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发布时间:2024-07-14 06:44:33

[单选题]There is a small risk of brain damage from such an operation.

更多"[单选题]There is a small risk of brain"的相关试题:

[单选题]Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare brain disease.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Brain Drain

1.Brain drain is a phenomenon under which"people of a nation move to another nation due to financial benefits and also due to economical reasons,but there are many more reasons behind it". If we think deeply to the topic,we would find that this phenomenon has more disadvantages than advantages.
2.This phenomenon has many advantages for receiving countries which will automatically benefit from the skills and talents of immigrated people who were educated and qualified in their home countnes.
3.However,developing countries are deeply affected by this phenomenon since they are deprived from millions of their skilled workers, doctors,hardworking Engineers,and billions of man power. Those elites represent the backbone of their economies and once they travel abroad,their economies will not flourish and promote.In fact,there are many reasons behind brain drain.Firstly,the Government is the first responsible for brain drain. The salaries paid by local companies are much less than multinational foreign companies,which pushes millions of intelligent,hardworking Engineers to leave their native countries to look for a better life and opportunities.Secondly,the status and facilities provided by foreign companies are much higher in quality and quantity.Also,some people find it a matter of pride and dignity to work as an employee in foreign countries.
4.But we have to mention that brain drain does not only affect developing countries but also has some advantages for them.People living abroad help foreigners to know about their cultures and traditions.Also,they give information about various natural beauties and tourist spots in their home countries,which encourages tourists to visit them. This in turn increases tourist income.Brain drain also helps in increasing their foreign exchanges.
5.But at last you would find that brain drain has more disadvantages than advantages on developing or poor countries.So,to stop brain drain,local governments should make people aware of its harmful effects.Also Government should provide opportunities to their elites and should provide them with handsome salary so that they can serve their own mother nation. To stop brain drain,local governments should make people aware of______.
A.its harmful effects
B.immigrated people
C.the local government
D.their cultures and traditions
E.the hardworking engineers
F.in quality and quantity
[单选题]The strategies for handling risk comprise of two main types: negative risks,and positive risks. The goal of the plan is to minimize threats and maximize opportunities. When dealing with negative risks, there are three main response strategies – ( ) , Transfer, Mitigate. A.Challenge
[单选题]Risk management allows the project manager and the project team not to()
A.eliminate most risks during the planning phase of the project
B.identify project risks
C.identify impacts of various risks
D.plan suitable responses
[单选题]There is no risk to public health.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories
To sleep.Perchance to file?Findings published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science further support the theory that brain organizes and stows memories formed during the day while the rest of the body is catching zzz's.
Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping rats and mice.Specifically,they examined the electrical activity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex(an area that processes sensory information)and the hippocampus,which is a center for learning and memory.The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regions appear to be intertwined.So-called sleep spindles(bursts of activity from the neocortex)were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampus known as ripples.The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regions is a key step in memory consolidation.
A second study,also published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,links age-associated memory decline to high glucose level.
Previous research had shown that individuals with diabetes suffer from increased memory problems.In the new work,Antonio Convit of New York University School of Medicine and his collaborators studied 30 people whose average age was 69 to investigate whether sugar levels,which tend to increase with age,affect memory in healthy people as well.The scientists administered recall tests,brain scans and glucose tolerance tests,which measure how quickly sugar is absorbed from the blood by the body's issues.Subjects with the poorest memory recollection,the team discovered,also displayed the poorest glucose tolerance.In addition, their brain scans showed more hippocampus shrinkage than those of subjects better able to absorb blood sugar.
"Our study suggests that this impairment may contribute to the memory deficits that occur as people age,"Convit says."And it raises the intriguing possibility that improving glucose tolerance could reverse some age一associated problems in cognition?”Exercise and weights control can help keep glucose level in check,so there may be one more reason to go to the gym. According to the last paragraph,what is the ultimate reason for going to the gym?
A.To prevent hippocampus shrinkage.
B.To control weight.
C.To exercise.
D.To control glucose levels.
[简答题]冠心病的危险因素(risk factor )


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