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发布时间:2024-07-25 23:09:47

[单选题]This passage suggests that an individual's I.Q. __________.
A.can be predicted at birth
B.stays the same throughout his life
C.can be increased by education
D.is determined by his childhood

更多"[单选题]This passage suggests that an "的相关试题:

[单选题]This passage suggests that a good auditorium should_____
A.get rid of all reflections.
B.not have absorbers.
C.achieve a pleasing mixture of sound.
D.have smooth surfaces.
[单选题]请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。 Passage 1 Jatenderpal Singh Bhullar, 25, is a guardsman in Britain. On Dec 11, 2012, he became the first Indian soldier to parade outside Buckingham Palace. He said wearing a turban instead of the famous bearskin was "the best moment of his life". The historical day came as the UK's 2011 census was published. It shows nearly one in seven of the population in 2011 were foreign-born. The increase in the number of immigrants in the country is especially obvious in London. For the first time in history fewer than half the population of London described themselves as "White British". The top source of new immigrants to the country is India. Many other immigrants are from Poland, Pakistan, Ireland and Germany. One major reason for the explosion in the foreign-born population is the accession of 12 countries in the central and eastern Europe to the EU, giving them the right to live and work in the UK, said the office for National statistics, which was responsible for the census. For many immigrants the UK tends to be a good place for life and work. Kissy Meyer, 25,moved to Nottingham from Germany in 2007. "The UK is a great place to live because everyone is so sociable. Apart from the heavy drinking, I love the outgoing lifestyle." She told The Sun. The census results also suggested the English language could be a barrier for immigrants trying to integrate into British society. In 91 percent of households, English is the main language spoken. However, in four percent of British families, no one is brought up speaking English. "Britain needs to do more to help integrate its immigrant population," the Labor leader Ed Miliband said in a speech in London on Dec 14, 2012. The future labor government would make proficiency in the English language a key priority,seeking to achieve what he calls a "connected nation" rather than a "segregated one". "We can only converse if we can speak the same language, so if we are going to build one nation, we need to start with everyone in Britain knowing how to speak English," he said. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? 查看材料
A.The Historical Day
B.Results of a Census
C.Diversity in Britain
D.Immigrants Problems
[单选题]请阅读Passage l。完成第21—25小题。 Passage 1 It's one of our common beliefs that mice are afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has never seen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from it and run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wired into a mouse s brain. But now Wendy Ingram, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, has challenged this common sense. She has found a way to"cure" mice of their inborn fear of cats by infecting them with a parasite, reported the science journal Nature. The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii, might sound unfamiliar to you, but the shocking fact is that up to one-third of people around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseases among humans, especially pregnant women--it is linked to blindness and the death of unborn babies. However, the parasite's effects on mice are unique. Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat's urine(尿) before and after it was infected by the parasite. They noted that normal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infected with the parasite walked freely around the test area. But that's not all. The parasite was found to be more powerful than originally thought—even after researchers cured the mice of the infection. They no longer reacted with fear to a cat's smell,which could indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice's brains. Why does a parasite change a mouse's brain instead of making it sick like it does to humans? The answer lies in evolution. "It's exciting scary to know how a parasite can manipulate a mouse's brain this way," Ingram said. But she also finds it inspiring."Typically if you have a bacterial infection, you go to a doctor and take antibiotics and the infection is cleared and you expect all the symptoms to also go away." She said, but this study has proven that wrong."This may have huge implications for infectious disease medicine." The author's attitude towards the experiment is__________. 查看材料
[单选题]The author suggests the Dr. Mahathir's comments on the currency problems (  ).
A.are poor because they weaken his own credibility
B.are sharp in identifying the cause of the problem
C.prove that he has been a poor leader in general
D.reveal his keen insight into the complex issue
[单选题]Passage 2 Teacher education provided by U.S. colleges and universities has been routinely criticized sinceits inception in the early nineteenth century, sometimes deservedly. These programs, likenon-university programs, are uneven in quality and can be improved. What makes today′ s criticismsdifferent is an aggressive effort by advocacy groups, and self-proclaimed educational entrepreneursto deregulate the preparation of teachers, and to expand independent, alternative routes intoteaching. This effort to "disrupt" the field of teacher preparation in the United States has gainedconsiderable momentum and legitimacy, with venture capitalists, philanthropy, and the U.S. Department of Education all providing sponsorship and substantial funding. The strength of this effort is that the United States may quickly seek to dismantle its universitysystem and replace much of it with independent, private programs. The resulting system of teacherpreparation may differ dramatically in its government, structure, content, and processes movingaway from its current location alongside legal, medical, and other professional preparation that pairsacademic degrees with professional training. Throughout the nation, states are reporting teacher shortages in particular subject areas andgeographical locations, and several states have either passed legislation to lower the standards forbecoming a teacher or, like the state of Washington, have looked toward expanding the number ofteacher education providers to try to fill teaching vacancies. The federal government has contributedto the push to lower standards for becoming a teacher with the Teacher Preparation Academy provision in the new K-12 education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act, which encourages statesto expand the number of independent programs not associated with colleges and universities. Because of the increasing tuition rates, a consequence in part, of cuts in funding to publicuniversities that continue to educate most U.S. teachers, enrollments in college and universityteacher education programs have declined in many parts of the country. Independent teachereducation programs are being viewed by some as an important part of the solution in staffing thenation′s classrooms and addressing our serious and enduring problems in education inequities. Additionally, advocacy groups, philanthropists, and so-called education entrepreneurs are workingaggressively to expand these independent alternative routes into teaching. Given the seriousness of the teacher shortage problem in the United States and the substantialmedia attention that has been given to independent teacher education programs as the solution toteacher shortages and education inequities, policy makers should very carefully examine theevidence that exists about the nature and impact of these relatively new programs that are rapidlyexpanding while university teacher education enrollments decline. Which of the following is true of the independent teacher education programs
A.They are initiated to deal with teacher shortages and education inequities.
B.They aimed to raise the standards of teacher education programs.
C.They compete with the university teacher education programs.
D.They can replace the university teacher education programs.
[单选题]Zhang Jun's teacher suggests that he take a(n)__________language course to improve his English.


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