Time, as we know it, is a very recent
invention. The modern time-sense is hardly older than the United States. It is a
by-product of industrialism--a sort of psychological analogue of synthetic
perfumes and aniline dyes. Time is our tyrant. We are chronically aware of the moving minute hand, even of the moving second hand. We have to be. There are trains to be caught, clocks to be punched, tasks to be done in specified periods, records to be broken by fractions of a second, machines that set the pace and have to be kept up with. Another time-emphasizing entity is the factory and its dependent, the office. Factories exist for the purpose of getting certain quantities of goods made in a certain time. The old artisan worked as it suited him with the result that consumers generally had to wait for the goods they had ordered from h A. regret B. doubt C. impatience D. nonresistance [判断题] ( )蜡油加氢装置引风机跳停时会引起分馏加热炉烟道挡板全开和反应炉烟道挡板全开。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](2018年真题)多个施工方案进行经济合理性比较时,其内容包括( )
A.资金时间价值 B.技术效率 C.实施的安全性 D.对环境影响的损失 E.综合性价比 [单项选择]工作评价必须从目前组织生产和管理的实际出发,选择能促进组织生产和管理工作发展的评级因素,使评价结果能直接应用于组织劳动管理时间中。这是工作评价的哪一个原则?
A. 能级对应原则 B. 优化原则 C. 系统原则 D. 实用性原则 [简答题]讲述INMARSAT-C系统提供的主要业务。
A. 牙周炎引起的牙槽骨吸收 B. 牙周肉芽组织 C. 牙缺失后长期未修复 D. 吐舌习惯 E. 以上均是 [判断题]木结构住宅建筑内应设置火灾探测与报警装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]邓小平指出:“没有民主就没有社会主义,就没有社会主义现代化”。这一理论命题的涵义是
A. 民主建设足社会主义现代化的重要内容 B. 民主是社会主义的本质要求,民主是社会主义的内在属性 C. 民主建设是社会主义现代化建设的重要目标 D. 民主是社会主义现代化的政治保证 [判断题]煤与瓦斯突出矿井瓦斯抽釆不达标,可以进行釆掘作业的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]中性点电容隔直/电阻限流装置例行巡视应检查绝缘体表面无破损、裂纹、放电痕迹。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机车检修作业过程中造成1人死亡1人重伤,应列为一般()事故。
A.较大 B.B类 C.C类 D.D类 [单选题]土钉墙喷射混凝土强度的等级不宜低于()。
A.C15 B.C20 C.C30 D.C10 [单选题]关于现代融资租赁业务特征的说法,错误的是( )。
A.租赁公司以租赁信用中介机构的形式出现 B.融资租赁功能扩展到财政金融、经营管理、销售网络、咨询策划等领域 C.承租人取得物品使用权,并将租赁信用作为一种融资手段 D.按承租人租赁使用物件的时间计算租金 [单项选择]金融期货的功能不包括()。
A. 套期保值功能 B. 价格发现功能 C. 套期图利功能 D. 节约交易成本 [多选题]低压电气工作前,应用低压验电器或测电笔检验( )是否有电。
A.检修设备 B.金属外壳 C.相邻设备 D.所有可能来电的各端 [多选题]导线、地线、钢丝绳等通过跨越架时,应用绝缘绳作引渡。引渡或牵引过程中,跨越架上不得有人。
A.导线 B.地线 C.牵引绳 D.钢丝绳 E.绝缘绳 F./ G./ H./ [判断题]2.56 办理变更备案,属于机动车所有人住所在车辆管理所管辖区域内迁移、机动车所有人姓名(单位名称)、机动车所有人身份证明名称或者号码变更的,受理岗应审查相关事项变更的证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]离心压缩机的主要工作部件由叶轮、轴、隔板、轴承、密封、导流器、平衡盘、联轴器组成。
A. 肺部 B. 肝脏 C. 胰腺 D. 盆腔 E. 肾上腺 [填空题](8004)在区间或站内线路、道岔上封锁施工作业时,车站行车室设__________,施工地点设现场防护员。(1.0分)()
[判断题]我国西藏境内的珠穆朗玛峰和乔戈里峰,为世界上的第一和第二高峰。( )
[单项选择]Status is an esteem need and regardless of where we fall on the economic ladder, we all strive to achieve status before we can move on to the highest need--fulfillment.
(67) we admit it or not, we all want to feel as if we are a little better than the people around us. We begin to establish that--at least in our own minds--with the range of (68) , such as branded clothing, jewelry, (69) automobiles, and exclusive neighborhoods. (70) the poorest of people find symbols with (71) to establish their status. The visibility of these status symbols can create the (72) motivating emotion of envy. Most happiness that is acquired by (73) status symbols is short lived. Over time such ornaments become (74) to us, at which point we seek genuine achievements to prove our (75) . Studies have shown that after (76) a certain income level, an individual’s happiness does not increa A. Although B. Though C. Even D. As [单选题]新建、改建、 ( )项目,应当进行隐患专项排查
A.科研 B.建设 C.扩建 D.整改 [单选题]实施雷达管制移交时,移交方应当( )。
A. 在航空器进入接受方所辖区域前完成雷达管制移交 B. 在雷达识别的转换被接受后及时与航空器脱离联络 C. 保持标牌与相应的目标相关 D.A.B和C [判断题](判断题). 保留样品是和实验室样品不同的样品。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]抱杆就位后,四侧拉线应( ),组塔过程中应有专人值守。
A.放松 B.收紧 C.固定 D.不固定 [单选题]坚持(),贯彻战备法规,提高体系化、实案化、精准化战备水平,有效防范化解重大安全风险、应对处置各类灾害事故。
A.英勇顽强 B.平战一体 C.不怕牺牲 D.勇敢抗击 [单项选择]
Theodore Dreiser is old-he is very, very old. I do not know how many years he has lived, perhaps forty, perhaps fifty, but he is very old. Something gray and bleak and hurtful, that has been in the world perhaps forever, is personified in him. [单项选择]·You will hear a news report in which the anchor will introduce you to a reporter who will look back at the stock market crash of 1929.
·For each question 23—30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.
·You will hear the recording twice.On October 29, 1929 the stock market lost ______ dollars’ paper value in a few hours.
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