How many teeth have you had filled in the past two years If you follow the advice of Dr. Faustick, you may be able to reduce tire number of your visits to a dentist. Dr. Faustick conducted a two-year survey to find out how to prevent or reduce dental decay. 946 students took part in an experiment. 523 students cleaned their teeth within ten minutes of eating: when possibly they used a toothbrush, when this was impossible they washed their mouth thoroughly with water. The remaining 423 students merely cleaned their teeth when they went to bed and when they got up in the morning. All the students had their teeth X-rayed at the end of the first and second years. At the end of the first year, the night and morning group had. three times as many decayed teeth as the former group. Dr. Faustick has cleaned his teeth after each meal for thirteen years and has not had a single decayed tooth. He pointed out that sugar is a major agent in dental decay. Particularly the sugar in sweets, cake
A. 13.
B. None.
C. 1.
D. A few.
College sports in the United States are
a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball,
basketball and hockey programs, and (71) millions of dollars
each year to sports. Most universities earn millions (72) as
well, in television revenues and sponsorships. They also benefit (73)
from the added publicity they get via their teams. Big-name
universities (74) each other in the most popular sports.
Football games at the university of Michigan regularly (75)
crowds of over 90,000. Basketball’s national collegiate championship
game is a TV (76) on a par with (与……相同或相似) any other sporting
event in the United States, (77) perhaps the Super Bowl
itself. At any given time during fall or winter one can (78)
one’s TV set and see the top athletic programs—from schools like
Mic A. save B. saving C. saved D. to save [简答题]在高低压线路同杆架设的配电线路上进行高压线路停电作业,未采取绝缘隔离措施或未停电接地时,穿越下层低压带电线路是红线禁令。
[单选题]党在新时代的强军目标是( )。
A.建设一支听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的人民军队 B.巩固国防和强大人民军队 C.党对军队的绝对领导 D.构建中国特色现代作战体系,全面提高新时代备战打仗能力,有效塑造态势、管控危机、遏制战争、打赢战争 [单选题]行肾癌根治术后,下列出院指导中错误的是:
A.指导病人适当休息,减少剧烈运动 B.指导病人3~6个月到医院复查 C.减少伙水量,以减轻肾脏负担 D.减少对肾脏有损害药物的摄人 E.食上不限制 [单选题]对于支付机构发起涉及银行账户的网络支付业务,银行应当按照管理平台报文要求,准确提供该笔业务对应的由清算机构发送的()。
A.交易时间 B.交易金额 C.交易流水号 D.前置流水号 [单项选择]单位卡不得用于( )以上的商品交易和劳务供应款项的结算。
A. 5万元 B. 10万元 C. 20万元 D. 50万元 [判断题]待工作人员做好现场准备工作后工作票方可开工。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]必须统筹国内国际两个大局,始终不渝走和平发展道路.奉行____的开放战略。
A.互利共赢 B.互相合作 C.包容互信 D.开放共赢 [单选题]海关对进出口货物行使检查权时,不属于被稽查人应当配合的义务是______。
A.打开货物存放场所 B.搬移货物 C.开启货物包装 D.停产停业 [单项选择]目前,( )是我国商业银行面临的最主要的风险种类。
A. 信用风险 B. 市场风险 C. 操作风险 D. 声誉风险 [判断题]一般中药保管期间库房全面检查的时间是半个月一次。
[判断题]交接试验是指电力电缆线路安装完成后,为了验证线路安装质量对电缆线路开展的各种试验。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]酸化施工前应做哪些准备工作?
[判断题]界面泄露是指密封件表面和与其接触件的表面之间产生的一种泄漏( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()是填料塔气液接触的元件。
A. 国有企业不能设立一人公司 B. 一人公司发生人格或财产混同时,股东应当对公司债务承担连带责任 C. 一人公司的注册资本必须一次足额缴纳 D. 一个法人只能设立一个一人公司 [单项选择]“及乎近代诸家,尤不过顺文敷演”中“敷演”意思是()
A. 演变 B. 扩大 C. 敷衍了事 D. 铺叙引申 E. 推陈出新 [简答题]作业点起道信号是怎样形成的?
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