Let us assume, for the moment, that
labor m not prepared to work for a lower money-wage and that a reduction in the
existing level of money-wages would lead, through strikes or otherwise, to a
withdrawal from the labor market of labor which is now employed. Does it follow
from this that the existing level of real wages accurately measures the marginal
disutility of labor Not necessarily. For, although a reduction in the existing
money-wage would lead to a withdrawal of labor, it does not follow that a fall
in the value of the existing money-wage in terms of wage-goods would do so, if
it were due to a rise in the price of the latter. In other words, it may be the
case that within a certain range the demand of labor is for a minimum money-wage
and not for a minimum real wage. The classical school has tacitly assumed that
this would A. a fall in the value of real wages would lead to a withdrawal of the labor from market of labor B. a reduction in the existing level of money-wages would lead to a withdrawal from the labor market of labor C. the supply of labor is not a function of real wages D. the demand of labor is only for a minimum money-wages [单选题]外劳宫、肩井、后溪、悬钟及阿是穴可用于治疗
A.头痛 B.眩晕 C.落枕 D.漏肩风 [判断题] 物质在燃烧时生成的气体、蒸气和固体物质称为燃烧产物。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]起重机械在吊装作业过程中,有关部门应派专人进行监护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]MR水成像不包括()。
A. MRA B. MRCP C. MRU D. MRM E. MR涎腺成像 [判断题] 钢轨打磨作业分为小型钢轨打磨机打磨和大型钢轨打磨车打磨。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]110kV以上输电线路杆塔基础按杆塔用途可分为( )。
A.直线杆塔基础 B.耐张杆塔基础 C.转角杆塔基础 D.钢管杆塔基础 [单项选择]工程质量验收合格后,建设单位应在工程验收合格之日起( )日内,向工程所在地的政府建设行政主管部门备案。
A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 18 [简答题]阅读下述说明,回答问题1至问题3,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】A公司是从事粮仓自动通风系统开发和集成的企业,公司内的项目管理部作为研发与外部的接口,在销售人员的协助下完成与客户的需求沟通。某日,销售人员小王给项目管理部提交了一条信息,说客户甲要求对“JK型产品的P1组件更换为另外型号的组件”的可行性进行技术评估。项目经理接到此信息后,发出正式通知让研发部门修改JK型产品并进行了测试,再把修改后的产品给客户试用。但客户甲对此非常不满,因为他们的意图并不是要单一改变JK产品的这个P1组件,而还要求把JK产品的P1组件放到其他型号产品的外壳中,上述技术评估只是他们需求的一个方面。经项目管理部了解,销售部其实知道客户的目的,只是认为P1组件的评估是最关键的,所以只向项目经理提到这个要求,而未向项目经理说明详细情况。【问题1】(8分)请分析上案例中A公司在管理中主要存在哪些问题导致客户非常不满。【问题2】(5分)请简要叙述需求管理流程的主要内容。【问题3】(12分)请简要叙述上述案例中,项目经理在接到销售部的信息后应如何处理。
[单选题]橡皮艇救援方式正确的是( )
A.顺流航行时,需多运用缓行区以及回旋区来缓慢速度或是横渡河流以得到需要的航行速度。 B.逆流航行时更应注意运用;船艇渡河时,应将船头向上游,以45度角偏向欲抵达的岸边方向航行。 C.接近溺水者时,除非不得已,可航行的船艇应由下游方向去接近溺水者为佳。 D.接近溺水者时,应从上游往下游接近 [多选题]根据《网络安全法》的规定,国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当统筹规划,加大投入,扶持重点网络安全技术产业和项目,( )。
A.支持企业、研究机构和高等学校等参与国家网络安全技术创新项目 B.支持网络安全技术的研究开发和应用 C.推广安全可信的网络产品和服务 D.保护网络技术知识产权 [多选题]主动脉球囊反搏的并发症( )
A.肢体缺血 B.动脉夹层、穿通 C.出血 D.感染 E.血小板减少 [填空题]Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious ________to how they can best ________such changes. Growing bodies need movement and ________, but not just in ways that emphasize competition. ________ they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the ________ that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are ________ by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be ________ to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, ________ , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, ________ student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide ________ opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful ________ dyna
A. A.group B. individual C. personne] D.corporation [单项选择]影响浸出的关键因素是
A. 药材粉碎度 B. 浸出时间 C. 浓度差 D. 浸出温度 E. 浸出溶媒 [单项选择]婴儿尿布洗净后可()。
A. 炉火烘干 B. 阴干 C. 风口吹干 D. 熨干 我来回答: 提交