组播 MAC 地址的作用是在链路层上标识属于同一组播组的接收者
各组播 MAC 地址对应 32 个 IP 组播地址
各组播 MAC 地址唯一对应 1 个 IP 组播地址
组播NAC 地址的高 24 为 00050 第 25 位固定为;MAC 地址的低 23 位组播IP 地址的低 23b
James’s first novels used conventional
narrative techniques: explicit characterization, action which related events in
distinctly phased sequences, settings firmly outlined and specifically
described. But this method gradually gave way to a subtler, more deliberate,
more diffuse style of accumulation of minutely discriminated details whose total
significance the reader can grasp only by constant attention and sensitive
inference. His later novels play down scenes of abrupt and prominent action, and
do not so much offer a succession of sharp shocks as slow piecemeal additions of
perception. The curtain is not suddenly drawn back from shrouded things,
but is slowly moved away. Such a technique is suited to James’s essential subject, which is not human action itself but the states of mind which produce and are produced by human actions and interactions. Jam A. Conventional Narrative Techniques B. The Psychological Novel C. Evolution of Manner from Matter D. Drawing Back the Curtain [判断题]应急救援从低到高分为一至五级,分别用绿、蓝、黄、橙、红四种颜色代表其危险程度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对开具的电费收据换取增值税发票的客户,应按照营销系统内本年累计( )为限额。
A.实收电费 B.预收电费 C.发行电费 D.账户余额 [单项选择]He is a very ______ character; he is never relaxed with strangers.
A. self-confident B. self-conscious C. self-evident D. self-serving [单选题]首先考虑的呼吸诊断是( )
A.焦虑 B.体液不足 C.体液过多 D.气体交换受损 E.睡眠型态紊乱 [单选题] 220kV电压互感器隔离开关作业时,应拉开二次熔断器,这是为了( )。
A.防止反充电; B.防止熔断器熔断; C.防止二次接地; D.防止短路。 [单选题] SS4B型电力机车制动电阻通风支路采用()。
A.独立通风方式 B.车体通风方式 C.混合通风方式 [多项选择]存入银行和按照国家规定购买国债的失业保险基金,分别按照应()计息
A. 城镇居民的同期存款利率 B. 银行贷款利率 C. 国债利息 D. 国家优惠利率 [单项选择]我国并没有经历资本主义社会的充分发展,而是由封建社会过渡到半封建半殖民地社会,最终进入社会主义社会。这说明
A. 生产关系一定要适合生产力状况的规律在某些历史条件下不起作用 B. 社会发展道路具有多样性而没有统一性 C. 社会发展规律在一定条件下可以改变 D. 共性寓于个性之中 [单项选择]已知年利率为15%,按季度计息,则有效利率为( )。
A. 15.56% B. 12.86% C. 15.08% D. 15.87% [单项选择]患儿,3岁。挤眉眨眼,嘴角抽动,肢体动摇,发作无常,纳少便溏,舌淡苔白,脉滑弱。其治法是()
A. 清肝泻火,熄风镇惊 B. 健脾化痰,平肝熄风 C. 滋阴潜阳,柔肝熄风 D. 温中健脾,扶土抑木 E. 固本培无,益阴潜阳 我来回答: 提交