Until recently, most American
entrepreneurs (企业家)were men. Discrimination against women in business, the
demands of caring for families, and lack of business training had kept the
number of women entrepreneurs small. Now, however, businesses owned by women
account for more than $40 billion in annual revenues, and this figure is likely
to continue rising throughout the 1980s. As Carolyn Doppelt Gray, an official of
the Small Business Administration, has noted, "The 1970s was the decade of women
entering management, and the 1980s has turned out to be the decade of the woman
entrepreneur." What are some of the factors behind this trend For one thing, as more women earn advanced degrees in business and enter the corporate world, they are finding obstacles. Women are still excluded from most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor, a manageme A. women were not trained in business B. women lacked ability to work in business C. women were required to stay at home with their families D. women face discrimination in business [判断题]网络军事安全从其本质上来说,是网络计算机上的军事信息安全。
A.0-2.5 B.0-0.6 C.0-1.6 [多选题]在直接接触法直探头探伤时,底波消失的原因是:()。
A.耦合不良 B.存在与声束不垂直的平面缺陷 C.存在与始脉冲不能分开的近表面缺陷 [单选题]男性,35岁,发热,,胸部持续性钝痛二天,胸痛于仰卧时加剧,向左臂放射,用硝酸甘油无效,心音减低,伴舒张期附加音,Bp110/80mmHg下肢水肿,静脉压180mm水柱,ECGST段抬高,弓背向下,未见Q波,诊断最可能为
A. 急性心肌梗死 B. 缩窄性心包炎 C. 变异型心绞痛 D. 稳定型心绞痛 E. 急性渗出性心包炎 [单项选择]以下关于商业银行依法冻结单位存款的说法正确的是()。
A. 被冻结的款项如需解冻,应由被冻结单位提出申请,并说明被冻结原因,银行视情况决定是否解冻 B. 冻结期满前,如有特殊原因需要延长冻结的,人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关应当办理继续冻结手续,每次续冻期限最长为1年 C. 逾期未办理继续冻结手续的,视为自动撤销冻结 D. 如果冻结单位存款发生失误,只能在六个月冻结期后解除冻结 [单选题]SF6电流互感器投运前,应检查无漏气,气体压力指示与()规定相符,三相气压应调整一致。
A.制造厂 B.出厂 C.铭牌 D.国家 [单选题] 游梁式抽油机曲柄平衡的平衡方式代号为( )。
A. 、 Y B. 、 Q C. 、B. D. 、F. [单选题]迅速出血后出现休克症状,表明至少已丢失全身总血量的:
A.10% B.15% C.20% D.25% E.30% [单项选择]某建筑公司和某城建公司组成了一个联合体去投标,他们在共同投标协议中约定如果在施工中出现质量问题而遭建设单位索赔,各自承担索赔额50%,后来在施工中由于建筑公司的施工技术问题出现了质量问题,因此遭到索赔,索赔额是10万元,但建设单位却仅仅要求城建公司赔付这笔钱,城建公司拒绝了建设单位的要求,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 质量事故的出现是由建筑公司的技术原因,应由建筑公司负责 B. 共同投标协议中约定了各自承担50%责任,应由双方共同承担,不应由城建公司独自出钱 C. 城建公司有权拒绝先行赔付 D. 共同承包的各方对承包合同的履行承担连带责任,建设单位可以向任何一方要求承担赔偿责任 [多项选择]肾细胞癌的“肾外表现”不包括( )
A. 皮疹 B. 血沉快 C. 高血压 D. 高钾血症 E. 红细胞增多症 [填空题]
下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2~5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 {{B}}
60th Anniversary Ceremony in
1 With thousands of soldiers and war veterans parading across Moscow’s Red Square and fighter jets screaming overhead, Russia celebrated the 60th anniversary of defeating Nazi Germany. More than 50 world leaders, including China’s President Hu Jintao, attended the ceremony. 2 Speaking at the start of the parade, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin praised all those who fought for freedom and independence. "The war shows that resorting to force to solve problems will result in tragedy for the world, so a peaceful order should be safeguarded (护卫) based on security, justice and cultural exchange," Putin said. "Faced with the real threat of terrorism today, we must remain faithful to the memory of our fathers. It is our duty to defend a world order based on security a [单项选择]在“由是遍索两经,先求难易,反复更秋”中,“更”之义为()
A. 再 B. 改 C. 交替 D. 经过 [填空题]DC24V电源为列车____、指示灯、司机室操纵台、电笛等设备供电。
[单选题]某行业的产品比较完善,市场迅速扩大,企业的销售额和利润迅速增长,则该行业处于行业生命周期的( )。
A.形成期 B.成长期 C.成熟期 D.衰退期 [单选题]正常足月妊娠时,羊水量约为
A.500ml B.800ml C.1000ml D.250ml E.350ml [判断题]没有安装避雷针就不可能避免雷击的破坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]《永州八记》中一直为人们传诵的一篇是()。
A.胃肠减压 B.抗感染治疗 C.禁饮食 D.输液 E.急诊手术 [单选题]在预案单位开展的梯次演练,是重点单位演练的( )的过程。
A.合成练习 B.分解练习 C.组合练习 D.协同练习 我来回答: 提交