Passage 3 Date: 26 Jan. 1993 From: the Kwangtung provincial bank, H. K. Corporate division-treasury Foreign exchange market: Dollar continued its weakness and dropped almost two pfennigs against mark on Monday dealing. Traders’ sentiment was changing greatly. At the beginning of this year, dollar rallied due to positive sentiment that the economy would recover in the expected fashion and German interest rate would ease soon. However, the hopes were dashed after a series worse-than-expected data were released and reluctance to cut rate by German Bundesbank. It seemed that the present us-German interest rate differential would be unlikely to narrow. On Monday trading, technical factor drove dollar further lower and it was quoted as low as 1.57 marks. Some dealers were quite bearish towards dollar, [多选题]根据《民法典》的规定,下列侵权责任的侵权主体承担过错推定责任的有( )。
A.污染环境侵权 B.高度危险作业侵权 C.堆放物倒塌、滚落或者滑落造成他人损害 D.医疗损害责任中医院拒绝提供与纠纷有关的病历资料 E.因产品存在缺陷造成他人损害 [判断题]在配电站的带电区域内或临近带电线路处,禁止使用金属梯子。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,45岁。入院诊断为急性胰腺炎。治疗2周后体温仍在38~39℃,左上腹部压痛,且能扪及一包块,局部触痛明显。尿淀粉酶256U,血白细胞20×109/L。下列哪种情况可能性大
A. 急性胰腺炎迁延不愈 B. 急性胰腺炎并发脓肿 C. 急性胰腺炎并发假性囊肿 D. 急性胰腺炎合并局限性腹膜炎 E. 急性胰腺炎合并急性胆囊炎 [单选题]各单位应严格落实互联网接入备案、审批授权使用规定;应部署上网行为管控策略,统一接入,统一管理;禁止( )无线路由、无线AP、便携式WiFi等设备。
A.私设 B.接入 C.连接 D.安装 [单项选择]
Unlike many scientists who work with microscopes, telescopes or some kind of laboratory equipment to perform experiments in order to solve problems they are working on, or find the answers they are looking for, Albert Einstein was a different kind of scientist. He did not perform experiments to prove his theories. He devoted his entire genius to conceiving. (构想) and developing (推导) ideas, and then turning them into written mathematical formulas. [单项选择]三资企业比其他企业需要特别上交的客户档案是( )。
A. 借款人的营业执照 B. 法人代码证的复印件 C. 担保人的开户情况 D. 企业成立的批文、公司章程 [单项选择]既发散风寒,又燥湿止带()
A. 荆芥 [单选题]在信号集中监测系统中车站系统上位机通过()与服务器进行数据交换。
A.下位机 B.CAN卡 C.高速串口 D.网卡 [单项选择]显示图层调板的快捷键是()。
A. F5 B. F9 C. F3 D. F7 [填空题]为鉴别变压器油质好坏, 应对变压器油进行( )。
[填空题]The Great Depression spread from the US to the rest of the capitalist world, yet it affected the Americans the most. It gave (66) to the fear that such catastrophes would (67) (occur)or even that the American economy would live in a s (68) of permanent depression unless radical changes were m (69) in the economic system. The fear is now gone, partly because that analysis was judged faulty. Changes in institutions and policies that sta (70) the economy also helped to dispel those fears. People’s worry per (71) about the possibility of less severe, but still debilitating (使虚弱) , recessions, (72) But the experience of the postwar years has provided two lessons;
First, the only serious recessions in which US unemployment rose to highs of 9 percent and 11 percent re (73) , came after fairly high inflation. Second, even recessions of that depth later on t (74) out to be less painful than h [判断题]没有电压就没有电流,没有电流就没有电压。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]本规程适用于在运用中的( )电气设备上及相关场所工作的所有人员,其他单位和相关人员参照执行。
A.发电 B.输电 C.变电(包括特高压、高压直流) D.配电和用户 [单项选择]在肌肉中查不到的寄生虫是( )
A. 旋毛虫幼虫 B. 猪囊尾蚴 C. 曼氏迭宫绦虫裂头蚴 D. 并殖吸虫 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]快开门式压力容器一般投入使用后()年内进行首次定期检验。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.6 [多选题](中)( )加强党的纪律建设, 重点强化( )和( )。
A.政治纪律 B.廉洁纪律 C.组织纪律 D.工作纪律 [多选题]现金投放的渠道主要有()。
A.居民储蓄存款支出 B.工资及对个人其他支出 C.采购支出 D.商品回笼 [判断题]在水枪打击火势的同时,应打开门(窗)进行自然排烟,视情使用开花或者喷雾射流进行人工排烟,减少热烟气对儿童、老人的侵害。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]认证技术主要解决网络通信过程中通信双方的【 】认可。
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