是( )。
A. 工商机关所处罚款 B. 银行加收的罚息; C. 司法机关所处罚金 D. 税务机关加收的税收滞纳金 [多选题]CRH380A统型动车组的中央装置可以用来选择列车信息控制系统的运行模式包括: 。
A.一般 B.检修 C.诊断 D.备用 [单项选择]胆系造影中,为避免胆总管与脊柱重叠应使躯干()
A. 右侧抬高约30° B. 左侧抬高约30° C. 头端抬高约30° D. 足端抬高约30° E. 取俯卧平卧位 [单选题]公开原则要求行政处罚的一切事项都必须公开。O
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交