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发布时间:2023-11-08 23:19:55

[单选题]Which of the following belong to the international (regional) airway?

更多"[单选题]Which of the following belong "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following colors belong to cool colors

A. Yellow, green.
B. Blue, violet.
C. Black, blue.
D. Brown, white.
[单项选择]Which of the following does not belong to Shakespeare's romantic love comedies

A. Twelfth Night.
B. As You Like It.
C. The Tempest.
D. The Merchant of Venic
[单项选择]Which of the following writers does not belong to the lakers of the Romantic Period

A. William Wordsworth.
B. John Keats.
C. Samuel Coleridge.
D. Robert Southey.
[单项选择]Only which lake among the five lakes belong to America completely while the other four shared with Canada

A. Lake Superior.
B. Lake Erie.
C. Lake Michigan.
D. Lake Huron.
[单项选择]Which of the following writers didn't belong to the poets in American Colonial Period

A. Washington Irving.
B. Michael Wigglesworth.
C. Anne Bradstreet.
D. Edward Taylor.
[单项选择]Which of the following does not belong to the three levels of Syntax put forward by Frantisek Danes

A. Level of the grammatical structure of sentence.
B. Level of the organization of utterance.
C. Level of the semantic structure of sentence.
D. Level of the lexical elements of sentence.
[单项选择]Regional geography examines, on a regional basis, the ways in which the people local interact with the environment of the area where they live.
[单项选择]Regional planning deals with proposals concerning outlying communities and highways as well as with urban affairs.
A. outlandish
B. exclusive
C. exempted
D. remote
[单选题]The airway width prescribed by PRC is _______ km.
[单选题]The minimum safety altitude for IFR flight refers to the highest point 25km along each side of the airway. MSA should not be below _______ m in hilly or mountainous areas.
[单选题]_______ is a route assigned to pilot when any part of an airway or route is unusable because of NAVAID status.
A.New route
B.Substitute route
C.Old route
D.Planned route
[单项选择]______ does not belong to New England.
A. Maine
B. Vermont
C. New York
D. Rhode Island
[单项选择]Which is NOT mentioned about the factors which can influence the life span of freezers

A. Humidity.
B. Proper care.
C. The amount of storage.
D. Surrounding temperature.
[单选题]Text 4 Economic theory suggests that regional inequalities should diminish as poorer places attract investment and grow faster than richer ones.The 20th century bore that theory out:income gaps narrowed across American states.No longer.Affluent places are now pulling away from poorer ones.This geographlcal divergence has dramatic consequences.Opportunities are limited for those stuck in the wrong place,and the wider economy suffers.If all its citizens had lived in places of high productivity over the past 50 years,America's economy could have grown twice as fast as it did.Divergence is the result of big forces.In the modern economy scale is increasingly important.The social network that everyone else is on is most attractive to new users;the stock cxchange with the deepest pool of investors is best for raising capital.These returns to scale create fewer,superstar firms clustered in fewer,superstar places.Everywhere else is left behind.Even as rcgional disparities widen,people are becoming less mobile.Demographic shifts help explain this.But the bigger culprit is poor policies.Soaring housing costs in prosperous cities kcep newcomers out.In America the spread of state-specific occupational licensrng and governmeni benefits punishes those who move.The pension of a teacher who stays in the same state could be twice as big as that of a teacher who moves mid-career.Perversely,policies to help the poor unintentionally exacerbate the plight of left-behind places.Unemployment and health benefits enable the least employable people ro survive in struggling places when once they would have had no choice but to move.Welfare makes capitalism Iess brutal for individuals,but it perpetuates the problems where they live.What to do?One answer is to help people move.Thriving places could do more to build the housing and infrastructure to accommodate newcomers.Accelerating the mutual recognition of credentials across state borders would help people move to where they can be most productive.But greater mobility also has a perverse side-effect.By draining poor places of talented workers,it exacerbates their troubles.The local tax-base erodes as productive workers leave,even as welfare and pension obligations mount.To avoid these outcomes,politicians have long tried to bolster left-behind places with subsidies.But such"regional policies"have a patchy record,at best.Better for politicians to focus on speeding up the diffusion of technology and business practices from high-performing places.A beefed-up competition policy could reduce industrial concentration,which saps the economy of dynamism while focusing the gains from growth in fewer firms and places.Fostering clusters by encouraging the creation of private investment funds targeted on particular regions might help.Perhaps most of all,politicians need a different mindset.For progressives,alleviating poverty has demanded welfare;for libertarians,freeing up the economy.Both have focused on people.But the complex interaction of demography,welfare and globalisation means that is insufficient.Easing the anger of the left-behincl means realising that places matter,too. Which of the following i.s the right way to help left-behind places?
A.Increasing government-backed subsidies.
B.Taking the geographical reality into account.
C.Speeding up industrial concentration.
D.Carrying out political reforms.
[单选题] The width of airway is _______ km, and due to some constraints, should not be less than _______km.
A.10, 5
B.20, 8
C.15, 7.5
D.30, 15


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