What makes teenagers moody and
impulsive The answer used to be raging hormones plus a dearth of(短缺) life
experiences. But three years ago this simple equation was blown apart by
evidence from brain scans of strange goings-on behind the teenage
forehead. Till then, scientists had thought the brain’s internal structure was fixed by the end of childhood. The new scans showed the brain’s frontal cortex(皮层) thickening just before puberty(青春期), then slowly shrinking back to normal during the teenage years. Suddenly, the erratic huffiness(发怒) seemed to make sense: the teenage brain was a work in progress, a house in the process of being rewired. Now comes more evidence of neural turmoil. According to psychologists in California, the speed with which youngsters can read the emotional expressions on people’s faces dips suddenly at A. it can take clearer pictures of teenagers’ brains B. scientists will meet with fewer, dangers in their research work C. it may help scientists understand better the mental illness in teenagers D. it may enable teenagers to experience fewer dangers during teenager years [简答题]钠基润滑脂用于温度不高于110℃,与水或湿气接触的农业、工业机械设备的摩擦副润滑。( )
[单项选择]The lowest temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion of a substance independent of any outside source of ignition is called ().
A. explosive range B. flash point C. ignition temperature D. combustion temperature [判断题]断电会导致中和釜搅拌停止运行,可能会造成物料混合不均匀,酸碱局部反应,造成冲料。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]群众无需申领、换领或补领居民身份证,只要急需使用即可申领临时居民身份证
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]交感神经和副交感神经的作用往往是彼此拮抗的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]十二指肠球部溃疡的手术适应证不包括()
A. 严重大出血患者 B. 经非手术治疗出血不止 C. 50岁以上的老年病人 D. 溃疡急性穿孔 E. 溃疡瘢痕性幽门梗阻 [多选题] 国际收支账户记录了国际收支变动状况,总体上可以分为()。
A.经常项目 B.储蓄项目 C.投资项目 D.资本项目 [多选题]中国铁路总公司关于印发《外宾乘车证管理办法》的通知(铁总运2017-22号),持外宾乘车证准乘软席,包括:普速车软座、普速车软卧、动车组列车一等座、卧铺及以下等级席位,不包含(
A.普速车高级软卧 B.动车组高级软卧 C.动车组商务座 D.动车组特等座 [单项选择]Why does the man thank the woman( )
A. She gives him a five-pound bill. B. She leaves the money at the Lost and Found. C. She returns his money. [单选题]"( )能与空气形成爆炸性混合物。
A.易燃气体 B.不燃气体 C.惰性气体 D.可燃液体" [单项选择]发砷检测值在地方性砷中毒诊断中的意义是()
A. 特异性指标 B. 非特异性指标 C. 重要参考指标 D. 无实际意义 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]对于连续两个对账周期未提交对账回执或对账不符的客户,必须采取必要的账户控制措施,按本行业务运作权限审批后将账户状态设置为“借贷均不允许”。 厦国银发〔2020〕2号:关于颁发《厦门国际银行股份有限公司境内机构银企对账管理办法》的通知
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于询问笔录的说法正确的有()。
A. 询问笔录应当交被询问人核对 B. 被询问人没有阅读能力的,应当向其宣读 C. 被询问人确认笔录无误后,可以签名或者盖章 D. 询问笔录记载有遗漏的,被询问人可以提出补充 [单选题]对作业中可能触及的其他带电体及无法满足安全距离的接地体(导线支承件、金属紧固件、横担、拉线等)应采取()。
A.作业人员防护措施 B.绝缘遮蔽措施 C.拆除措施 D.隔离措施 [多选题]下列关于技术方案经济效果评价指标的说法中,正确的有( )。
A.基准收益率应不低于资金成本和机会成本 B.确定基准收益率的基础是投资风险和通货膨胀 C.借款偿还期指标适用于预先给定借款偿还期限的技术方案 D.正常情况下,技术方案的偿债备付率应当大于1 E.利息备付率反映了企业偿付债务利息的能力 我来回答: 提交